Monday, February 25, 2013

gälischem Per-kyfaill --- "Gallic Per-kyfaill" (tr. E. C. Carrick, 1904)


"gälischem Per-kyfaill ebenso zu deuten war daher gewag- ter als Görres' Erklärung aus dem arabischen Parseh-Fal,. d. h. der reine Thor. Als ein solcher tritt der ..."

"The Gallic name Peredur is explained by "Per-gedur"
which means "the cup seeker". On French soil the hero
is first heard of as 'the seeker for the Grail". To
derive the name Parzival from the Gallic "Per-kyfaill" was
even more harzardous than to explain it, as GSrret did, by
the Arabian "Parseh-Fal", which means "the pure, simple
one" (der reine Thor)."

Wolzogen, Thematic Guide through the music of "PARSIFAL" with a preface upon the legendary material of the Wagnerian drama. Tr. E. C. Carrick, 1904.

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