Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Siegfried, GERMAN hero


Richard Wagner, Fritz Lang, and the Nibelungen: The Dramaturgy of ... - Page 117
David J. Levin - 1999 - 224 pages - Preview

"Siegfried", after all, is a prototype of
the _German hero_, specifically the
*flawed* German hero.

Both his heroism and the flaw that
undoes him are characterized by the very
qualities that attract German audiences to Hollywood films.

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German hero-sagas and folk-tales
Barbara Leonie Picard, Joan Kiddell-Monroe - 1994 - 208 pages - Snippet view

IV Siegfried The Slaying of Siegfried

IN the Netherlands there once lived a king named Siegmund and his queen, Sieglinde, in the town of Xanten, beside the Rhine.

They had a son named Siegfried who was early famed for his beauty and his ...

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The universal cyclopaedia: Volume 8
1900 - Snippet view

The principal hero of the first part is Siegfried, Prince of the Netherlands, who assists Gunther, ...

The subject-matter of the poem is based upon the German HERO-legends which originated in the times of the migration of the tribes, ...

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Hitler at the Obersalzberg - Page 19
J. C. Boone - 2008 - 216 pages - Preview

... all Wagner inspired.8

There is also evidence that Hitler
was inspired directly by the Siegfried- Barbarossa legend. ... Wagnerian operas, which emphasized that

the German hero could never
be struck down except
by a stab in the back, ...

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Metapolitics: from Wagner and the German Romantics to Hitler - Page 139
Peter Viereck - 2004 - 530 pages - Preview

Wagner it was who almost single-handed steeped all Germany in the tales of Siegfried, his wonderful sword, the horrible ... have been conditioned by [ Wagner's] Ring operas to the conviction that the German Hero can never be struck down ...

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Universal cyclopædia and atlas: Volume 8
Charles Kendall Adams, Rossiter Johnson - 1901 - Snippet view

The principal hero of the first part is Siegfried, Prince of the Netherlands, who assists Gunther, ... The subject-matter of the poem is based upon the German hero-legends which originated in the times of the migration of the tribes, ...

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Stories of Siegfried Told to the Children
Mary MacGregor - 2006 - 112 pages - Preview

Siegfried is the merry hero of the Nibelungenlied. I wonder will you think him as ... Yet even should you think the German hero brave and chivalrous as these, I can hardly believe you will read and re-read this little book as often as ...

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The medieval warrior aristocracy: gifts, violence, performance, ... - Page 135
Andrew Cowell - 2007 - 198 pages - Preview

After helping the Burgundians defeat the saxons, siegfried travels with Gunther to iceland, and while disguised as a ... The old German hero Hildebrand finally kills Kriemhild out of shock at seeing her take a sword and kill the bound ...

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Johnson's universal cyclopaedia: Volume 6
Charles Kendall Adams - 1895 - Snippet view

The principal hero of the first part is Siegfried, Prince of the Netherlands, who assists Gunther, ... The subject-matter of the poem is based upon the German hero-legends which originated in the times of the migration of the tribes, ...

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Wagner's Ring cycle and the Greeks - Page 149
Daniel H. Foster - 2010 - 377 pages - Preview

Wagner's German hero must kill the Jew, symbolically erasing all physiognomic and spiritual similarities between this interloper and the pure trinity of Germany/Wagner/Siegfried.

But Siegfried's fear of bourgeois-Jewish influence does ...

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