Saturday, January 26, 2013

Viva Verdi -- VERDIANA: Oberto, conte di Bonifacio -- (ossia "ROCESTER") -- tenor role" Riccardo, conte di Salinguerra -- created by Lorenzo Salvi.


"Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio" is an opera in two acts by Giuseppe Verdi to an Italian libretto by Temistocle Solera, based on a libretto by Antonio Piazza, Rocester.

It was Verdi's first opera, written over a period of four years and it was first performed at the Teatro alla Scala, Milan, on November 17, 1839.

The La Scala production enjoyed a fair success and the theatre's impresario, Bartolomeo Merelli, commissioned two further operas from the young composer.


The opera is rarely performed.

The British premiere did not take place until 8 April 1965, and then only in a concert version at St Pancras Town Hall.

It was not given a staged production until 17 February 1982 at the Bloomsbury Theatre in London.

Its American premiere did not take place until 18 February 1978 at the Amato Theatre in New York, although the San Diego Opera (with Ferruccio Furlanetto and Susanne Marsee) claims to have presented the US professional premiere in March 1985.

In modern times, occasional performances have been given.

While it is also claimed that Vincent La Selva (now of the New York Grand Opera) gave the first US presentation of the opera in 1986, it was presented as part of their comprehensive and chronological "Viva Verdi" series from 1994, when it launched performances of all Verdi's operas.

Opera North gave several performances of Oberto during their 1994-5 season with John Tomlinson both directing and performing the title-role.

The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, gave a concert performance in June 1997 with Denyce Graves as Cuniza.

Three opera companies, which plan to present all of Verdi's operas before the bi-centenary of his birth in 2013, have given this opera recently:

The Sarasota Opera presented Oberto in 2001.

The ABAO in Bilbao, Spain, presented it in performances in January 2007, from which a DVD has been released.

The Teatro Regio di Parma gave it in October 2007 as part of their on-going "Festival Verdi".

In its celebration of the Verdi bicentential, it is being staged by La Scala in April/May 2013.


RoleVoice typePremiere Cast,
17 November 1839[7]
(Conductor: - Eugenio Cavallini)
Oberto, Count of San BonifaciobassIgnazio Marini
Leonora, his daughtersopranoAntonietta Marini-Rainieri
Cuniza, sister of Ezzelino da Romanomezzo-sopranoMary Shaw
Imelda, Cuniza's confidentmezzo-sopranoMarietta Sacchi
Riccardo, Count of SalinguerratenorLorenzo Salvi
Lords, ladies, vassals


Time: 1228
Place: Northern Italy
Before the action takes place, a battle has been fought between Oberto, Count of San Bonifacio, and the Salinguerra, led by Ezzelino da Romana.

Oberto has lost and has retreated to Mantova.

Meanwhile, his daughter Leonora has been seduced and abandoned by Riccardo, Count of Salinguerra, and Riccardo is about to marry Cuniza, Ezzelino's sister.

Leonora makes her way to Bassano on Riccardo's wedding day, intent on confronting him.

Act 1

Scene 1: The countryside near Bassano

Riccardo is welcomed by a chorus as he is about to enter Ezzelino's palace. He sings of his joy at being close to Cuniza (Son fra voi! Già sorto è il giorno...Già parmi udire il fremito - "Here I am amongst you! The day hasted by my desire has now arrived"). They enter the castle. Leonora arrives swearing to avenge Riccardo's desertion and she sings of the love which she had and a hope of recovering those innocent days (Sotto il paterno tetto...Oh potessi nel mio core- "Beneath my father's roof an angel appeared to me"). She leaves to go towards the village.

Scene 2: Near Bassano castle

Meanwhile her father, Oberto, arrives, pleased to be back in his home country but unsure of Leonora's whereabouts. When Leonora returns, each is aware of the other's presence and father and daughter are reunited. They express amazement at having found each other again. But, Oberto's initial anger at Leonora's actions quickly turn to fatherly affection as the pair makes plans to disrupt the wedding.

Scene 3: A room in Ezzelino's palace

The chorus sings a welcome to the happy bride but, alone with Riccardo, Cuniza expresses some forebodings in spite of expressing her love for him. (Questa gioia che il petto m'innonda - "This joy that overwhelms my breast is mingled with a mysterious fear").

After the couple leaves, Leonora enters and is questioned by Imelda. Leonora tells her that her father, Oberto, is also in the palace and, when he enters, she tells Cuniza about her betrayal by Riccardo. Cuniza agrees to help them.

She then hides Oberto in a nearby room and invites Riccardo and his guests to join her. Upon entering, Cuniza reveals Leonora's presence and accuses her lover of infidelity. Riccardo's accusations against Leonora prompt her father to enter and challenge Riccardo to a duel.

Act 2

Scene 1: The princess's private apartments

Cuniza and Imelda are alone and the servant announces that Riccardo wishes to speak to her mistress. Cuniza laments the love she had, but following her aria, Oh, chi torna l'ardente pensiero - "Oh, who can turn my fevered thoughts", she instructs Imelda to tell Riccardo that he should return to Leonora, concluding in Più che i vezzi e lo splendore - "More persuasive to my conscience" that she has made the right decision.

Scene 2: A remote place near the castle gardens

The courtiers gather and express their sympathy for Leonora's plight. As they leave, Oberto enters, waiting for his rival to appear. He proclaims that he will seek vengeance: (Aria: L'orror del tradimento - "The horror of his betrayal"). The courtiers return to tell him that Cuniza has interceded on his behalf and that he has nothing to fear from Riccardo, but Oberto's thoughts still focus on vengeance. Riccardo finally arrives and they begin to fight, but are soon stopped Cuniza who arrives with Leonora. The former insists that Riccardo admit his infidelity and agrees to marry Leonora. Still determined to fight his rival, Oberto extracts an agreement from Riccardo that they will soon meet in the woods. Oberto leaves the group to go into the woods; all leave. Offstage, the sound of a duel in progress can be heard and it is followed by Riccardo's arrival. He realizes that he has killed Oberto (Aria: Ciel che feci? - "Heavens, what have I done!") and he is filled with remorse. Then Imedla and Cuniza appear explaining that Leonora is prostrate over the dead body of her father. Soon a letter arrives from Riccardo explaining that he has gone into exile leaving everything he possesses to Leonora. In her grief, she announces that she will become a hermit.


Cuniza, Riccardo)
Opera House and Orchestra
1951Giuseppe Modesti,
Maria Vitale,
Elena Nicolai,
Gino Bonelli
Alfredo Simonetto,
Orchestra and Chorus of RAI Torino
Audio CD: Gala
1983Rolando Panerai,
Ghena Dimitrova,
Ruža Baldani,
Carlo Bergonzi
Lamberto Gardelli,
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra,
Chorus of Bavarian Radio
Audio CD: Orpheus
ASIN: B00000598O
1997Samuel Ramey,
Maria Guleghina,
Violetta Urmana,
Stuart Neill
Sir Neville Marriner,
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
London Voices
Audio CD: Philips Classics
Cat: 454 472-2
2007Ildar Abdrazakov,
Evelyn Herlitzuis,
Marianne Cornetti,
Carlo Ventre
Yves Abel,
Orquestra Sinfonica del Principado de Asturias,
Chorus of Opéra de Bilbao
DVD: Opus Arte
Cat: OA 0982 D

See also

The historical Cunizza da Romano, whose life was as at least as interesting as this fictionalised account.


  1. ^ a b c d e Holden, p. 977
  2. ^ San Diego Opera's performance history
  3. ^ NYGO's list of performances
  4. ^ Leeks, Stuart (ed) (2003). Opera North @ 25. Leeds: Opera North. p. 82.
  5. ^ Parma's 2007 "Festival Verdi"
  6. ^ La Scala's website announcement Retrieved 27 April 2012
  7. ^ List of singers taken from Budden, p..44
  8. ^ Recordings on

External links

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