Wednesday, February 22, 2012

O Signore, dal tetto natìo (Adagio)


The Freeman: Volume 7
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Francis Neilson, Albert Jay Nock - 1923 - Snippet view

... band was playing one of Verdi's magnificent choruses: il coro a Dio Ld de' Lombardi miseri arsetati; Quello: O Signore dal tetto natio, -' ' Che tanti pmi ha rcossi e inebriati.

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The A to Z of opera
Keith Anderson - 2000 - 761 pages - Snippet view

Oronte's death scene offers the famous trio, with Giselda and Pagano and a solo violin obbligato, Qua! volutta (What pleasurel, and there is a rousing chorus from the crusaders in O Signore dal tetto natio (O Lord of our native landl, ...

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High fidelity: Volume 16, Issues 1-6
1966 - Snippet view
BJ VERDI: Choruses 11 Trovatore: Vedi! le fosche; Squilli echeggi; Nabucco: Gli arredi festivi; Va pensiero; I Lombardi: O Signore, dal tetto natio; Aida: Grand March and Ballet Music; La Battaglia di Legnano: Giuriam d'ltalia; ...

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Gramophone Classical Good CD Guide
Emma Roach - 2002 - 1376 pages - Snippet view

... the unaccompanied chorus in the Pater noster is rather distant. Opera Choruses Opera choruses: Nabucco - Gli arredi festivi giu cadano infranti; Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate. I Lombard! - Gerusalem!; O Signore, dal tetto natio ...

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James Galway's Music in time
William Mann, James Galway - 1983 - 384 pages - Snippet view

Verdi made sure that his next opera for La Scala, / Lombardi ("The Lombards at the first Crusade"), would also include such a chorus; "O Signore, dal tetto natio" was as much applauded, and sung in the streets, as was "Va, ...

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Theatre yearbook: Un an de théâtre: Volume 1
Canadian Theatre Centre - 1965 - Snippet view
O Signore, dal tetto natio Chorus OTELLO Comp. : Verdi. Salce, Salce ; Ave Maria Renata Tebaldi NABUCCO Comp. : Verdi. Va pensiero, sull' ali dorate Chorus LA FORZA DEL DESTTNO Comp. : Verdi. La Vergine degli angeli Renata Tebaldi, ...

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Giuseppe Verdi His Life and Works
Francis Toye - 1962 - Snippet view

The whole of Giselda's vision that
opens the last act is mediocre and the famous chorus that follows it, " O Signore dal tetto natio," though we may admire the broad opening phrases, seems to me in no way comparable with its equally ...

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Music Library Association, Eva Judd O'Meara, Charles Warren Fox - 1956 - Snippet view
... O Signore, dal tetto natio, from / Lombardi; Va pensiero, from Nabucodònosor ; Fuoco di gioia, from Otello; Zitti, zitti & Scorrendo uniti, from Rigoletto; Noi siamo zingarelle & Di Madride noi siam mattadori, from La Traviata.

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Opera Canada: Volumes 24-25
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Canadian Opera Guild, Canadian Opera Association - 1983 - Snippet view

The orchestra and choruses seemed dazzling under the baton of Gianandrea Gavazzeni. and an encore was demanded — a rare event at La Scala — ol the famous chorus O Signore dal tetto natio". There was an answering performance from Stage ...

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Dyneley Hussey - 1963 - 365 pages - Snippet view

The chorus 'O Signore, dal tetto natio' aroused
the kind of fervour that 'Land of our Fathers' creates
at a gathering of Welshmen. The success of the opera was , in fact, due rather to its topicality than to its artistic merits.

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