Saturday, May 26, 2012


Speranza Phoenissae - Page 35 Euripidēs, Donald J. Mastronarde - 1994 - 673 pages - Preview Euripide is cited by Aelian as the authority for Laio as the first 'mortal' (rather than 'divine') homoerotic lover. This suggests that Aelian knew of no earlier important literary source, but does not prove that Euripide originated the claim. More editions The Fragments of Attic Comedy: Volume 3 - Page 509 John Maxwell Edmonds - Preview 1 1 Cicero Tusculan Disputations : Does he not realise what Laio says and desires in Euripides? 1 1 Aelian Historical Miscellanies : They say that the poet Euripide, too, was a lover of Agathon, and composed the play called Crisippo for him. More editions Antimachus of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry - Page 96 Edward Benecke - 2004 - 268 pages - Preview 33, 71): Quis . . . non intellegit quid apud Euripidem et loquatur et cupiat Laius ? Aelian, too (NH vi. 1 5), draws an unconscious comparison between this play and the pure old -Greek Niobe of Sophocles when, after describing how the ... More editions What men want: mothers, fathers, and manhood - Page 97 John Munder Ross - 1994 - 242 pages - Preview He wrote: Oedipus, son of Laius, King of Thebes, and of Jocasta, was exposed as an infant because an oracle had warned Laius that ... The child was rescued, and grew up as a prince in an alien country, until, in doubts as to his origin, ... More editions The plays of Sophocles: commentaries: Part 4 - Page 172 J. C. Kamerbeek - 1997 - 272 pages - Preview But now they have heard of the possibility of Oedipus being Laius' murderer and they witnessed Iocasta's unbelief in ... bourgeoisie of Sophocles' time might be supposed to make (but entirely alien to the poet's mind) are equally wrong. More editions Myth, religion, and mother right: selected writings of J.J. Bachofen - Page 184 J. Jakob Bachofen - 1992 - 309 pages - Preview Oedipus and the Erinyes of Laius. Here the earth mothers become the avenging spirits of the father, just as in the Oresteia, ... hence fundamentally alien to Apollo; now they enter into the closest union with the paternal god. More editions Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology - Page 895 Smith - 1849 - Full view Some call her a natural daughter of Laius (Paus. ix. 26. § 2). Respecting her stay at Thebes and her connection with the fate of ... a woman (Aelian, //. A. xit 7 , Auson. Griph. 40 ; Apollod. iii. 5. § 8 ; Schol. ad Eurip. Phoen. 806). More editions Bibliotheca classica; or, A classical dictionary [by J. ... Lempriere - 1801 - Full view He travelled towards Phocis, and in li!5 journey, met in a narrow road Laius on » chariot with his arm-bearer. ... Alien. 5 it 10. Œme, a daughter of Uanaus, by Crino. ApolhJ. Œnanthes, a favorite of young Ptolemy king of Egypt. Narrative and psychotherapy John McLeod, John McLeod - 1997 - 180 pages - Snippet view The child was rescued, and grew up as a prince at an alien court, until, in doubt as to his origin, he too questioned ... On the road leading away from what he believed was his home, he met King Laius and slew him in a sudden quarrel. More editions Greek Tragedy - Page 146 Gilbert Norwood - 2009 - 404 pages - Preview The murderer of Laius is here, supposed an alien, but in reality Theban-born. Bereft of his sight and his riches he shall go forth into a strange land, and shall be found brother and father of his children, ... More editions

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