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Woll, Alien L.
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Jackson, Richard, ed.
"The Stephen Foster Song Book" ----------------- KEYWORD: FOSTER
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Turner, Michael R. and Miall,
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"A Casquet of Vocal Gems"
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Michael Joseph. 1972.
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"The Second Parlour Song Book"
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Waites, Aline and Hunter, Robin.
"The Illustrated Victorian Song Book"
London: Michael Joseph, 1984.
Wallace, lan, compiler.
The EMI Book of Parlour
London: EMI Publishing, 1981.
British and American periodicals covered
by The "Répertoire International de la Presse
Full-text 35mm
microfilm and RIPM hardbound indexes to each tide available from UMI
The Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review
The Musical Examiner
The Musical Tunes
The Musical
Musical World
Musical Journal
Musical Directory
Musical Record
Musical Opinion
Dwight's Journal of Music
The Message
The New York Musical World
The Musical Gazette (1856-59) and The
Lute (1883-99) are included
in British Periodicals in the Creative Arts (UMI
Microfilm Collection).
Data Bases and the Internet
"Concert Use in Nineteenth-Century London"
Database Project
Simon McVeigh, Christine Bashford, and Rachel Cowgill.
An inter-university
project linking Goldsmiths College, London with Oxford Brookes University and
the University of Huddersfield.
For information on its methodology and
rationale, see Christina Bashford
"Introducing the Concert Life in 19th-century
London Database"
Brio (1999)
The website:
Gilbert and Sullivan
(Boise State University, Idaho): http://diamond.boisestate.edu/gas
Public Domain Music (Benjamin Tubb)
-- a site containing songs (with sound
by 19th-century popular composers.
The website:
Women Song Composers: A Listing of Songs Published in
the United States and England
c. 1890—1930.
Compiled by Christopher Reynolds,
Department of Music, University of California, Davis
-- a searchable database
containing 5116 songs (and song sets and cycles) by 515 women composers active
in North America and England.
The information in the bibliography includes tide,
composer, poet, publisher, date and city of publication, and (for some of the
songs) also serial number.
The database can be accessed at:
Dictionaries, & Indexes
Brown, James D. and Stephen S. Stratton.
Musical Biography"
Birmingham: Stratton, 1897
"Catalogue of Printed Music in
the British Library"
to 1980.
62 vols. London: Saur, 1981-87.
Dictionary of
National Biography.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, new edn forthcoming,
Ebel, Otto.
Women Composers: A Bio-bibliographical Handbook of
Woman's Work in Music
NY: Chandler, 1902.
Fuld, James J.
The Book
of World Famous Music, Classical, Popular and Folk.
4th ed. New York: Dover,
1995; orig. pub. Crown. 1966.
Fuller, Sophie.
The Pandora Guide to Women
Composers: Britain and the United States
1629-Present. London: Pandora,
Gänzl, Kurt.
"The British Musical Theatre"
2 vols. vol. 1: 1865-1914,
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1986.
Hixon, Donald L. and Don A. Hennessee.
Women in
An Encyclopedic Bio-bibliography.
2nd ed. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press,
1993; orig. pub. 1975.
Humphries, Charles and William C. Smith,
Publishing in the British Isles from the EarliestTimes to the Middle of the 19th
A Dictionary of Engravers, Printers, Publishers and MusicS ellers. 2nd
ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 1970; orig. pub. London: Cassell. 1954.
"Sing Us One of the Old Songs"
"A Guide to Popular Song"
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Larkin, Colin (ed.),
"The Encyclopedia
of Popular Music"
8 vols.
London: MUZE, orig. pub. Enfield: Guinness, 1992, in 4
Matthews, Betty, compiler.
The Royal Society of Musicians of Great
List of Members, 1738-1984.
London: Royal Society of Musicians, 1985.
Includes members of the Royal Society of Female Musicians, 1840-66
Music Catalog.
Washington: Library of Congress
100 microfiches held at Bodleian
Library, Oxford, 1991.
Poladian, Sirvart.
Sir Arthur Sullivan: An Index to
the Texts of His Vocal Works. ----- KEYWORD: SULLIVAN
Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography No. 2
Detroit: Information Services. 1961.
Redway, Virginia L.
Musical Directory of
Early New York City.
New York: New York Public Library, 1941.
Sadie, Julie
Anne and Rhian Samuel, eds.
The New Grove Dictionary of Women Composers. London:
Macmillan, 1994.
Sadie, Stanley, ed. 1980
The New Grove Dictionary of Music
and Musicians, London, §IV-§X ; (London: Macmillan): 158-217.
[Opera, Pleasure
Gardens, Concert Life, Education, Music Publishing, Instrument Making, and
Sampson, Henry T.
Blacks in Blackface:
A Source Book on Early
Black Musical Shows. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1980.
Sears, Minnie E.
"Song Index"
2 vols. New York: Wilson, 1926-34.
Senelick, Laurence, David F.
Cheshire, and Ulrich Schneider.
British Music Hall
A Bibliography and
Guide to Sources, with a Supplement on European Music-Hall, Hamden, CT: Archon,
Southern, Eileen.
Biographical Dictionary of Afro-American and African
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982.
Stem, Susan.
Women Composers:
A Handbook, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1978.
Wagstaff, John, ed.
Union Catalogue of Music Periodicals.
2nd ed. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing,
The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals 1824-1900.
4 vols. London:
Routledge, 1979-87.
Scott has tried to ensure that the places of publication and publishers of the latest editions of books are given below, but in order to preserve an idea of publishing chronology, he also provides details of the original publications.
When the publisher remains the same as for the original publication, that publisher's name is not repeated.
Similarly, if the place of publication remains the same (though the publisher may differ), that location is not repeated.
Where there are intervening publishers between the original and latest editions, they are not cited.
Some work dealing with the eighteenth century has been cited where that seems to throw interesting light on developments in the succeeding century.
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