Saturday, December 15, 2012

Keep your head down Fritzy boy


To the tune of "Hold your hands out naughty boy"

keep your head down Fritzy boy
keep your head down Fritzy boy
last night in the pale moon light
we saw you we saw you
you were mending your broken wire
& we opened rapid fire
if you want to see your mother
& your fatherland
keep your head down Fritzy boy.

hold your hands up Fritzy boy
hold your hands up Fritzy boy
just tonight in the pale moonlight
we saw you we saw you
we were laying some more wire
& we nearly opened fire
if you want to see your mother
& your fatherland
keep your hands up Fritzy boy.

keep your head down fusilier
keep your head down fusilier
there’s a bloody great Hun
with a bloody great gun
who’ll shoot you who’ll shoot you
there’s a sniper up a tree
he’s waiting for you & me
if you really want to see ole Blighty
once more
keep your head down fusilier

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