Wednesday, December 19, 2012

When this lousy war is over


When this lousy war is over
No more soldiering for me,
When I get my civvy clothes on,
Oh how happy I shall be.
No more church parades on Sunday,
No more begging for a pass.
You can tell the Sergeant-Major
To stick his passes up his arse.
When this lousy war is over
No more soldiering for me,
When I get my civvy clothes on,
Oh how happy I shall be.
No more NCOs to curse me,
No more rotten army stew.
You can tell the old cook-sergeant,
To stick his stew right up his flue.

When this lousy war is over
No more soldiering for me,
When I get my civvy clothes on,
Oh how happy I shall be.
No more Sergeants bawling,
'Pick it up' and 'Put it down'
If I meet the ugly bastard
I'll kick his arse all over town!

When this bleeding war is over;
No more soldiering for me.
When I get my civvy clothes on,
Oh! How happy I shall be.
No more church parades on Sundays,
No more asking for a pass.
We can tell the Sergeant Major
To stick his passes up his arse!

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