Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Lega Nord Liguria

Luigi Speranza

La Lega Nord Liguria (North League Liguria) or Uniun Ligure, is a regionalist political party in Italy which is the

regional section

of Lega Nord in Liguria.

The current national secretary is

Francesco Bruzzone.

The party was founded in the 1980s by Bruno Ravera as Ligurian Union (Uniun Ligure).

The party participated to the 1989 European Parliament election as part of the coalition Lega Lombarda – Alleanza Nord.

In 1989–1990 it took part in the process of federating the Northern regionalist parties, ahead of the regional elections.

In February 1991 it merged into

Lega Nord, taking the current name, and since then it is the regional section of that party in Liguria.

The party counts two deputies, one senator and one regional deputy. Maurizio Balocchi, of Lega Nord Liguria who has been administrative secretary (i.e. treasurer) of Lega Nord since 1993, was appointed Under-Secretary of Legislative Simplification in Berlusconi IV Cabinet.

In February 2010, after the sudden death of Balocchi, Francesco Belsito, a member of LNL close who had been a close aide of Balocchi, was appointed both administrative secretary and Under-Secretary in place of Balocchi.

2010 was a good year for the party
which gained three seats in
the Regional Council of Liguria,
up from one seat.

La Lega Nord Liguria has suffered a steadily decline in term of votes since 1992, but recently it has re-gained some clout.

LNL is usually stronger in the western part of the region, in fact in the 2010 regional election it won


in the Province of Imperia, 13.0% in Savona, 9,5% in Genoa and 7.6% in La Spezia.

The electoral results of Lega Nord Liguria in Liguria are shown in the table below.

1990 regional 1992 general 1994 general 1995 regional 1996 general 1999 European 2000 regional 2001 general 2004 European 2005 regional 2006 general 2008 general 2009 European 2010 Regional
6.1 14.3 11.4 6.6 10.2 3.7 4.3 3.9 4.1 4.7 3.7 6.8 9.9 10.2

Historical party flag of Lega Nord Liguria[edit] LeadershipNational Secretary: Bruno Ravera (1987–1994), Giacomo Chiappori (1994–1998), Francesco Bruzzone (1998–present)
National President: Andrea Corrado (1992–present)
[edit] References1.^
[edit] External linksOfficial website

[hide]v · d · eNational sections of Lega Nord

Lega Lombarda – Liga Veneta – Lega Nord Piemont – Lega Nord Emilia – Lega Nord Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Lega Nord Liguria – Lega Nord Trentino – Lega Nord Toscana – Lega Nord Romagna – Lega Nord Marche – Lega Nord Umbria – Lega Nord Sud Tirolo – Lega Nord Valle d'Aosta

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