Sunday, December 11, 2011

Qual turbamento in cor mi sento... Salve! dimora, casta e pura





Qual turbamento in cor mi sento,
Sento d'amor ardere il core!
О Margherita! al tuo piè vo' morir!


Salve; dimora casta e pura,
Salve! dimora casta e pura,
Che a me rivela la fanciulla
Gentil chè al guardo mio la cela!
Quanta dovizia in questa povertà!
In quest'asil quanta felicità!
Quanta dovizia,
Quanta dovizia in questa povertà!
In quest'asil quanta felicità!
О bei lochi! bei lari ove leggiadra e bella,
Ella aggirarsi suol ove gentil e snella,
Ella percorre il suol!
Quì la baciava il sole
E le dorava il crine
Su voi rivolger suol le luci sue divine
Quell'angelo del ciel!
Sì, quà! si, si, quà.
Salve; dimora casta e pura,
Salve! dimora casta e pura,
Che a me rivela la fanciulla
Gentil che al guardo mio la cela!
Salve! salve! dimora casta e pura,
Che a me rivela la fanciulla
Gentil che al guardo mio si cela.

What troubles at my heart I feel—
My heart with love doth glow!
О Margaret! at thy feet I'd gladly die!
Oh hail! thou pure and simple dwelling,
Oh hail! thou pure and simplo dwelling,
Within thy walls thou art concealing
From my enraptured gaze my ador'd one!
What riches there in poverty are stor'd!
Such happiness within thy walls to hoard!
What riches there,
What riches there in poverty are stor'd!
Such happiness within thy walls to hoard!
Scene of beauty, made still more beauteous by her presence,
Whose form of grace and light
All around renders bright,
All around renders bright!
She trips around so lightly,
With her fair golden tresses,
And eyes that shine so brightly,
That her witching glances
Like those of angels seem!
Who comes? ah, who comes?
Oh hail I thou pure and simple dwelling,
Oh hail! thou pure and simple dwelling,
Within thy walls thou art concealing
From my raptur'd vision my ador'd one!
Oh hail! oh hail! thou pure and simple dwelling,
Within thy walls thou art concealing
From my enraptur'd vision my ador'd one.

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