Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rossini and beyond


Thanks to G. M. for the
I would search for a book called "Changing the Score: Arias, Prima Donnas and
the Authority in Performance" by Hilary Porriss. Poriss has a whole chapter on
Rosina's lesson scene going from Giorgi-Righetti down through Henriette
Sontag to Lind and Patti (Queen of the multi-aria mini concert) to the
twentieth century.

You can read extracts on her chapter on the lessons scene here:


Popular choices included Rode's Variations, Home Sweet Home and Ah, Non
Giunge from "La Sonnambula" which Sembrich sometimes interpolated into the
finale. I have a pirate of Bidu Sayao from the Met in the 40's and she
sings "Bel Raggio Lusingher" from "Semiramide".

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