Saturday, May 26, 2012

L'ombra d'Edipo -- Fattorini, libretto. Legrenzi, "Eteocle e Polinice"

Speranza Fattorini, Tebaldo Gr; Sal; Son; NG (text); Legrenzi, [Giovanni] (music). Eteocle, E Polinice. Venetia Appresso Francesco Nicolini. MDCLXXV 1675 no. 2; Consacrato Alle Nobilissime Dame Di Venetia.; Different edition from no. 200.]; 37 leaves, pp. [2] [1-2] 3-72. Corner of pp. 5-6 torn and page numbers missing; corners of pp. 39-44 burned and page numbers missing.; Three acts (I.24 II.26 III.[25]).; Acts I and II end with balli.; 1. Ballo di Soldati, e di Cavalieri; 2. Ballo di Fantasmi. Full-page engraving, in ms. at top "Gl'angoli sono 15" [1]; title page [1]; dedication (3-4); "A chi legge" in which the composer and the set designer are cited [5-6]; "Argomento" (7-8); "Interlocutori" (9); "Scene" and "Balli" (10); text (11-72). Genre: Drama per Musica Roles: Eteocle Polinice Antigona (not Antigone) Arbante Cleante Adrasto Deifile Argia Silena Tideo Eurillo L'Ombra d'Edipo Theater: S. Salvatore Sets: Lanbranzi, Gio. Battista Reel: 10 [Fattorini, Tebaldo] Gr; Sal; Son; NG (text); Legrenzi, [Giovanni] (music). Eteocle, E Polinice. Venetia Appresso Francesco Nicolini. MDCLXXV 1675 no. 3; Consacrato Alle Nobilissime Dame Di Venetia.; [Different edition from no. 199.]; 37 leaves, pp. [2] [1-2] 3-72. Page 5 unnumbered.; Three acts (I.24 II.26 III.[25]).; Acts I and II end with balli.; 1. Ballo di Soldati, e di Cavalieri; 2. Ballo di Fantasmi; Full-page engraving, in ms. at top "Dove e Amor al son contente" [1]; title page [1]; dedication (3-4); "A chi legge" in which the composer and the set designer are cited ([5]-6); "Argomento" (7-8); "Interlocutori" (9); "Scene" and "Balli" (10); text (11-72); the initials G.M. are stamped (72). Genre: Drama per Musica Roles: Eteocle, Polinice, Antigona, Arbante, Cleante, Adrasto, Deifile, Argia, Silena, Tideo, Eurillo, Ombra d'Edipo Theater: S. Salvatore Sets: Lanbranzi, Gio. Battista Reel: 10

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