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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Theories of Dialogue in Grice -- and early Italian renaissance

Luigi Speranza

--- Snyder has studied "theories of dialogue" and 'honest deception'.

Department of French and Italian
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4140
Telephone: 805.893.2220
Telefax: 805.893.8826
Education and degrees
1. United States
1982 Yale University, Ph.D., Comparative Literature
Yale University, M.Phil., Comparative Literature
Princeton University, A.B., Comparative Literature
2. Overseas (non-degree)
1982 Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, 15o corso di perfezionamento per italianisti
Università di Roma (La Sapienza)
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Curso de Lengua y Cultura Españolas
Université de Paris III
Awards and honors

"Istituto Italiano degli Studi Filosofici",
Naples, Italy:
grant for research and publication

UCSB Interdisciplinary Humanities Center Research Fellow (Spring Quarter)

UC Santa Barbara Foundation’s Distinguished Faculty Teacher Award

Fondazione Cassamarca, Treviso (Italy), Research
Grant for California/Italy Cultural Relations (40.000.000 lire)

Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Translation Subsidy
($5000), Villa I Tatti

Lila Wallace Fellow, Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies


Fulbright Senior Research Scholar, Italy (alternate)

Huntington Library Resident Fellowship

Fulbright Junior Research Scholar, Italy

NEH Twelve-Month Fellowship for Independent Study and Research

NEH Summer Stipend for Younger Humanists

Regents’ Summer Faculty Fellowship, UC San Diego

Fulbright Grant for Graduate Study in Italy (one year)

Teaching experience


1995-2000 Full Professor of Italian Studies and Comparative Literature, UC Santa Barbara

Associate Professor of Italian Studies and Comparative Literature, UC Santa Barbara


Visiting Professor (a contratto), Dipartimento di Filosofia Teorica, Università degli Studi di Torino

Associate Professor of Comparative and Italian Literature, UC San Diego

1985 Visiting Professor (a contratto), Istituto di Filologia e Lingue Germaniche, Università degli Studi di Macerata

1982-88 Assistant Professor of Comparative and Italian Literature, UC San Diego

Published work


Snyder, Jon R. Writing the Scene of Speaking: Theories of Dialogue in the Late Italian Renaissance. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
---. L’estetica del Barocco. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2005.
---. Snyder, Jon R. A Estética do Barroco. Lisbon: Editorial Estampa, 2007.
----. Dissimulation and the Culture of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe. Berkeley/London: University of California Press, 2009. xi-280.
----. La dissimulazione. Saggio sul comportamento
celato nell’Antico Regime. Biblioteca del Cinquecento. Rome: Bulzoni, forthcoming.
----. Edition and translation of G.B. Andreini’s Love in the Mirror [1622], with translator’s introduction. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe, new series 2. Toronto: CRRS, 2009. vii-244.
----. “Linguaggio, storia, antiutopia.” Alfabeta: Mensile di informazione culturale, Vol. 6, No. 57 (febbraio
1984): 19. (2375 words)

“1984 et la poétique de la parodie.” L’Arc,
No. 94, Septembre 1984: 96-104. (4000 words)

“De Man/Bakhtin: Deconstruction and Dialogism.” Rivista di estetica, No. 17 (1984): 34-52. (7950 words)

“Narrative Frames in George Orwell’s 1984:
Diary, Book, and Appendix.” Versus: Quaderni di studi semiotici, No. 40 (gennaio-aprile 1985): 73-90. (6000 words)

(5) Snyder, Jon R. “The City of the Sun and the Poetics of the Utopian Dialogue.” Stanford Italian Review, Vol. 5, No. 2
(Fall 1985): 175-187. (5100 words)
Reprinted in Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, Vol. 32, ed.
Jennifer A. Brostrom, Gerald R. Barterian, and Mary L. Onorato (Detroit: Gale, Inc., 1996): 209-213.

(6) Snyder, Jon R. “Translator’s Introduction.” The End of Modernity: Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Post-Modern
Culture, by Gianni Vattimo. Cambridge (UK): Polity Press, 1988; Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988 (revised paperback version 1991). vi-lviii. (17,500 words)

“La maschera dialogica. La teoria del dialogo di Sperone Speroni.”
Filologia veneta, No. 2

(8) Snyder, Jon R. “The Last Laugh: Literary Theory and the
Academy in Late Renaissance Florence.” Annals of Scholarship:
Metastudies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 6,
No. 1 (1989): 37-55. (7000 words)

(9) Snyder, Jon R. “Riso, beffa e potere: la poetica della novella
di Francesco Bonciani dell’Accademia degli Alterati.” La novella italiana: atti del convegno di Caprarola, 19-24 settembre 1988,
Biblioteca di Filologia e Critica III (Rome: Salerno Editrice, 1993): 939-955. (6250 words)

(10) Snyder, Jon R. “Giochi pericolosi: La Pellegrina di Girolamo Bargagli.” Passare il tempo. La letteratura del gioco e dell’
intrattenimento dal XII al XVI secolo: atti del convegno di
Pienza, 10-14 settembre 1991, Biblioteca di Filologia e Critica III (Rome: Salerno Editrice, 1993): 827-844. (6250 words)

(11) Snyder, Jon R. “Appunti sulla politica e l’estetica della dissimulazione tra Cinque e Seicento.” Cheiron, Vol. XI, No. 22 (1994): 23-43.

(12) Snyder, Jon R. “Il disincanto del corpo: simulazione e dissimulazione nella Civil conversazione di Stefano Guazzo.”

Stefano Guazzo e Casale tra Cinque e Seicento, ed. Daniela Ferrari (Rome: Bulzoni, 1997): 309-321.

(13) Snyder, Jon R. “Norbert Elias’s The Civilizing Process and
the Critique of Conduct.” Educare il corpo, educare la parola nella trattatistica del Rinascimento, eds. Giorgio Patrizi and Amedeo Quondam, Biblioteca del Cinquecento 80 (Rome: Bulzoni, 1998): 289-307.

(14) “I grandi scrittori e l’Italia.” In Storia della letteratura italiana. L’Italia fuori d’Italia. Vol. 12, ed. Enrico Malato (Rome: Salerno Editrice, 2002): 579-634.

(15) “Mare magnum: the Arts in Early Modern Italy.” In The Oxford Short History of Italy. Vol. 4: Early Modern Italy, 1550-1796, ed. John A. Marino. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002: 143-165.

(16) “Wilde/Italy: Nationalism and Religion in the Early Poetry of Oscar Wilde.” In The Importance of Being Misunderstood: an Homage to Oscar Wilde, ed. Giovanna Franci (Bologna: Patron Editore, 2002): 305-322.

(17) “Sincerity in 17th-Century Italy.” In special issue of Rinascimento: rivista dell’Istituto Italiano di studi sul Rinascimento, 2nd series, vol. XLIII, 2003: 265-286.

(18) “Truth and Wonder in Naples circa 1640.” In Culture and Authority in the Baroque, eds. Massimo Ciavolella and Patrick Coleman (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2005): 85-105.

(19) “G.B. Andreini.” Routledge Encyclopedia of Italian Literature, ed. Gaetana Marrone-Puglia (New York: Routledge, 2006). I: 36-38.

(20) “Mannerism and Baroque.” Routledge Encyclopedia of Italian Literature, ed. Gaetana Marrone-Puglia (New York: Routledge, 2006). II: 1125-1130.

(21) “Calvino e il Barocco.” Italo Calvino y la cultura de Italia, eds. Mariapia Lamberti e Franca Bizzoni (Mexico City: UNAM, 2007), 103-114. ISBN 978-970-32-45055.

(22) “Amor nello specchio di G.B. Andreini: tra teatro e cinema.” In Dalla letteratura al cinema (e ritorno), ed. Alessandro Marini (Olomoucs, CZ: 2006).

(23) “Tesauro and the Truths of Language,” forthcoming in Truth and Falsehood in Early Modern Italy, eds. Walter Stephens and Julia Hairston, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. (8,000 words)

----. “The Uses of Prose: Dialogue and Novella,” The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Renaissance, ed. Michael Wyatt (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming). (8000 words)

(25) “Translator’s Introduction,” in G.B. Andreini, Love in the Mirror [1622], ed. and transl. Jon R. Snyder. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe, new series, Vol. 2, Toronto: CRRS, 2009. 1-36. (13,000 words)

(26) “Publish (f)or Paris?: G.B. Andreini in France, ” Renaissance Drama, Vols. 36/37 (2009), special issue on “Italy and the Drama of Europe.” (8600 words)

(27) “Bodies of Water: the Mediterranean in Italian Baroque Theater,” California Italian Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2009-2010), Special issue on Italy and the Mediterranean. http://escholarship.org/uc/ismrg_cisj
(10,000 words)

(28) “Gesto e potere a Napoli,” in Il gesto e il potere, ed. Marcello Fantoni (Rome: Bulzoni, forthcoming). (8000 words)

(29) “The Culture of Defiguration,” Ars Aeterna, forthcoming 2010. Special issue on “Unfolding the Baroque: Cultures & Concepts.”

(1) Snyder, Jon R. Translation of “The Semantics of Metaphor,” by Umberto Eco, in The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1979): 67-89.

(2) Snyder, Jon R. Translation of “Prefazione all’edizione ucraina
della Fattoria degli animali di George Orwell.” Alfabeta: Mensile
di informazione culturale, Vol. 6, No. 57 (febbraio 1984): 20.

(3) Snyder, Jon R. Translation of “Myth and the Fate of Secularization,” by Gianni Vattimo, in Res: A Journal of Anthropology and Aesthetics, No. 9 (Spring 1985): 29-35. Reprinted in The Invisible in Architecture, eds. Ole Bouman and Roemer Van Toorn (London: Academy Group Ltd.; Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 1994): 244-253.

(4) Snyder, Jon R. and Re, Lucia. Translations (89 pages) in The ‘Macchiaioli’: Painters of Italian Life, 1850-1900. Eds. Edith Tonelli and Katherine Hart. Exh. catalogue (Los Angeles: The Frederick S. Wight Gallery, 1986).

(5) Snyder, Jon R. Translation of The End of Modernity: Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Post-Modern Culture, by Gianni Vattimo.
Cambridge (UK): Polity Press, 1988; Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1988 (revised paperback edition 1991). vi-190.

(6) Snyder, Jon R. Translator and text editor, “Stile floreale Theme Issue,” The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, No. 13 (Summer 1989).

(7) Snyder, Jon R. Translation of Enrica Torelli Landini, Attilio Calzavara: Works and Commissions of an Anti-Fascist Designer
(Florence: Amalthea, 1994). i-ix+171.

(8) Snyder, Jon R. Translator, Dosso’s Fate: Painting and Court Culture in Renaissance Italy, eds. Luisa Ciammitti, Steven F. Ostrow and Salvatore Settis. Issues and Debates No. 5 (Los Angeles: The Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and
the Humanities, 1998). 15-40, 83-175, 263-287, and 309-369.

(9) Snyder, Jon R. Translator, Nietzsche and “An Architecture of Our Minds”, eds. Alexandre Kostka and Irving Wohlfarth. Issues and Debates No. 6 (Los Angeles: The Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1999). 91-113, 233-255, and 311-332.

(10) Snyder, Jon R. Translation of G.B.Andreini, Love in the Mirror [1622] (50,000 words). The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe, new series, Vol. 2 (Toronto: CRRS, 2009). Bilingual edition with translator’s introduction and notes. vii-244.


(1) Snyder, Jon R. Review of the Einaudi Letteratura italiana, ed. Alberto Asor Rosa (Turin: Einaudi, 1983), Vol. I, in Annals of
Scholarship, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1984): 97-100.

(2) Snyder, Jon R. Review of Carmelo Samonà’s Fratelli (Turin: Einaudi, 1978) and Il custode (Turin: Einaudi, 1983), in Alfabeta,
Vol. 17, No. 68 (gennaio 1985): 17.

(3) Snyder, Jon R. Review of Renzo Bragantini, Il riso sotto il
velame. La novella cinquecentesca tra l’avventura e la norma
(Florence: Olschki, 1987), in Modern Language Review, Vol. 85,
Part 1 (1989): 211-213.

(4) Snyder, Jon R. “Building, Thinking and Politics: Mies van der
Rohe, Martin Heidegger, and the Nazis.” Review essay in The
Journal of Architectural Education, Vol. 46, No. 4 (May 1993): 260-265.

(5) Snyder, Jon R. Review of Hermann Grosser, La sottigliezza del
disputare. Teorie degli stili e teorie dei generi in età rinascimentale
e nel Tasso (Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1992), in Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 1 (Winter 1994): 155-156.

(6) Snyder, Jon R. Review of Peter Burke, The Fortunes of the ‘Courtier’ (College Park: Penn State University Press, 1996 [1995]), in The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 71, No. 3 (September 1999): 732-734.

(7) Snyder, Jon R. Review of Stanley Stewart, ‘Renaissance’ Talk. Ordinary Language and the Mystique of Critical Problems
(Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1997), in
Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 52, No. 3 (Fall 1999): 917-918.

(8) Snyder, Jon R. Review of Arnaud Tripet, Poétique du secret: Paradoxes et maniérisme (Paris: Champion, 2007), in Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 61, No. 3 (Fall 2008): 976-978.

Work in progress

(1) Snyder, Jon R. Translation of The Architectural Notebooks
of Aldo Rossi, Sketchbooks and Albums Series (Los Angeles:
The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities). Submitted for e-publication (120,000 words).

(2) Snyder, Jon R. Edition and translation of Della dissimulazione onesta by Torquato Accetto. In progress.

(3) The Culture of Defiguration: Anamorphosis in Early Modern Europe. Book project currently in progress.


(77) “Dissimulation and the Culture of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe: Looking Back and Looking Ahead,” Department of Italian, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, May 12, 2010

(76) “Dissimulation and the Culture of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe: Looking Back and Looking Ahead,” De Bosis Colloquium, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, April 14, 2010

(75) “«E’ un bel momento nella vita d’uomo»: Edmondo De Amicis and the Emotions of the New Italian Traveler,” ASMI conference, London, England, November 27-28, 2009

(74) “The Baroque and World Writing,” UCSB International Conference on World Literature, November 18, 2009

(73) “Galileo and Literature,” presentation at the interdisciplinary symposium “Galileo, the Universe and God,” Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, November 12, 2009

(72) “Publish (f)or Paris?: G.B. Andreini in France,” paper read at the conference “Italy in the Drama of Europe,” UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, April 25, 2009

(71) “The Culture of Defiguration,” paper read at the conference “The Baroque: Extensions of a Concept,”, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California, April 17, 2009

(70) “Unfoldings: Reflections on the Baroque Aesthetic,” paper read at the Renaissance Society of America annual meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 21, 2009

(69) “La pittura in movimento,” paper read at the Istituto degli Studi Filosofici, Naples, Italy, February 19, 2009

(68) “Il grado zero della parola: Michel de Certeau e la favola mistica,” paper read at the Istituto degli Studi Filosofici, Naples, Italy, February 18, 2009

(67) “Deleuze, Leibniz e la piega: il labirinto della materia,” paper read at the Istituto degli Studi Filosofici, Naples, Italy, February 17, 2009

(66) “Benjamin in lutto: l’arte del frammento,” paper read at the Istituto degli Studi Filosofici, Naples, Italy, February 16, 2009

(65) Moderator, “From 1968 to Today,” panel at the conference “1968: A Global Year of Student Driven Change,” University of California, Santa Barbara, November 20-22, 2008

(64) “Against Physiognomy: Confounding appearances in Baroque Europe,” paper read at the international conference “Physiognomy, From the Renaissance to the Age of Revolution
(17th & 18th Centuries),” University of London, November 6-8, 2008

(63) “Viaggi mediterranei nel teatro barocco," paper read at the international conference "Topografia della memoria: In viaggio con Sindibad tra spazio e tempo nel Mediterraneo," Wake Forest University, Venice, Italy, June 24-25, 2008

(62) “’Chi non sa dissimulare non sa regnare’: la politica della dissimulation nella prima modernità,” seminar in the Department of Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Torino, April 15, 2008

(61) “’Quasi fuor di se stesso’: le strategie della dissimulazione nella prima modernità,” seminar in the Department of Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Torino, April 14, 2008

(60) “La cultura barocca della segretezza,” paper read at the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale,” November 16, 2007

(59) “Senza parole: usi e abusi della segretezza nell’Europa barocca,” paper read at the international conference “I gesti del potere,” Università Degli Studi Di Teramo – Facoltà Di Scienze Della Comunicazione, October 22-23, 2007

(58) “Experiments on stage and screen with Baroque comedy,” paper read at Dartmouth College, March 1, 2007

(57) “Experiments on stage and screen with Baroque comedy,” paper read at Harvard University, February 27, 2007

(56) “Looking at the Baroque Today,” public lecture at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA, February 1, 2007 (broadcast several times on Channel 21, Santa Barbara, the week of February 4-10, 2008)

(55) “G.B. Andreini and the ‘New Comedy’ in Baroque Italy,” paper read at the Renaissance Society of America meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 25, 2006

(54) “The Baroque,” public lecture at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA, February 16, 2006

(53) “Corda e sapone: new documents of the Italian immigrant experience in the USA,” public lecture for the UNICO Foundation, Santa Barbara, November 17, 2005

(52) “Amor nello specchio di G.B. Andreini: tra teatro e cinema,” paper read at international symposium, “Dalla letteratura al cinema (e ritorno),” Olomoucs (CZ), October 21, 2005

(51) “Calvino e il Barocco,” paper read at the VII Giornate Internazionali Di Studi Italiani, UNAM, Mexico City, September 22, 2005

(50) “The Subject of Art: Painting and Performativity in Early Modern Venice,” paper co-authored with Robert Williams (UCSB) and read at the 4th annual CICIS conference, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, February 26, 2005

(49) “Art and Truth in Seicento Italy,” paper read at international symposium on “Truth and Falsehood in Early Modern Italy,” Villa Spelman, Johns Hopkins University, Florence, Italy, October 14-16, 2004

(48) “Il corpo nella letteratura barocca italiana,” paper read at conference, “La cultura del corpo in Francia e in Italia nell’età classica”, Institut Français de Naples, Naples, Italy, June 3, 2004

(47) “The Unspeakable Art: Dissimulation and the Baroque Body,” paper read at “La physiognomonie entre sémiologie, morale et politique,” colloquium organized by the European Science Foundation, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, December 5, 2003

(46) “Love in the Mirror: Baroque Theater and Libertinism in Northern Italy,” invited lecture given at New York University, January 28, 2002

(45) “L’emigrazione italiana e la lingua italiana in America,” invited lecture given at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Münich, Germany, October 30, 2001

(44) “Il Barocco e la rappresentazione delle passioni,” invited lecture given at University of Passau, Germany, October 29, 2001, and at University of Regensburg, Germany, October 30, 2001

(43) “Unnatural Acts: The Marvelous in Naples circa 1640,” paper read at conference, “Culture and Authority in the Baroque: Poetry and Wonder,” Clark Library, Los Angeles, California, May 5, 2001

(42) “Wilde/Italy: Oscar Wilde, Italy and the Contradictions of Modernity,” paper read at the international conference “The Importance of Being Misunderstood: Homage to Oscar Wilde,” University of Bologna, Italy, November 11, 2000

(41) “Sincerity in Seventeenth-Century Florence: Salvator Rosa and Lorenzo Lippi,” paper read at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy, March 23, 2000

(40) “Authority and Subjectivity in Baroque Italy,” paper read at New York University, February 3, 2000 (and televised live to the Università di Roma/La Sapienza)

(39) “Pinocchio’s Hunger,” presentation at symposium on “Pinocchio’s Noses,” Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Los Angeles, December 6, 1999

(38) “Painting and Philosophy in Early Modern Florence,” paper read at UC Berkeley, October 28, 1999

(37) “The Status of Translation Today,” presentation at symposium on “Translation Studies and the University,” UCLA Center for Modern Studies, February 6, 1999

(36) “Dissimulazione, ragion di stato e passioni fra ‘500 e ‘600, ovvero soggetti e segreti nell’Antico Regime,” seminar, Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche, Università degli Studi di Bologna, March 18, 1998

(35) “Norbert Elias’s The Civilizing Process: A Reassessment,” paper read at the UCSB Cultural Studies Colloquium, March 4, 1998

(34) “Penelope’s Tears: Secrecy and the Subject in Early Modern Europe,” paper read at New York University, January 22, 1998

(33) “Tasso and the Culture of Secrecy in Early Modern Italy,” paper read at Columbia University, January 21, 1998

(32) Chair, Session on “Political and Cultural Codes,” XVI Congress, A.I.S.L.L.I., Los Angeles, October 6, 1997

(31) “La dissimulazione fra letteratura e filosofia morale nel Seicento,” paper read at the III Giornate di Studi Italiani, UNAM, Mexico City, September 26, 1997

(30) “Painting, Philosophy and Politics in Early Modern Florence,” paper read at the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, UCSB, February 26, 1997

(29) “Norbert Elias’s The Civilizing Process: A Critical Assessment,” paper read at the symposium Educare il corpo, educare la parola nella trattatistica del Rinascimento, Rome, May 18, 1996

(28) “L’arte aulica tardorinascimentale,” seminar, Università degli Studi di Pisa, May 9, 1996

(27) “Aut tace aut loquere meliora silentio: Dissimulazione e oralità,” paper read at Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, March 21, 1996

(26) “La politica e l’estetica della dissimulazione tra ‘500 e ‘600,” paper read at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan), April 7, 1995

(25) “Machiavelli Today,” paper read at Georgetown University, Villa le Balze (Florence), April 4, 1995

(24) “Confidence Games: The Politics and Aesthetics of Dissimulation in Early Modern Europe,” paper read at the University of California, Riverside, for the 19th Annual Colloquium of the Department of Literatures and Languages, March 15, 1995

(23) “Pirandello senza maschere,” “La cognizione del dolore: Gadda e Bakhtin,” “La semiotica di Cesare Segre,” three seminars, Università degli Studi di Verona, December 1, 7, and 14, 1994

(22) “Simulazione e dissimulazione nella Civil conversazione,” paper read at the symposium “Stefano Guazzo e Casale tra Cinque e Seicento,” Casale Monferrato, October 23, 1993

(21) “Dissimulation and the Discourse on Conduct in Sixteenth-Century Italy,” paper read at the international colloquium “Conduct Books in the Renaissance,” Folger Library, Washington, DC, April 7-9, 1993

(20) “‘Tante latebre e tanti recessi’: Dissimulation in Castiglione’s Il Cortegiano,” paper read at the Modern Language Association Convention, December 28, 1992

(19) Respondent, “Pietro Aretino and the Counter-Renaissance,” International Congress, Clark Library, Los Angeles, October 28, 1992

(18) “Il neostoricismo e la crisi del soggetto,” paper read at the Università di Roma II (Tor Vergata), April 8, 1992

(17) “Vico and the Aesthetic,” roundtable presentation, UCLA Critical Studies Seminar, February 12, 1992

(16) “Giochi pericolosi: La Pellegrina di Girolamo Bargagli, ” paper read at the international symposium “Passare il tempo. La letteratura del gioco e dell’intrattenimento dal XII al XVI secolo,” Pienza, September 12, 1991.

(15) “Montaigne, Tasso and Masks,” paper read at the triennial International Comparative Literature Association meeting, Tokyo, August 22, 1991

(14) “What is Buried in the Body: The Role of Vico’s Thought in Contemporary Italian Aesthetic Theory,” paper read at the University of Southern California, January 22, 1991

(13) “Does Literary Theory Have a Past? The Case of the Late Italian Renaissance,” paper read at the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe (AZ), April 27, 1990

(12) Respondent, Gianni Vattimo, “Towards an Ontology of Post-Modernity,” UCLA Critical Studies Seminar, April 19, 1990

(11) “Asthenia: Il pensiero debole and the Ethics of Weakness,” paper read at the Modern Language Association Convention, New Orleans, December 27-30, 1988

(10) “Novella, dialogo, e teoria della prosa del Cinquecento italiano,” paper presented at the Co nvegno Internazionale sulla Novella Italiana, Caprarola, Palazzo Farnese, September 19-24, 1988

(9) Moderator, “Radical Reformation,” Sixteenth-Century Studies Conference, Arizona State University Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe, Oct. 29-31, 1987

(8) “The Challenge of the New Italian Philosophy,” paper read at the Modern Language Association Convention, New York, December 27-30, 1986

(7) “Weak Thought and the Problem of Literature,” paper read at the Modern Language Association Convention, New York, December 27-30, 1986

(6) “Pallavicino and the Fate of Dialogue between the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,” paper read at the Joint Meeting of the Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and Pacific Southwest Chapter of the American Musicological Society, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, February 14-16, 1986

(5) Respondent, “Montaigne and D’Aubigné: Reading Literature with History?,” Renaissance Society of America National Conference, Huntington Library, March 21-23, 1985

(4) “Texte encadré, texte encadrant: 1984 comme fiction anti-utopique,” paper read at the Colloquium (Décade) on “1984 et la contre-utopie moderne,” Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle (France), August 6-16, 1984

(3) “Narrative Frames in George Orwell’s 1984: Diary, Book and Appendix,” paper read at the Conference on “Utopia and Its Discontents: Zamyatin, Orwell and Mayakovsky: The View from 1984,” Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, April 12-14, 1984

(2) “Sperone Speroni’s Apologia dei dialoghi and the Politics of a Literary Form,” paper read at the Third Annual Conference of the American Association of University Professors of Italian, Columbia University, New York, April 7-9, 1983

(1) “Some Remarks on Dialogic Discourse in Renaissance Utopian Fiction,” paper read at the Second Annual Conference of the American Association of University Professors of Italian, UCLA, Los Angeles, November 20-22, 1981

Professional Activities

University and Professional Service

• Member, Editorial Board, University of California Press Publications in Modern Philology Series, 1991-1997
• Associate Director, University of California Education Abroad Program, Siena, Italy, 1995-1996
• EAP Academic Exchange, Università di Venezia, 1995
• Nominated Director, University of California Education Abroad Program, Italy, 1998-2000 (declined)
• Member, IIE/Fulbright National Screening Committee (Italy & Greece), 1998-2000
• Consultant, The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities
• Referee for scholarly journals, including Common Knowledge, The Sixteenth-Century Journal, The Journal of Architectural Education, Theatre Survey, California Italian Studies
• Referee for academic presses, including Yale UP, Stanford UP, University of Toronto Press, Minnesota UP, Cornell UP, Columbia UP, Palgrave and UP of America; Farrar Strauss Giroux (trade)
• Coordinator and co-founding member of CICIS (California Interdisciplinary Consortium for Italian Studies), 2002-present (currently 300+ members)
• Co-administrator, CICIS List-serve, 2002-present
• Director, University of California Education Abroad Program, Rome & Siena Study Centers, 2002-2004
• Convenor (PI), UC Multicampus Research Group (MRG) in Italian Studies, 2006-present [funded by UCOP, UCSB, UCLA, UCB, UCD, UCSC and UCSD]
• External tenure or promotion referee for cases at Stanford University, Columbia University, Harvard University,, Washington University (St. Louis) [twice], Georgetown University, University of California (San Diego), University of California (Santa Cruz), University of Colorado (Boulder)
• Evaluator, Getty Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship Competition
• Consultant, Wolfsonian Foundation (Miami, FLA)
• Jury Member, “Premio Napoli” literary prize, 2006-
• Presenter, Il divo (dir. Paolo Sorrentino), 2009 Santa Barbara International Film Festival
• Member, National Endowment for the Humanities, Romance Studies Grants Panel, 2009
• Member, External Review Committee, UC Berkeley Italian Studies Department, 2009

Campus Service

(1) UC San Diego

• 1981-1995 Undergraduate advisor, Italian and/or General Literature, at least one quarter per year, UCSD Department of Literature
• 1983-1995 Co-founder and Chair, Italian Studies Program (undergraduate), at least one quarter per year, UCSD
• 1983, 1986, 1988-1990, 1994-1995 EAP Campus Interview Committee (Italy), UCSD, chair from 1988-on
• 1983-1995 Chair or member of numerous departmental ad hoc personnel committees for merit and promotion cases, UCSD
• 1988 Chair, Search Committee for Italian position, UCSD
• 1990-91, Member, Search Committee for German position, UCSD
• 1989-1990 Chair, Committee for the UCSD Department of Literature’s 25th Anniversary Symposium, “World Writing and Politics at the End of the Twentieth Century” (raised funds and brought together writers from Nicaragua, Nigeria, the U.S., the People’s Republic of China, the former Soviet Union, Germany, Mexico and Canada, including Scott Momaday, Wlad Godzich and Sergio Ramírez)
• 1990-1992, 1993-94 Head, Comparative Literature Section, UCSD Department of Literature
• 1992-1994 Committee on Research (COR), UCSD Academic Senate, Vice-Chair and member
• 1987-88, 1993-94, Participant in Faculty Mentor Program, UCSD
• 1992-94 Departmental Delegate to the Academic Senate, UCSD

(2) UC Santa Barbara

• 1996-2008 Director, Italian Studies, Dept. of French and Italian, UCSB
• 1997-1999 Campus Representative, Systemwide Academic Senate, UCSB
• 1997-1999 Member, DACC, UCSB Academic Senate
• 1997-99 Affiliated Faculty Member, Advisory Committee of Comparative Literature, UCSB
• 1997- Affiliated Faculty, Medieval Studies, UCSB
• 1997- Affiliated Faculty, Renaissance Studies, UCSB
• 1997-99 Vice-Chair, Department of French and Italian, UCSB
• 1998 (S) Acting Chair, Department of French and Italian, UCSB
• 1996-98 Chair, Italian Undergraduate Studies Committee, UCSB
• 1996-97 Departmental Romance Studies Committee, UCSB
• 1996-01 Co-Advisor, Italian Majors and Minors, UCSB
• 1997-98 Academic Senate EAP Committee, UCSB
• 1993-94 UC Systemwide Committee on EAP Siena
• 1997-01 Chair, Italian Development Committee, UCSB
• 1997-98 Advisory Committee to the Department Chair, UCSB
• 1997-99 Departmental Lecture/Colloquia Committee, UCSB
• 1997-98 Outstanding Faculty Member Award, The Office of Residential Life and Residence Hall Association
• 1996-97 Member, Search Committee, Francophone Position UCSB
• 1998-99 Member, Search Committee, Italian Position, UCSB
• ADFL Seminar East, Campus Representative
• Executive Committee, College of Letters and Sciences, UCSB (Spring quarter)
• CAP ad hoc campus tenure and promotion committees (twice chair of tenure cases)
• 1999- Affiliate appointment in Religious Studies, UCSB
• Faculty exchange with UCLA Department of Italian
• 2001- Board Member, Italian Cultural Heritage Foundation of Santa Barbara
• 2001-2002 Chair, UOEAP Systemwide Committee, UC-EAP in Rome Program
• 2004-2005 Member, year-long emergency CAP ad hoc committee
• 2005 Faculty exchange with UCLA Department of Italian
• 2004-2007 Member, Steering Committee, UCSB Consortium for Literature, Theory and Culture (CLTC)
• 2004-2007 Vice-Chair, Department of French and Italian, UCSB
• 2005-2006 Chair, Search Committee, Italian Position, UCSB
• 2005-2007 Co-convenor, Mediterranean Studies Research Focus Group (RFG)
• 2006/2007 Chair, UCSB Campus Summer Enrichment Program committee (distribute $50K per annum to summertime campus cultural activities)
• 2006-2009 Successful applicant, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs government funding for UCSB Italian language program
• Spring 2007 Research Fellow, UCSB Interdisciplinary Humanities Center
• 2006-2007 Advisory Committee, Comparative Literature
• 2007 Graduate Admissions Committee, Comparative Literature
• 2006-2007 Graduate Committee, Dept. of French and Italian
• 2007 Faculty exchange with UCLA Department of Italian
• 2008-2009 Advisory Committee, Comparative Literature
• 2008- Chair, Department of French and Italian
• 2008- Chair, Consortium on Literature, Theory and Culture

(3) University of California Education Abroad Program
• 1994-1996 Associate Director, Siena Study Center
• 2002-2004 Director, Siena/Rome Study Centers
• 2004-present Member, UOEAP, UC Rome Faculty Steering Committee

Courses taught
(1) San Diego 1981-1995

(a) Italian literature
Beginning Italian (lower division)
Intermediate Italian (l.d.)
Advanced Italian (l.d.)
Dante: The Divine Comedy (upper division)
Italian Renaissance Comedy (u.d.)
Film and Fiction: Classics of Italian Neorealism (l.d.)
Film and Fiction: The Works of Luchino Visconti (u.d.)
Introduction to Modern Italian Literature (u.d.)
19th-Century Italy in History and Fiction: Manzoni, Stendhal and Kleist (u.d.)
Readings in Contemporary Italian Literature (u.d.)
The Works of Calvino (u.d.)
Twentieth-Century Italian Fiction (u.d.)
Honors Thesis (u.d.)

(b) General and Comparative Literature

History and Fiction in Modern Europe: Kleist to Kundera (u.d.)
The Making of the Modern World: The Twentieth Century (l.d.)
European Literature and the Rise of Science, 1550-1650 (u.d.)
Introduction to European Fiction, 1750-1850 (l.d.)
Deconstruction: The Major Theorists (grad)
Renaissance and Baroque Poetics and Aesthetics (grad)
20th-Century Theories of Genre (grad)
Narratology: The Theory of Narrative Analysis (grad)
Truth and Fiction: Rhetoric and Hermeneutics (grad)
The Civilizing Process (grad)
Aesthetics: The Major Theorists (grad)

(2) Santa Barbara 1996-2009

(a) Italian Literature

The Italian Renaissance Novella (u.d.)
The Italian Renaissance Comedy (u.d.)
The Italian Theater, 16th-20th centuries (u.d.)
Ecology and Culture of Modern-Day Venice (u.d.)
Italian Cinema: The ‘Commedia all’italiana’ (u.d.)
Dante: The Divine Comedy (u.d.)
Advanced Conversation (u.d.)
Translation workshop (u.d.)
Venezia barocca (u.d.)
Senior seminar: il Seicento (u.d.)
Honors Thesis (u.d.)

(b) General and Comparative Literature

Introduction to Critical Theory (grad)
Children’s Literature (u.d.)
Discipline (grad)
Libertinism (grad)
Il barocco italiano (grad @ UCLA)
Teoria dei generi letterari (grad @ UCLA)
Venice: Paradigms of Modernity 1500-1900 (grad)
Noir: film and fiction (u.d.)
The Culture of the Baroque (grad)

(3) Italy

Teorie del postmoderno [Università degli Studi di Macerata, February-March 1985]
L’estetica del Novecento [Università degli Studi di Torino, April-May 1995]

(4) Graduate supervision:

Director, PhD in French, Fabienne Chauderlot, 1994, UCSD

Committee Member, 1982-1995 Member of a large number of M.A. and Ph.D. committees for qualifying examinations and dissertation defenses in Comparative Literature, German and French, UCSD, and Italian (UCLA)

Committee member, 1999-present, M.A. and Ph.D. committees for qualifying examinations and dissertation defenses in the Departments of Art History, Classics, Comparative Literature, History, and Political Science (UCSB), Italian (UCLA)

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