Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Catalogue raisonné of arias for singing lesson in "Barber of Seville"


--- dall'A alla Z

The technical word here is INTERPOLATION, as one reads from the MET archive, for one occasion:

"The program did not specify the selection
sung by Sembrich during the Lesson Scene. On
all other occasions this season, when her
interpolation was listed, the soprano
invariably performed Voci di primavera (Strauss)."

I read from wiki:

"For the singing lesson in Act II [of Rossini, "Barber of Seville"]
sopranos have often inserted a song of their own choice. Pauline
Viardot began the practice of inserting Alabiev's "Nightingale". Callas
sung a cut-down version of Rossini's own "Contro un cor.""

Can we have a catalogue raisonné of that? I would be interested to survey the choices, along the years, with info on lyricist, composer, et al. Thanks for input!


In the Lesson Scene Galli-Curci sang "Qui la voce" from BELLINI, "I Puritani" and

"Home sweet home" from "Clari" (Bishop).

HOME SWEET HOME. "Galli-Curci's best singing was reserved for the lesson scene in the last act. Here she sang the "Qui la voce" aria from "Puritani" with immense popular success. Then, waving the pseudo music-master from his seat at the piano, she moved to the instrument, and, following her custom, gave "Home, Sweet Home," in English."

"Again and again she was called upon to bow, and in vain the actors attempted to proceed with the scene. A male voice paused in the midst of a scarcely audible recitative, and applause burst out in another storm. Finally Gennaro Papi solved the situation and saved the recently emphasized no-encore rule in the face of the audience by starting the orchestra, and the opera went on to its gay end."
In the Lesson Scene Galli-Curci sang "Je suis Titania" from Mignon and "Home sweet home" from Clari (Bishop).

There was a real outburst of enthusiasm after she sang the polonaise from "Mignon" in the lesson scene. It is interesting to note that in this scene Rosina always sings something that was composed long after "II Barbiere di Siviglia." It would be a novel experiment for some Rosina to unearth an aria from some forgotten seventeenth century opera, in the later years of the century, for instance, when operas were full of vocal fireworks.

[In the Lesson Scene Galli-Curci sang Deh torna mio bene (Proch) and Home sweet home from Clari (Bishop).]

 In the lesson scene she sang the antiquated variations of Proch in a dull and listless style except for the easy staccati and followed it with "Home Sweet Home," given in an equally pallid manner.

[In the Lesson Scene Galli-Curci sang Deh torna mio bene (Proch) and Home sweet home from Clari (Bishop).]

The lesson scene brought a captivating rendition of the "Shadow Song" from "Dinorah," followed by her own personally accompanied 'Home Sweet Home" in English. The distinctive and flower-petal quality of Galli-Curci's fragrant voice was in rich evidence, lifting and winging its way into memories of the listeners. Where in all the garden of birds, is there such another as this human heaven-soaring songster?

[Throughout this season, the aria sung by Rosina in the Lesson Scene was Contro un cor.]

[In the Lesson Scene Sembrich sang Deh torna mio bene (Proch), Wiegenlied (Ries) and Ich liebe dich (Foerster).]

"It was in the music lesion scene that Mme. Sembrich most thoroughly captivated her hearers last evening and in that, of course, the music was not only not Rossini's but was utterly unlike Rossini in every feature. The song and variations, by Proch, first sung in this country by Mme. Peschka-Leutner 14 years ago, was the first selection introduced by Mme. Sembrich in this division of the opera, and the dazzling brilliancy of her execution of this bit of music teacher's work, and the ease with which she overcame the difficulties of its most bewildering bars fully merited the wild applause which followed it. Afterwards she sang, with much grace and tenderness, two German love songs."

[In the Lesson Scene Sembrich sang Proch's "Deh torna mio bene," the Queen of the Night aria from Die Zauberflöte "Gli angui d'inferno," and "Someday" an English song by Wellings.]

In the lesson scene SEMBRICH sang Proch's aria and variations, and the grand scene from "Il Flauto Magico," arousing the greatest enthusiasm.

As for the extra songs SEMBRICH sang, according to time-honored custom, in the scene, we should have preferred almost anything to Proch's "Variations," and that too, too trite "Some Day!" (Beautifully sung as they were).

[In the Lesson Scene Patti sang Eckert's "Swiss Echo Song," and then supplemented this selection with "Home sweet home" and "The Last Rose of Summer."

[In the Lesson Scene, Sembrich sang Strauss's "Voci di primavera," which had been dedicated to her by the composer.

[In the Lesson Scene, Sembrich sang Voci di primavera (Strauss), Ah non giunge from La Sonnambula and The Maiden's Wish (Chopin).]

chose for her songs of display the waltz, "Voci di Primavera" by Strauss; Chopin's "Mère la Birding," which she sang in Polish, accompanying herself at the piano in a most musicianly way, and "Ah non Guinge" from "Sonnambula."

[In the Lesson Scene Munsel sang L'Inutile Precauzione by Pietro Cimara. The arietta, using the words from the opera, was written in 1941 at the suggestion of Bidú Sayao.]

[In the Lesson Scene Sayao sang Bel raggio from Semiramide.]

[In the Lesson Scene Reggiani sang Il Carnevale di Venezia (Benedict).

[In the Lesson Scene Antoine sang Charmant oiseau from La Perle du Brésil (David).]

[In the Lesson Scene Pons sang Ah vous dirai-je maman from Le Toréador (Adam).]

[In the Lesson Scene HORNE sang "La mia pace, la mia calma," an alternate aria composed by Rossini for this scene]

[In the Lesson Scene Horne sang Tanti affetti from La Donna del Lago by Rossini.]

"Contro un cor che accende amore," (Victoria de los Angeles) the aria that Rossini wrote to be sung at this point.

"It is such a wonderful display-piece and so dramatically effective that one wonders how the custom of interpolating another aria here was ever started."

[In the Lesson Scene Berger sang Pur dicesti (Lotti).]

[In the Lesson Scene Peters sang "Quel bonheur je respire" from Fra Diavolo in Italian.]

[In the Lesson Scene Munsel sang O luce di quest'anima from Linda di Chamounix.]
[In the Lesson Scene Pons sang La fauvette avec ses petits from Zemire et Azor (Grétry, La Forge).]

[In the Lesson Scene Sayao sang Deh vieni non tardar from Le Nozze
di Figaro.]

[In the Lesson Scene Tourel sang Nacqui all'affanno from La Cenerentola.]
[In the Lesson Scene Pons sang Villanelle (Dell'Acqua).]

[In the Lesson Scene Pons sang Où va la jeune Indoue from Lakmé.]

[In the Lesson Scene Pons sang Villanelle (Dell'Acqua) and Ach ich liebte from Die Entführung aus dem Serail.]

[In the Lesson Scene Pons sang Deh torna mio bene (Proch) and Lo Hear the Gentle Lark (Bishop).]

[In the Lesson Scene Morgana sang Ô légère hirondelle from Mireille.]

[In the Lesson Scene Elvira de Hidalgo sang the Shadow Song from Dinorah and Al pensar en el dueño de mis amores from Las Hijas del Zebedeo (Chapí).]

[In the Lesson Scene Ottein sang L'incantatrice (Arditi).]

[In the Lesson Scene Cora Chase sang Je veux vivre from Roméo et Juliette.]

[In the Lesson Scene Barrientos sang Ah non sai qual pena (Mozart).]

[In the Lesson Scene Hempel sang An der schönen blauen Donau (Strauss).]

[In the Lesson Scene Nielsen may have sung Parla (Arditi), the selection scheduled by Hempel, who was replaced as Rosina by Nielsen.]

[In the Lesson Scene Hempel sang Il Bacio (Arditi).]

[In the Lesson Scene De Pasquali sang Grande Valse (Venzano).]

[In the Lesson Scene Lipkowska sang The Nightingale (Alabiev, Rôze).]

In the Lesson Scene Sembrich sang "Voci di primavera" by Strauss, "Ah non giunge" from La Sonnambula, and a Mazurka by Chopin, the latter with her own piano accompaniment.]

[n the Lesson Scene, Sembrich sang Strauss's "Voci di primavera" and "Ah, non giunge" from La Sonnambula. She followed these selections by going to the piano and playing and singing Chopin's "The Maiden's Wish."]

[In the Lesson Scene Sembrich sang Strauss's "Voci di primavera" and Taubert's "Ich muss nun einmal singen." In response to the audience's demands for more, she took a seat at the piano and sang a Chopin song, playing her own accompaniment.]

Dall'A alla Z:

ACH ICH LIEBTE -- Mozart, Ratto del Seraglio -- Pons
AH NON GIUNGE (Bellini, Sonnambula) -- SEMBRICH.
AH NON SAI QUAL PENA (Mozart) Barrientos
AH VOUS DIRAI-JE MAMAN (from "Le Toreador" (Adam)) -- Pons.
AL PENSAR EN EL DUENO (from Las Hijas del Zewbedeo -- Chapi) -- Elvira de Hidalgo.
BACIO, Il (Arditi) -- Hempel
BEL RAGGIO (Rossini, SEMIRAMIDE) -- Sayao.
CHARMANT OISEAU (from La Perle du Bresil (David)) -- Antoine.
DEH VIENI NON TARDAR (Mozart, Le nozze di Figaro) SAYAO.
FAUVETTE, LA -- from "Zemire et Azor" (Gretry, La Forge) -- Pons
GRANDE VALSE (Venzano) -- De Pasquali
ICH MUSS NUN EINMAL SINGEN (Taubert) -- Sembrich
INCANTATRICE, L' (Arditi) -- Ottein
JE VEUX VIVRE (Romeo e Giulietta) -- Cora Chase.
L'INUTILE PRECAUZIONE (Pietro Cimara) -- arietta -- using the words from the opera, written in 1941, at the suggestion of Bidu Sayao.
LO, HEAR THE GENTLE LARK -- Bishop -- PONS. Of note is Bishop's 1819 musical comedy adaptation of William Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors, which included the popular coloratura soprano aria "Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark".
MAIDEN'S WISH, The (Chopin) -- Sembrich
MAZURKA (Chopin) -- Sembrich
MERE La Birding (Chopin) -- SEMBRICH.
NACQUI ALL'AFFANO (Rossini, La Cenerentola) -- Tourel.
NIGHTINGALE, The (Alabiev, Roze) -- Lipkowska
O LUCE DI QUEST'ANIMA (Donizetti, "Linda") -- Munsel.
OU VA LA JEUNE (Lakme) Pons
PARLA (Arditi) -- Nielsen
PUR DICESTI (Lotti) -- Berger
QUEL BONHEUR JE RESPIRE -- Fra Diavolo, in Italian -- Peters.
SHADOW SONG -- from Dinorah
SOME DAY (Wellings) -- "too, too trite".
VILLANELLE -- (dell'Acqua) -- Pons


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