Wednesday, October 10, 2012

love potion operas


I read from:

"Gilbert expanded on his own short

story that he had written the previous year

for The Graphic, "An Elixir of Love," ... creating a

plot about a magic love potion that – as often

occurs in opera – causes everyone to

fall in love with the wrong partner."


"as often occurs in opera".

Perhaps we can list examples?

[AUBER-Scribe, "Il filtro"

Donizetti-Romani, "L'elisir d'amore"]


The source of it all must be TRISTANO:

as per

Nemorino: Avreste voi... per caso... la bevanda amorosa della regina Isotta?

Dulcamara: Ah!... Che?... Che cosa?

Nemorino: Voglio dire... lo stupendo elisir che desta amore...

Dulcamara: Ah! sì sì, capisco, intendo. Io ne son distillatore.


The wiki wording -- "a plot about a magic love potion that – as often occurs in opera – causes everyone to fall in love with the wrong partner" -- is specific enough, and it may do to consider variations on the theme.


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