Friday, September 7, 2012

Storia della Filosofia Romana


Roman philosophy developed from Greek Hellenistic philosophy,chiefly of the Academic, Stoic and Epicurean schools.

In 155 BCE anembassy of Athenian philosophers so impressed its Roman audiencesthat Roman philosophy can be said to have developed from that event.Mark Morford makes the huge output of the Roman philosophicalauthors (notably Cicero, Lucretius and Seneca) manageable for readersunfamiliar with the field, quoting extensively from original texts, inreadable and accurate translations. He introduces figures such asEpictetus and Marcus Aurelius, whose names are well known butwhose works can be hard to read, and others including the poets Manil-ius, Lucan and Persius, and the philosopher Musonius, who were signif-icant in the tradition of Roman philosophy.

The Roman Philosophers is the ideal route to understanding thisimportant era in the history of thought.

Mark Morford is Professor of Classics at the University of Vir-ginia and at Ohio State University.

He is the author of books on theNeostoic scholar Justus Lipsius and the Roman Stoic poets Lucan andPersius. He is also the co-author of Classical Mythology, and teaches and researches at Smith College,Northampton, Massachusetts. THE ROMANPHILOSOPHERS

From the time of Cato the Censor to the death of Marcus Aurelius. Mark Morford.

LONDON. 2002. Routledge, London


Philosophia Togata

The arrival of the Greek philosophers in Rome

Cicero and his contemporaries

Lucretius and the Epicureans

Philosophers and poets in the Augustan Age

Seneca and his contemporaries

Stoicism under Nero and the Flavians
From Epictetus to Marcus Aurelius

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