Saturday, February 23, 2013

ETYMYTHOLOGY OF PARSIFAL -- Josef Görres (1813).


Wagner's spelling of "Parsifal" instead of the "Parzival" he had used up to 1877 is informed by an erroneous etymology of the name "Percival" deriving it from a supposedly Arabic origin, "Fal Parsi" -- meaning "pure fool".

Wagner is following Josef Görres (1813).


Richard Wagner,

Das braune Buch. Tagebuchaufzeichnungen 1865 bis 1882 ed. Joachim Bergfeld, Zürich, Freiburg i.Br. 1975, p. 52; Danielle Buschinger, Renate Ullrich, Das Mittelalter Richard Wagners, Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, p. 140.

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