Sunday, May 20, 2012

something struck me behind the ear -- 1900

Speranza 1900 she was s dear little dicky bird, “chip, Chip, Chip,” she went, sweetly she sang to me till all my money was spent; then she went off song we parted on fighting terms. she was one of the early birds, and I was one of the worms. it was at the Pantomime sweet Mabel and I did meet she was in the ballet front row and I in a five shilling seat; she was dressed like a dicky bird, beautiful wings she had on, fighure divine, wished she were mine, on her I was totally gone. at the stage door ev’ry night, I waited with my boquet, till my bird had moulted, and then we’d drive in a hansom away. oyster suppers and sparkling “Cham” couldn’t she go it! What ho fivers I spent, tenners I lent, for to her I couldn’t say “No”. Elskin coats and diamond rings knocked holes in my purse alone, she would have ‘em and in the end I got hers by pawning my own. when at last I was fairly broke, ‘twixt us a quarrel arose, Mabel the fair pulled out my hair, and clawed all the skin off my nose. full of love and poverty, and armed with a carving knife, I dark night I knelt in the mud and asked if she’d be my wife. something struck me behind the ear, someone said “Now go and get wife of your own, leave me alone!” and that was the last time we met.

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