Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mascolinità -- TENORE EROICO


Nattiez's study an exposition of the aesthetic of androgyny, its place in nineteenth-century thought, and its particular manifestation in Wagner's oeuvre, is breathtaking in the depth of its research and thoroughly persuasive in the connections it traces in the history of ideas.

A dazzling display of argumentation, fascinating." -- Barry Millington, Opera

"Nattiez's synthetic approach to Wagner's theory and practice make this volume a major contribution to Wagnerian studies.

 It is a highly enriching and most comprehensive treatment of Wagner the artist and the human being." -- Steven R. Cerf, Wagner Notes

"The book provides an analysis of Wagner that is both detailed and erudite.

Nattiez is especially successful in describing the intellectual world in which Wagner worked.... Wagnerians and scholars of contemporary hermeneutics will find much to enjoy here." -- Peter J. Rabinowitz, Opera Quarterly

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