Tuesday, September 11, 2012

CATONE IN UTICA: dramma per musica da rappresentarise nel regio teatro di TORINO nel carnevale del 1763.


This is a ca. 1763 copy of the libretto of "Catone in Utica," by Metastasio.

Gian Francesco de Majo set this libretto to music for the 1763 carnival season in Turin.

In this story,

Caesar and Fulvio meet Cato, Utica's ruler, and offer him a peace truce, but Emilia, Pompey's widow, suspects treachery and plots to murder Caesar.

Cato rejects a Senate's order for a reconciliation with Caesar and demands that Caesar surrender his dictatorial powers.

Marzia, Cato's daughter, promised in marriage to Arbace, is in love with Caesar and pleas to her father to deter him from waging war.

Arbace, who feels that his love for Marcia was betrayed, is lured by Emilia into an assassination attempt on Caesar.

Fulvio is led to believe that Emilia will attempt on Caesar's life as he leaves by the gate of the city and advises him to take a secret path only to discover that Emilia used him to deliver Caesar into the hands of her followers.

As Fulvio announces the victory of Caesar's armies in Utica, CATONE [tenore] stabs himself and before dying grants forgiveness to Marcia on condition that she swear loyalty to Arbaces and hatred towards Caesar.


The library's copy of "Catone in Utica" is bound with the following librettos: "Ifigenia in Aulide", by Vittorio Amedeo Cigna-Santi; "Sofonisba" by Mattia Verazi; "Arianne e Teseo" by Pietro Pariati; and "Le piacevoli poesie" by Gasparo Gozzi.
Creator(s):Metastasio, Pietro, 1698-1782.
Creation Date: [1763]

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