Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Savoyard



Thespis, or, The Gods Grown Old

--- Note the absence of subtitle.


A Novel and Original Dramatic Cantata, entitled Trial by Jury

--- The phrase 'dramatic cantata' seems to require some analysis.

An Entirely New and Original Modern Comic Opera, in Two Acts, entitled The Sorcerer

---- "comic opera" is a good one.

An Entirely Original Nautical Comic Opera, in Two Acts, entitled H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor

----- note that this is not just a 'nautical opera' but a nautical 'comic' opera.

The New and Original Melo-Dramatic Opera, in Two Acts, entitled The Pirates of
Penzance, or, The Slave of Duty

---- the descript 'melo-dramatic opera' is genial.

An entirely new and original aesthetic opera in two acts, entitled Patience; or, Bunthorne's Bride!

--- 'aesthetic opera' is genial.

An entirely original fairy opera in two acts, entitled Iolanthe, or, the Peer and the Peri

----- 'fairy' opera is genial.

A respectful Operatic Perversion of Tennyson's "Princess", in Three Acts, entitled Princess Ida, or, Castle Adamant

---- 'respectful operatic perversion' is genial.

An Entirely Original Japanese Opera, in Two Acts, entitled The Mikado, or, The Town of Titipu

--- 'Japanese opera' is genial.

A New and Original Supernatural Opera in Two Acts, entitled Ruddygore, or, The Witch's Curse (spelling was later altered to "Ruddigore")

---- supernatural is genial.

The New and Original Opera, in Two Acts, entitled The Yeomen of the Guard, or, The Merryman and His Maid

---- not 'historic'!

An Entirely Original Comic Opera, in Two Acts, entitled The Gondoliers, or, The King of Barataria

--- 'comic' opera.

An Original Comic Opera, in Two Acts, entitled The Grand Duke, or, The Statutory Duel

--- 'comic opera'.

A New and Original Extravaganza, entitled Dulcamara, or, The Great Duck and the Little Quack

La Vivandiere, or, True to the Corps,an Operatic Extravaganza founded on Donizetti's Opera La Figlia Del Regimento

--- "operatic extravaganza founded on Donizetti's opera"

The Merry Zingara, or, The Tipsy Gypsy and the Pipsy Wipsy, a Whimsical Parody on "The Bohemian Girl"

Robert the Devil, or, The Nun, the Dun, and the Son of a Gun, an Operatic Extravaganza

--- 'operatic extravaganza'.

The Pretty Druidess, or, The Mother, the Maid, and the Mistletoe Bough. An Extravaganza Founded on Bellini's Opera "Norma"

--- extravaganza

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