Saturday, February 23, 2013

The complex etymythology of PARSIFAL -- PERCIVAL


  1. Wagner's Ring in 1848: New Translations of The Nibelung Myth and ... - Pagina 12 - Risultati da Google Libri

Wagner derives the misguided “Persian” translation (and spelling) of the name Parzival as “Fal Parsi” or “Pure Fool” from Görres's introduction Joseph Görres, ...
  1. Wagner's Sources for Parsifal cache - Simili - Traduci questa paginaCondividi
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    October 1872, Wagner reads the preface to Joseph Görres' edition of "Lohengrin". Here he ... derives from the Arabic, "fal parsi", supposedly meaning, "pure fool".
  2. Glossary of Names cache - Simili - Traduci questa paginaCondividi
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    ... Joseph Görres, in his 1813 edition of "Lohengrin". It was claimed that "fal parsi" was Arabic for pure fool, and "Parsifal" was derived as a MYSTIC ANAGRAM of this phrase: FAL PARSI ---><---- fal="" parsi="" span="">
  3. Parsifal - A New Prose Translation in English: Act 2 cache - Traduci questa paginaCondividi
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    I called you, foolish pure one, "Fal parsi", you pure fool, "Parsifal". This erroneous etymology (or etymythology, as we prefer) of Parsifal's name originated with Joseph Görres' edition of ...
  4. Customer Discussions: Norse Buddhists cache - Traduci questa paginaCondividi
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    23/set/2010 – October 1872 Wagner reads the preface to Joseph Görres' edition of ... derives from the Arabic, "fal parsi", supposedly meaning, "pure fool".
  5. Parsifal by Richard Wagner cache - Traduci questa paginaCondividi
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    30/mag/2011 – He is no longer the pure fool (reiner Tor), but the Pure One (der Reiner). ...... finally adopted, taken from a dubious etymology by Joseph Görres, in his 1813 edition of "Lohengrin" -- 'fal parsi', in the mystic anagram, 'parsi fal'. ...
  6. Tristan und Isolde for Parsifal by Richard Wagner cache - Traduci questa paginaCondividi
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    30/mag/2011 – suffering. The King, carried in on a litter, recalls the prophecy that told him to await a pure fool made ...... name originated with Joseph Görres' ...
  7. About: Parsifal cache - Traduci questa paginaCondividi
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    ... deriving it from a supposedly Arabic origin, Fal Parsi meaning "pure fool". ... De schrijfwijze "Parsifal" ontleende Wagner aan de historicus Joseph Görres.

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