Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Spenser, Milton, and the Redemption of the Epic Hero - Page 20 books.google.comChristopher Bond - 2011 - 241 pages - Preview Tasso is explicit as to the unique virtue and power of the primary hero: “it is quite reasonable that ... 79 This excellence contrasts with the fallibility of Rinaldo, who, like Adam and Redcrosse, is susceptible to anger and lust, ... Old master drawings from the Feitelson collection books.google.comAlfred Moir, UCSB Art Museum, Alfred Moir - 1983 - 167 pages - Snippet view GIOVANNI RAGGI (Bergamo 1712 - Venice - 1792 Bergamo) Rinaldo about to Leave Armida s Enchanted Island Pen and brown ink, ... Gerusalemme Liberata is about the first Crusade; its hero, Godfrey, has been called a pious Roman Catholic

John Eccles: Rinaldo and Armida - Page 3 books.google.comJohn (COP) Eccles, Steven Eric Plank - 2011 - 116 pages - Preview I had only the hint of Rinaldo's character from Tasso,6 but the character is my own. ... I designed Rinaldo then neither a languishing nor a brutal hero; he is fond of Armida to the last degree, and yet resolves to leave her, ... The Spenser encyclopedia - Page 678 books.google.comAlbert Charles Hamilton - 1990 - 858 pages - Preview Tasso's epic about the conquest of Jerusalem by the knights of the First Crusade became a favorite subject for painters, dramatists, and opera composers; and his heroes and heroines - Rinaldo, Armida, Tancredi, Clorinda-were as familiar ... More editions Handel: tercentenary collection - Page 128 books.google.comStanley Sadie, Anthony Hicks - 1987 - 308 pages -

Tasso's hero was meant to symbolize 'the imperfection of humaine nature', who 'attaines not this felicitie without many ... including Quinault's tragedie lyrique and John Dennis's semi-opera Rinaldo and Armida (1698).25 Almirena is ... More editions Music As Social and Cultural Practice: Essays in Honour of ... - Page 241 books.google.comMelania Bucciarelli, Berta Joncus - 2007 - 443 pages - Preview Silvani drew from several cantos of Gerusalemme liberata, most notably Cantos xv and xvi, which feature Armida's enchanted garden where Rinaldo is kept under the sorceress's spell, and the episode of Armida's abandonment by Rinaldo and ... More editions The collected works of Sir Humphry Davy ...: Discourses delivered ... books.google.comEtienne Achille Réveil, Sir Humphry Davy, Jean Duchesne - 1829 - Full view After having described the fury of Armida , Tasso relates the means she employed to cause Rinaldo to fall into her power. He presents him landing on a small island of the Orontes, whither he was attracted by a false inscription which ... More editions Renaissance transactions: Ariosto and Tasso - Page 77 books.google.comValeria Finucci - 1999 - 328 pages - Preview Tasso's Armida and the Victory of Romance JO ANN CAVALLO

The first person to offer an interpretation of Armida is ... In the same essay, the Christian hero Rinaldo is designated as the figure who provides the arm of the crusading army ... More editions Musée de peinture et de sculpture, ou Recueil des principaux ... books.google.comJean Duchesne, Réveil - 1829 - Full view After having described the fury of Armida, Tasso relates the means she employed to cause Rinaldo to fall into her power. He presents him landing on a small island of the Orontes, whither lie was attracted by a false inscription which ... More editions Epic and Empire: Politics and Generic Form from Virgil to Milton - Page 38 books.google.comDavid Quint - 1993 - 433 pages - Preview Tasso's hero Rinaldo, having rebelled against the jurisdiction of Goffredo, the commander in chief of the Crusader army, leaves the battlefront and wanders into a realm of romance. He captivates and is captivated in turn by Armida.

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