Monday, March 26, 2012

Turiddù e compagnia: il tenore mascagniano rivisitato

Turiddù e compagnia

Vogue: Volume 189

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But for Turiddù there is nothing. This is a really tragic opera."
Unlike the typical penguin statue in a concert opera, Cura
throws himself into the part and, of course, does so even more in a full-dress performance.

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Fanfare: Volume 5, Issues 1-3

No cover image Flegler - 1981 - Snippet view

In the Cavalleria Rusticana they took out a razor blade and hacked out Turiddù's killing, so the music cuts from his last words to the final orchestral outburst; understand, this is taken from a complete recording, so this is not a musical ...

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Opera Canada: Volumes 23-25 Opera Association, Canadian Opera Guild - 1982 - Snippet view

What was the family name of Turiddù, the hero of Mascagni's Cavalleria rusticana?

7. In our last quiz, we named the eight Valkyries, Brunnhilde's sisters, in Wagner's Die Walkiire. With what Wagner opera do you associate the three ...

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Fine Ottecento: Baldini, Antonio Baldini - 1947 - 286 pages - Snippet view

E la gnà Lola (scena VI), quando Turiddù le dice che lontano non faceva che pensare a lei, « che ci credete, — dice sogghignando alla zia Filomena, — che pensano sempre una cosa quando son via, in mezzo alle altre donne? e non le ...

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Ma l'amore no: Savio - 1975 - 411 pages - Snippet view

fino al duello fra Alfio e Turiddù.
E qui è il terzo merito del filme: d'avere,
fin dove è stato possibile, rispettato il dialogo scritto da Verga ". Rivivono, " pittoreschi e vivissimi ", i " costumi popolari, le processioni, ...

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Clinical methods Robert Hutchison - 1903 - 612 pages - Snippet view

Contains some urea (at least in later Fluid. yellow Watery 1006-11 Scanty months) Pancreatic Colourless or yellowish aud turidd Low but variable Contains cholesterin, and (if recent) will digest egg- albumin in alkaline medium. and may ...

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Cavalleria rusticana: melodrama in one act
Pietro Mascagni, Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti, Guido Menasci - 1891 - 168 pages - No preview

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Country Guide 2012-2013: Sicile Iles Eoliennes - Page 372 - Full view

... les spaghetti turiddù (câpres, anchois, filet tomate, panure), la salade d'orange, le thon cà cipudolata (aux oignons rouges), le filet de porc de lait et sa Du Vésuve à l'Etna, Roger Peyrefitte, Flammarion 1952 sauce piquante, etc.

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Journal of Appalachian studies: Volumes 6-7 Virginia University. Regional Research Institute, Appalachian Studies Association - 2000 - Snippet view

Hoivik, Tord, and Turidd Heiberg. 1980. "Centre-Periphery Tourism and Self- Reliance." International Social Science Journal 32: 69-98. Hsiung, David. 1997. Two Worlds in the Tennessee Mountains: Exploring the Origins of Appalachian ...

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Revue des deux mondes - Snippet view

N'y at-il pas, dans ce récit bref, et plein de passion contenue, quelque chose d'analogue à l'énergie que le Turiddù de Cavalleria Rusticana met dans sa chanson sicilienne? Chez Pascarella, la belle forme du sonnet acquiert ainsi, ...

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