Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Storia della Filosofia Romana -- M. B. Trapp: IMPERO ROMANO, FILOSOFIA


Trapp, M.

  'Dion of Prusa. The philosopher and his image' JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES, 131, pp. 273-274.

 'Demon', in The Classical Tradition: a guide pp. 259-260
 'Socrates', in The Classical Tradition: a guide pp. 895-897
 'Lucian's Nigrinus and the anxieties of philosophical communication', in International Symposium on Lucianus of Samosata pp. 113-124
  'Socrates - hoplite hero or zero?' Ad familiares (37), pp. 8-8.
[Newspaper/Magazine article (Print)]
 'Sappho (and Sophocles) at King's College London', in Essays in Classical Archaeology for Eleni Hatzivassiliou 1977-2007 pp. 321-329
  'The Death of Socrates. Hero, Villain, Chatterbox, Saint' JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES, 128, pp. 292-293.
[Book Review (Print)]
  • Michael Trapp (2007) 'Socrates from Antiquity to the Enlightenment' and 'Socrates in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries' Aldershot: Ashgate
    [Edited book in print]
 'Apuleius of Madaura and Maximus of Tyre', in Greek & Roman Philosophy, 100 BC - 200 AD, vol. 2 pp. 467-482
  •  'Neopythagoreans', in Greek & Roman Philosophy, 100 BC - 200 AD, vol. 2 pp. 347-363
  •  Philosophy in the Roman Empire: Ethics, Politics and Society Aldershot: Ashgate
    [Authored Book in print]
  •  'Philosophy, scholarship and the world of learning in the Severan period', in The Severan Period pp. 466-484
  • Michael Trapp, Matthew Bell (2007) The Mond Bequest at King's College London: a celebration
    [Web site]
  •  'What was this philosophia anyway?', in Philosophical Presences in the Ancient Novel pp. 1-22
  •  'Biography in letters; biography and letters', in The Limits of Ancient Biography pp. 335-350
  •  'Letters', in The Edinburgh Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome pp. 335-338
  •  'Images of Alexandria in the writings of the Second Sophistic', in Alexandria Real and Imagined pp. 113-132

  •  'Statesmanship in a minor key', in The Statesman in Plutarch's Works: Plutarch's Statesman and His Aftermath - Political, Philosophical, and Literary Aspects: Vol 1 pp. 189-200
  •   'Studies on Dio Chrysostom' CLASSICAL REVIEW, 54 (1), pp. 53-54.
    [Book Review (Print)]
  •  'The image of Socrates in art from the fifth century BC to the twentieth century AD', in Socrates, 2400 Years since his Death pp. 507-516
  •  Greek and Latin Letters: An Anthology with Translation Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    [Authored Book in print]
  •   'Porphyry, 'Introduction'' TLS: The Times literary supplement (5253), pp. 6-6.
    [Book Review (Print)]
  • ) 'Les 'Diatribes' of Teles: Introduction, revised text, translation and commentary on the fragments (with a Spanish translation appended)' CLASSICAL REVIEW, 52 (2), pp. 261-263.
    [Book Review (Print)]
  •   'Philosopher in a basket' TLS: The Times literary supplement (5201), pp. 3-4.
    [Article in print Journal]
  •   'The unknown Socrates' TLS: The Times literary supplement (5202), pp. 3-4.
    [Book Review (Print)]
  •   'Audience and speaker. Their [Griceian] interaction in the sophistic rhetoric of the imperial period' CLASSICAL REVIEW, 51 (1), pp. 34-36.
    [Book Review (Print)]
  • David Ricks, Michael B Trapp (2001) Dialogos London: Frank Cass
    [Authored Book in print]
  • Michael Trapp, A Laird, A Kahane  'On tickling the ears: Apuleius' prologue and the anxieties of philosophers', in A Laird, A Kahane (eds.) A Companion to the Prologue of Apuleius' Metamorphoses pp. 39-46
  • M B Trapp (2001) 'Tergeminus sophos' CLASSICAL REVIEW, 51 (1), pp. 34-36.
    [Article in print Journal]
  •  'Beatus Rhenanus and Maximus of Tyre (1519)', in Beatus Rhenanus (1485-1547) : lecteur et éditeur des textes anciens : actes du colloque international tenu à Strasbourg et à Sélestat du 13 au 15 novembre 1998 pp. 151-171
  • ) 'Dio's Plato', in Dio Chrysostom pp. 213-239
  •   'Literate education in the ... Roman world...' CLASSICAL REVIEW, 50 (1), pp. 219-220.
    [Book Review (Print)]
  • ) 'Plato in Athenaeus' Deipnosophists', in Athenaeus and his World pp. 353-364
  • M B Trapp (2000) 'The world of Parmenides. Essays on the Presocratic Enlightenment' CLASSICAL REVIEW, 50 (1), pp. 327-327.
    [Book Review (Print)]
  • Michael Trapp (1997) Maximus of Tyre: The Philosophical Orations Oxford:
    [Authored Book in print]

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