Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ippolito on the operatic stage: Ziani (1658 Venezia), Ortuso-Vannarelli (1661, Spoleto), Bissari (1662, Monaco)



"Fedra Incoronata"

"Drama Regio Musicale."

"Attione Prima De gli Applausi fatti nell’Elett.le Città di Monaco per la Nascita Dell’Altezza di Massimiliano Emanuele, Primo Genito Elettorale Delle Alt.ze di Ferdinando Mar by [FETES] /

BISSARI, Pietro Paolo

First edition of the first part of a trilogy of operas first performed in Munich in September 1662 to celebrate the bi

Munich: Gioann Iekelino [Johann Jäcklin], 1662.

******************* OCCASION: NOT A CARNIVAL, BUT, the birth of the son of the duke of Bavaria, and Imperial Elector.

Very rare first edition of the first part of a trilogy of operas first performed in Munich in September 1662 to celebrate the birth of Massimilio Emanuele, first son of Ferdinando Maria, duke of Bavaria and imperial elector, and Henriette Adelaide, Princess of Savoy.

It is rare to find the book with all

12 folding plates

--- INCLUDING THE GREAT STAGE DESIGN BY Santurini of Ippolito in his chariot just about to fall


documenting the sumptuous theatrical machinery and scenography by Francesco Santurini.

Ferdinand Maria and Henriette Adelaide were both fourteen years old when they were married by proxy in 1650.

Their first child, a girl,
was born ten years later, followed by a boy in 1662.

In celebration of the new heir,

“the Munich court organized a festivity which outdid in scale and variety virtually any other 17th century festivity anywhere, those at Vienna, Florence and Paris included."

Not only was the whole town illuminated and the populace treated to wine from specially erected fountains, as well as bread, gold coins and commemorative medals, but the court witnessed and took part in an extraordinary spectacle.”

Watanabe-O’Kelly, Triumphall shews, p.90)

At its center was a trilogy consisting of the present opera -- "Ippolito" -- a tournament opera, "Antiopa Giustificata" (again with Ippolito redivivo, fallen and risen back to his feet), and a firework opera called "Medea vendicativa".

The libretti for all three were by Conte Pietro Paolo Bissari, who was joined by the court composer Johann Kasper Kerll (MGG VII, 871 ff.) and the Italian theatre designer Santorini.

Thieme/B. XXIX, 452 f)

“The three dramas are interconnected, the plot of each one arising out of the one before."

"Each event takes place in a different location and the trilogy stretches over a period of eight days."

"Not only is each individual part of the trilogy lavish to a degree, but this interweaving of three types of event and three locations into one huge spectacle is unique at this date and only emulated once, though on a much smaller scale, by Louis XIV two years later in the Plaisirs de l’isle enchantée."

Librettist Pietro Paulo Conte Bissari (1595-1663) was an Italian diplomat and man of letters.

Bissari wrote the libretti to a number of other operas (see NBG, VI, 139-140).

The score was written by Johann Kaspar Kerll (1627-93), a German composer and organist active in Austria and widely admired as performer.

(see Grove)*Watanabe-O’Kelly 163, Ornamentstichkatalog Berlin 3125 (with 11 out of 12 plates).. 4to [20 x 15 cm], (9)ff., 77 pp., 12 folding plates with engravings Matthaeus Küsel of the stage designs by Francesco Santorini.

Bound in contemporary cartonnato, title written on spine in an old hand, bottom of spine a little torn, worm tracks in cover and outer leaves not affecting text, minimal foxing, overall a very good copy with excellent impressions of the plates.

The outer portion of a book which covers the actual binding. The spine usually faces outward when a book is placed on a shelf. Also known as the back.

When used to refer to a part of a book means the book's pages.

plates : Full page illustrations or photographs.

Plates are printed separately from the text of the book, and bound in at production. I.e., they are not sewn as parts of gatherings.

4to : Or quarto.

A term used generally to describe the approximate size of a book, a book that is about 10" to 12" tall and roughly squarish in shape.

The term is based on the size of paper traditionally used by book printers which has been folded and cut into 16 pages.Book Details

Fedra Incoronata Drama Regio Musicale. Attione Prima De gli Applausi fatti nell’Elett.le Città di Monaco per la Nascita Dell’Altezza di Massimiliano Emanuele, Primo Genito Elettorale Delle Alt.ze di Ferdinando Mar by [FETES] / BISSARI, Pietro Paolo
Bookseller: Martayan Lan, Inc. (US)
Bookseller Inventory #: 3804

Title: Fedra Incoronata Drama Regio Musicale. Attione Prima De gli Applausi fatti nell’Elett.le Città di Monaco per la Nascita Dell’Altezza di Massimiliano Emanuele, Primo Genito Elettorale Delle Alt.ze di Ferdinando Mar
Author: [FETES] / BISSARI, Pietro Paolo
Book condition: Very rare first edition of the first part of a trilogy of operas first performed in Munich in September 1662 to celebrate the bi
Publisher: Gioann Iekelino [Johann Jäcklin]
Place: Munich
Date published: 1662
Bookseller's Terms of Sale

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