Monday, February 20, 2012

Walther di Stonzing e i maestri cantori di Norimberga


The figure of the musician in German literature
George C. Schoolfield - 1966 - 204 pages - Snippet view

in close proximity to Wagner.

There is a resemblance between Walther von Stolzing and Scheffel's famous Jung Werner in Der Trompeter von Sakkingen (1854), however different the two figures may be in essence.

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Modern myths and Wagnerian deconstructions: hermeneutic approaches ... - Page 150
Mary A. Cicora - 2000 - 218 pages - Preview

Eva, the exact image of Durer's David.

To complicate the imagery, Sachs's apprentice is also named David, which thus seems definitely parodistic.

Walther von Stolzing obviously resembles ...

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The illustrated encyclopedia of recorded opera
Peter Gammond - 1979 - 256 pages - Snippet view

The service has just ended and the knight
Walther von Stolzing speaks with Eva,
learning from her nurse Magdalena that
she is to be the prize in a song contest the next day.

Determined to win, Walther listens to the complex rules, ...

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Wagner outside the Ring: essays on the operas, their performance ... - Page 128
John Louis DiGaetani - 2009 - 262 pages - Preview

Beckmesser's remark thus lacks aesthetic legitimacy and is motivated out of jealousy for the prospective rival that Walther von Stolzing turns out to be.

Beckmesser's comment also marks him as an aesthetic outsider, ...

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Richard Wagner: self-promotion and the making of a brand - Page 154
Nicholas Vazsonyi - 2010 - 222 pages - Preview

Given the different paradigms, there can be no meaningful exchange between Sachs and the others, so it is time
to introduce the special guest, Walther von Stolzing,
who is interviewed by the assembled group.
He has left his aristocratic ...

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Nuremberg: the imaginary capital - Page 102
Stephen Brockmann - 2006 - 345 pages - Preview

Wagner's introduction of the knightly hero Walther von Stolzing
as a romantic love interest also indicates
a significant change of focus.

Whereas Deinhardstein and Lortzing had presented a conflict between the young Hans Sachs and his ...

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Unsettling opera: staging Mozart, Verdi, Wagner, and Zemlinsky - Page 56
David J. Levin - 2007 - 254 pages - Preview

(Mister Walther von Stolzing, sing the song! You Masters, read, to see whether he has succeeded!).

Kothner and the Mastersingers “eagerly read along” as
Walther begins his recital.

Soon, Walther abandons the printed text.

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University of North Carolina studies in the Germanic languages and ...: Issue 19
No cover image
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Wagner's Meistersinger: Performance, History, Representation - Page 78
Nicholas Vazsonyi - 2004 - 248 pages - Preview

unbridled transparency and reciprocity culminates, suspends the ordinary continuum of time and discovers the absolute in a sudden moment of enchantment.

Walther von Stolzing and Eva Pogner, in the opening scene of Die Meistersinger, ...

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Poetic Creation: - Page 52
Carl Abraham Daniel Fehrman - 1980 - 229 pages - Preview

Walther von Stolzing, the victorious master singer, is familiar with the traditional musical forms of the guilds of singers.

But he boldly breaks loose from them and creates a new form which to the musical notions-of the master singers ...

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