Monday, February 20, 2012

Walter da Stolzing e i maestri cantori di Norimberga


L'Approdo Musicale: Issues 1-4
1958 - Snippet view
Orchestra e Coro dell'Opera di Stato di Dresda, diretti da Rudolf Kcmpe Un 206 2 . Terzo atto completo HH Nissen (Hans Sachs) E. Fuchs (Beckmesser) T. Ralph

(Walter von Stolzing)

M. Teschemaker (Eva) Orchestra e Coro dell'Opera di Stato ...

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Wagner senza segreti
Mario Rinaldi - 1983 - 600 pages - Snippet view

E poi quello che comanda il tutto è lo spirito della musica che si impone da sé. ARGOMENTO Atto primo - Interno della chiesa di S. Caterina. -

Alla fine di una funzione religiosa il cavaliere "Walter Stolzing" ferma la giovane Eva Pogner ...

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Who's who in music and drama: an encyclopedia of biography of ...
Harry Prescott Hanaford, Dixie Hines - 1914 - 560 pages - Snippet view
RS Emmy Destinn Magdalene Florence Wickham Walter von Stolzing Carl Jorn Hans Sachs Walter Soomer Beckmesser . ... CAST OF CHARACTERS Athanael Maurice Renaud Niciai Charles Da I mo res Palemon Gustave Huberdeau A Servant Constantin ...

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Schwann opus: Volume 10, Issue 1
No cover image
Schwann Publications - 1998 - Snippet view
Royal PO— Prelude to Act 3 ('Bruno Walter with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra' ) t Riegende Hollander (Ov); ... Wolfgang Wmdgassen (ten — Stolzing), Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (bar — Kothner), Karl ïchmitt- Walter (bar — Beckmesser), ...

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Gazzetta di Milano
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1899 - Snippet view

prowisa, della prima moglie, uccisa da un violento tifo. Le stanze erano state chiuse ermeticamente e per sempre. .... E quando, dopo la parola sacramentale di Kothner —

Incominciate, Walter de Stolzing soioglie il suo canto superbo: ...

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What We Hear in Music: A Course of Study in Music Appreciation and ... - Page 626
Anne Shaw Faulkner - 2005 - 708 pages - Preview

The melodv of the song he heard young Walter
sing that morning still haunts him.

7425 The Mastersingers— Kein' Regel wollte da passen (1 Found No Rule to Fit It) Wagner This air follows the exquisite The Elders' Scent, ...

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The musical guide: containing a pronouncing and defining ...: Volume 1
Rupert Hughes - 1903 - Snippet view

Walther von Stolzing
A young Franconian Knight,
Nachbauer, tenor. David (da'-fet). Apprentice to Hans Sachs, Schlosser, tenor. Eta (a'-fa), Pogner's daughter, in love tvith Walter, Frl. Mallinger, sopr.

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Rivista moderna politica e letteraria
1902 - No preview

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The new international encyclopædia: Volume 13
Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby - 1907 - Snippet view

Walter von Stolzing, a young knight,
loves and is loved by Eva,
the daughter of the goldsmith Pogner. ...

MEJEBDA, ma-jer'da, or MEJIBDA. A river of Northern Africa. It rises in the Great Atlas Mountains in Algeria, and after an eastern ...

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Dizionario della danza e del balletto - Page 128
Horst Koegler - 1998 - 520 pages - Preview

Vivaldi 1963), // lago dei cigni (1963 seguito da diverse altre versioni), L' uccello di fuoco (mus. Stravinsky, Op. di Berlino 1964), Jeu de cortes (mus. Stravinsky 1965), Onegin (mus. Tchaikovsky/Stolze 1965), Opus 1 (mus.

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