Friday, June 29, 2012

Grisotto: segnare, segnalare

Luigi Speranza

There is some confusion here.

There's Latin,


--- this is VERY basic. Note: 'significatio', 'de-signatio', or, my favourite: 'signatio', segnazione -- cfr. signatura, segnatura.



Then there's signale.

This becomes a verb only in Italian, not in Latin.

cfr. English "signal".

signal (n.)
late 14c., from O.Fr. signal, from M.L. signale "a signal," from L.L. signalis (adj.) "used as a signal, pertaining to a sign," from L. signum "signal, sign." The verb is first recorded 1805, from the noun; earlier verb was signalize (1650s).
signal (adj.)
"remarkable, striking, notable" 1641, from Fr. signalé, pp. of signaler "to distinguish" (see signal (n.)).

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