Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Every praise is due to the manager of Her Majesty's Theatre


Every praise is due to the manager of Her Majesty's Theatre for the enterprise displayed in engaging any composer to produce a new opera.

Still, it is greatly to be lamented that the capital of the lessee should have been so utterly dissipated as it has most unquestionably been in this instance, the opera of '' I Masnadieri" proving a complete failure.

There are four acts, in which there is not a concerted piece of redeeming point.

Jenny Lind as Amalia is the only singer that shines to any advantage.

All the rest were sorry and poor in their attempts, more from the manifold faults of the composer than individual defects.

Signor Verdi's compositions NEVER took a very high stand in popular estimation.

This, the latest, ranks the very lowest.

The police reports again make mention of unpleasantries enacted before the curtain at this establishment.

Two or three of the checktakers have been giving a check to gentlemen visiting this house, by administering blows, and uttering words partaking certainly more of the insolent than the courteous.

This should not be, and we confidently hope that next season Mr. Lumley-Levy will reform it altogether.


The Sporting review, ed. by 'Craven'.

a cura di John William Carleton.

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