Saturday, February 23, 2013



Paul Verlaine's Poem Parsifal was first published in the Revue Wagnérienne of 8 January 1886

Parsifal a vaincu les filles, leur gentil
Babil et la luxure amusante - et sa pente
vers la chair de garçon vierge que cela tente
d'aimer les seins légers et ce gentil babil
il vaincu la Femme belle, au cœur subtil,
Étalant ses bras frais et sa gorge excitante;
Il a vaincu l'Enfer et rentre sous sa tente
Avec un lourd trophée à son bras puéril,
Avec la lance qui perça le Flanc suprême!
Il a guéri le roi, le voici roi lui-même,
Et prêtre du très saint Trésor essentiel.
En robe d'or il adore, gloire et symbole,
Le vase pur où resplendit le Sang réel.
Et, ô ces voix d'enfants chantant dans la coupole!

Parsifal has overcome the gently babbling daughters
Who'd distract him to desire; despite fleshly delight
That might lure the virgin youth, the temptation
To love their swelling breasts and gentle babble;
He has vanquished fair Womankind, of subtle heart,
Her tender arms outstretched and her throat pale;
From harrowing Hell, he now returns triumphant,
Bearing a heavy trophy in his boyish hands,
With the spear that pierced the Saviour's side!
He who healed the King shall be himself enthroned,
As priest-king and guardian of the sacred treasure.
In golden robe he worships that sign of grace,
The pure vessel in which shines the Holy Blood.
- And, o those children's voices singing in the dome!

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