Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Songs of the Year 1900


Songs of the year 1900

What's special about 1900: We hardly can call these songs as coming from the "Naughty Nineties". And yet they are not "Edwardian". They are late Victorian, and all!


Peepin' through the knot-hole
of grandpa's wooden leg
who'll wind the clock when I'm gone
to get the ax
there's a flea in Lizzie's ear
for a boy's best friend is his mother
peepin' through the knot-hole
of grandpa's wooden leg
why do they build the shore so near the ocean
who cut the sleeves
out of dear old daddy's vest
& dug up Fido's bones to build the sewer
a horsey stood around
with his feet upon the ground
oh who will wind the clock when I'm gone
go get the ax,
there's a fly on Lizzie's ear
but a boy's best friend is his mother
I fell from a window
a second-story window
I caught my eyebrow on the window-sill
the cellar is behind the door
Mary's room is behind the ax
but a boy's best friend is his mother
The horses run around
their feet are on the ground
oh, who will wind the clocks when I'm away, away
go get the ax
there's a fly on the baby's chest
& a boy's best friend is his mother, his mother
while peeping through a knot-hole
in grandpa's wooden leg
oh, who has put the shore so near the ocean, the ocean
go get the Listerine, sister's got a beau
& Grandma's false teeth will soon fit Jenny, fit Jenny
while walking in the moonlight
the bright and sunny moonlight
she kissed me in the eye with a tomato, tomato
a snake's belt slips because he has no hips
so he wears his neck tie around his middle, his middle.

Jessie Bartlett Davis
you & I may part
but still you'll own my heart
just because I love you

I used to wonder why it was my heart
Beat like a flutt'ring bird when you drew near
I did not know t'was witched by Love's sweet art
And though it called for you I could not hear,
But ah! its whisp'rings are no longer vain
The tale it strove to tell me now is plain
And if you care to know What makes it throb and glow
It's just because I love you so
I used to wonder why it was that you
Seemed diff'rent from the rest that come and go
And why your smiles and glances thrilled me through
And why, when you were gone I missed you so;
But now I see, with eyes no longer blind
Why you are always in my heart and mind
And why you're more to me Than all this world could be
It's just because I love you so.

Reginald De Koven. Foxy Quiller Two-Step.

w. Arthur J. Lamb m. Harry Von Tilzer
a beautiful sight to see
you may think she's happy & free from care
she's not tho’ she seems to be
'tis sad when you think of her wasted life
for youth cannot mate with age
& her beauty was sold for an old man's gold

the ballroom was filled with fashions throng,
it shone with a thousand lights,
And there was a woman who passed along,
The fairest of all the sights,
A girl to her lover then softly sighed,
There's riches at her command;
But she married for wealth, not for love he cried,
Though she lives in a mansion grand.
I stood in a churchyard just at eve',
When sunset adorned the west,
And looked at the people who'd come to grieve,
For loved ones now laid at rest,
A tall marble monument marked the grave,
Of one who'd been fashions queen,
And I thought she is happier here at rest,
Than to have people say when s

Puccini, “Tosca”. Roma, Londra.

O dolci baci o languide carezze
Mentr’io fremente le belle forme discioglie dai veli
Svani per smpre il sogno mio d’amore
L’ora e fuggita e muoi disperato.


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