Sunday, May 20, 2012

would I could break the cruel bonds that hold her -- 1895 -- the tenor's aria

Speranza 1895 dream, O my dearest, till we meet once more, day-dreams of happiness again in store, dreams of a future that our fates may hold, pass'd in the wonderland of love untold! how can I wait - when she I worship only, friendless and fair, my help may sorely need? how can I wait, and leave her sad and lonely, counting the hours that all too slowly speed? earth has no grace that does not cling about her - life has no charm, if mine she may not be; star of my soul! I cannot live without her; o grant this day may give her back to me! glory of flow'rs and fairy-land around me, over my path the joyous sunlight falls; yet is my dear, whose charms so fast have bound me, caged like a bird within those gilded walls. would I could break the cruel bonds that hold her, snap ev'ry chain that keeps us two apart! star of my soul! the half I have not told her of all the love that fills my beating heart. ----From: “The Geisha”

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