Wednesday, February 22, 2012

O Signore, dal tetto natìo


Search ResultsAmerican sociological review: Volume 67
American Sociological Association, American Sociological Society - 2002 - Snippet view
... performance of Donizetti's Roberto Devereux) Ernani. Act 3 finale (in concert) Emani, Act 3 finale I Lombardi.
“O Signore, dal tetto natio" I Lombardi , "O Signore, dal tetto natio” Ernani. Act 3 finale Ernani, Act 3 finale ( inserted ...

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Antologia della lirica moderna italiana soelta annotata
Severino Ferrari - 1891 - 339 pages - Snippet view

Era un coro del Verdi; il coro a Dio Là de'
Lombardi miseri assetati ; Quello,
"O Signore, dal tetto natio", Che tanti petti ha scossi e inebriati. Qui cominciai a non esser più io; E come se que' còsi doventati ...

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The 'cabaletta della visione' is now prompted by Hélène's discovery that Gaston is alive, though in captivity;

'O Signore, dal tetto natio' ('O mon Dieu, ta parole est done vaine') is assigned not to the crusaders but to a company of ...

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Musical constructions of nationalism: essays on the history and ... - Page 188
Harry White, Michael Murphy - 2001 - 285 pages - Preview

This chorus was successful enough for Verdi to repeat the effect in "I lombardi" ( 'O signore, dal tetto natio', another expression of nostalgia for the homeland); Ernani included a rebels' chorus as a call to action against Charles V ('Si ...

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Le opere di Verdi: Da Don Carlos a Falstaff - Page 544
Julian Budden - 1988 - 629 pages - Preview

La linea del basso rivela una naturale derivazione dall'es. 342a mentre nelle acciaccature per l'ottavino udiamo un espediente che appartiene al mondo dei Lombardi alla Prima Crociata ("O Signore, dal tetto natio") reso però etereo.

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Nineteenth-Century Music - Page 206
Carl Dahlhaus, J. Bradford Robinson - 1991 - 427 pages - Preview

The choruses from Nabucco (1842),/ Lombardi (1843), and Ernani : (1844) that established his fame —

"Va pensiero sull'ali dorate,"
"O signore, dal tetto natio ," and
"Si ridesti il Leon di Castiglia" —

were received as musical symbols of ...

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The Force of Destiny: A History of Italy Since 1796 - Page 549
Christopher Duggan - 2008 - 652 pages - Preview

... were taken off to prison camps by the Germans in
September 1943; and for many years after the war there were to be intermittent calls for this or for
'O Signore, dal tetto natio'
from I Lombardi to be made Italy's official anthem.

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Viva LA Liberta!: Politics in Opera - Page 100
Anthony Arblaster - 1997 - 340 pages - Preview

... when amid the arid sands near Gerusalemme, they wistfully recall the fresh breezes, the meadows and vineyards of their native Lombardy

('O Signore, dal tetto natio').

Their longing has been anticipated by the heroine Giselda in her Act ...

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Composer and nation: the folk heritage in music - Page 149
Sidney Walter Finkelstein - 1989 - 342 pages - Preview

Verdi's early operas were alive with stirring calls for the independence of Italy, such as the chorus of the Jews seeking their homeland in Nabucco (1842) , the chorus "O Signore dal tetto natio" in I Lombardi (1843), the outlaw-hero ...

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The Cambridge history of Italian literature - Page 453
Peter Brand, Lino Pertile - 1999 - 699 pages - Preview

... a quality that proved stimulating when transferred to the choral scenes of opera ('Va pensiero, sull' ali dorate', 'O Signore, dal tetto natio', for example ). Altogether 'parisyllabic' verse found a more conspicuous place in romantic ...

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