Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ketterer, "Ancient Rome in Early Opera"


R. C. Ketterer is Professor of Classics, Department of Classics, University of Iowa.

University of Michigan: M.A.Ph.D. in Classical Studies.

Princeton University: program in Classical Archaeology.
Lawrence University: B.A. summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa.
Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome

University of Iowa: Professor of Classics.
Faculty appointments in International Studies; Cinema and Comparative Literature.
University of Iowa: Associate Professor.
University of Iowa: Assistant Professor.
 Valparaiso University: Visiting Assistant Professor.
International Institute for Semiotic and Structural Studies at Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, India. Seminar faculty:

"A Semiotic Approach to Roman Drama."

University of Notre Dame: Assistant professor.
 Union College: Visiting lecturer and assistant professor.

Howard Serwer Lecturer,
Handel Festival, March 1, 2009.
Visiting Fellow, Michaelmas Term (Fall), 2008. Trinity College, Oxford University, UK.

Monmouth College (Ill.): Keynote speaker for 50th anniversary of Eta Sigma Phi, Classics honorary society. April, 2006.
Grinnell College, Roberts Lecturer, 1993.
Monmouth College (Ill.): Bernice L. Fox Classics Lecturer, 1987.

Graduate: Greek Drama; Advanced Latin Composition; Roman Comedy; Augustan Poetry.
Undergraduate classes in Latin and Greek: Second semester Greek; Roman comedy; Republican literature.

Undergraduate classes in English: “Advanced Topics in Mythology” (a comparative myth class concentrating on Roman, Near Eastern, Hindu and Norse myth); “War” (The Iliad, Greek drama and modern warfare); “Greek Drama and The Invention of Democracy” (Greek tragedy and comedy in its historical and political context).

Ancient Rome in Early Opera. Champaign: University of Illinois Press.
Reviewed by:

T. McGeary in "Early Music"

J. Solomon in The Classical Review

P. Brown in The Classical World

T. Carter in "Music & Letters"

R. Mellor, Classical Journal Online. 2009.12.02.

C.O. Tommasi-Moreschini, BMCR, 2009.08.44

M. Ewans,in "Comparative Drama"

R. Lordi and **R. Ketterer, Thomas Legge: Solymitana Clades in Renaissance Latin Drama in England (monograph series). , Hildesheim: Olms.

  J. Porter, E. Csapo, T. Marshall, ***R. Ketterer,

Crossing the Stages: The Production, Performance and Reception of Ancient Theater.
Syllecta Classica Vol. 10.

Reviewed by:

P. Burian, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2000.06.30.
 S. Halliwell, Greece & Rome 47.2 (2000), pp. 240-41.
D. Wiles, Phoenix 54.1/2 (2000), pp. 175-77.

Skene, Image and Altar in Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris."
Invited article in Vayos Liapis and George Harrison, eds. Brill Companion to the Greek and Roman Theater. (Brill).

"Helpings from the Great Banquets of Epic: Teseo and Arianna in Creta."
In B.
Forment, ed.

Myths in Baroque Opera:
Multidisciplinary Reflections,

Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 33-61.

Opera Librettos and Greek Tragedy in Eighteenth-Century
Venice: the Case of Agostino Piovene.

In P. Brown and S. Ograjensek, edd., Ancient Drama in Music for the Modern Stage (Oxford University Press), pp. 139-59.

Opera and the use of the classical tradition: four studies.

Journal of the Classical Tradition, vol. 17.1, pp. 60-86.

The Choice of Hercules and Alexander’s Feast.
Händel-Jahrbuch 54 (2008),
pp. 11-20.

Roman Republicanism and operatic heroines in Napoleonic Italy.
In R. Marvin and D. Thomas, eds.

Operatic Migrations: Transforming Works and
Crossing Boundaries (London: Ashgate Publishing), pp. 99-124.

Why Early Opera is Roman and not Greek.
Cambridge Opera
Journal 15.1, pp. 1-14.
Reprinted in Charles Dill (ed.),
"Opera Remade, 1700-1750"
(Aldershot, Hants

& Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2010).

Handel's "Scipione"and the Neutralization of Politics
Newsletter of the American Handel Society, XVI.1 (April), pp. 1, 4-8.

"Senecanism and the 'Sulla' Operas of Handel and Mozart,"
Syllecta Classica 10, pp. 215-234.

Neoplatonic Light and Dramatic Genre in
Busenello's L'incoronazione di Poppea and Noris'
"Il Ripudio d'Ottavia."

Music and Letters 80.1, pp. 1-22.

Classical Sources and
Thematic Structure in the Florentine Intermedi of 1589.
Renaissance Studies 13.2, pp. 192-222.

"Militat Omnis Amans:
Ovidian Elegy in L'incoronazione di Poppea."
International Journal of the Classical Tradition 4 (Winter), pp. 381-95.

The Rainbow at the End of Aeneid IV," Syllecta Classica 3, pp. 21-23.

The Perils of Dido: Sorcery and Melodrama in Vergil's Aeneid IV and
Purcell's Dido and Aeneas." Themes in Drama XIV (Cambridge U. Press), pp. 31-46.

Lamachus and Xerxes in the Exodos of Acharnians." Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 32.1, pp. 51-60.

Machines for the Suppression of Time: Statues in Suor Angelica, The Winter's Tale and Alcestis," Comparative Drama, 24.1 (1990), pp. 3-23.

1993. Reprinted in Davidson, Stroupe, Johnson, eds. Drama and the Classical Heritage: Comparative and Critical Essays (New York: AMS Press), pp. 273-294.

Excerpted in H. Bloom, ed. Euripides: A Comprehensive Research and Study Guide (Bloom's Major Dramatists series). New York: Chelsea House Publications, 2002, pp. 35-37.

Stage Properties in Plautine Comedy." Semiotica, in three parts.
 Introductory Analysis (Curculio). Vol. 58-3/4, pp. 193-216.
Props in Four Plays of Exchange. Vol. 59-1/2, pp. 93-135.
 Props in Four Plays of Identity. Vol. 60-1/2, pp. 29-72.

On Semiotics and Classical Studies." Recherches Semiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry 4.2, pp. 216-24.

Stripping in the Parabasis of Acharnians." Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 21/3, pp. 217-221.

In press for R. Thomas & J. Ziolkowski The Virgil Encyclopedia (Harvard
University Press):


In A. Grafton, G. Most, S. Settis, eds. The Classical
Tradition. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press), pp. 656-59.

2for D. Vickers & A. Landgraf, eds. The Cambridge Handel
Encyclopedia (Cambridge University Press 2009):

Euripides," "The American Handel Society," "Ovid," "Plutarch," "Suetonius," "Tacitus," "Publio Cornelio Scipione".

Review of Jane K. Brown, The Persistence of Allegory (University of Pennsylvania Press), for Comparative Literature Studies.

 "Orlando: Chicago Opera Theater, May 2008." Production review, Newsletter of the American Handel Society, (Summer).

"'La Resurrezione' at Chicago Opera Theater." Production review, Newsletter of the American Handel Society (April), p. 5.

 "A Tacitist Agrippina: Chicago Opera Theater, May 2003." Production review, Newsletter of the American Handel Society (August), pp. 1, 4-6.

"Semele, Chicago Opera Theater, May 2002." Production review, Newsletter of the American Handel Society, (August), pp.1, 3-5.

Review of Ferruccio Bertini, Plauto e dintorni, (Rome and Bari 1997) for Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft 73.3, pp. 257-59.

Review of Michael Burden, ed. A Woman Scorn'd: Responses to the Dido Myth (London 1998) for Music and Letters 81.2, pp. 287-92.

Reviewof B. Le Guen, ed. De la scène aux gradins (Universitaires du Mirail 1998) for Phoenix, 53.3-4, pp. 363-65.

Iowa Arts Council, Small Grant for “Silent Classics”: silent films with live music at the Englert Theater, October 29, 2011; as part of conference “Re-Creation: Musical Recetion of Classical antiquity,” at UI, October 27-30, 2011. $1000.
  CLAS Bond Fund for Interdisciplinary Interaction, for “Re-Creation: Musical Reception of Classical Antiquity” conference. $4500.
2006. The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, for summer research in Venice, Italy: $2600.
2001. Music & Letters Trust award (Oxford, UK) for research trip to Europe, May- June: $1000.
1998. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon; subvention for publication of Syllecta Classica vol. 10, Crossing the Stages.
1997. NEH Summer Institute Fellow, Aston Magna Academy, Yale University. $700 honorarium, plus room, board and travel.
1997. Newberry Library, Chicago. Short-term research Fellowship, Feb.-March.
1994. Iowa Humanities Board, Small Grant for Library program association with Aquila Productions, Philoctetes. $1500.
1993. Iowa Arts Council, Grant supporting visit of Aquila Productions Wasps and Coriolanus. $1900.
1991. NEH Summer Seminar Fellowship to Aston Magna Academy. $700 honorarium, plus room, board and travel.
1991. Iowa Humanities Board, Small Grant; for Aquila Productions' Agamemnon. $1000.
1984. American Philosophical Society, summer travel and research grant. $600.

“L’inclemenza di Tito:
Translating Livy in Vivaldi’s Tito Manlio.”
Meeting of
the British Classical Association, Exeter, UK.

Texts and Contexts of Purcell’s Dioclesian.” Invited conference paper for
“Purcell, Handel and Literature.” School for Advanced Studies, University of London, November 20.

Handel's Scipione and the African Queen effect."
  Musicology seminar,
University of Leeds, UK. October 22.

Agostino Piovene's translations of Greek tragedy and his opera libretti."
Conference on Ancient Drama in Modern Opera, 1600-1800. Archive for the Performance of Greek and Roman Drama, Oxford University (UK). July 12.

Handel and Hercules." Hallische Händel-Festspiele: Academic Conference. Halle, Germany. June 4-5.

Roman Republicanism and Operatic Heroines in Napoleonic Italy."
• Tübingen Classical Tradition meeting (above).

Music in Eighteenth-Century Italy." Conference at Centre for 18th-Century Musical Studies, Cardiff, Wales, July 12-15, 1998.
University of Iowa Classics Colloquium. Fall, 1998.
1985. "Battle Narratives in Two Greek Tragedies."
Sixth International Institute for Semiotic and Structural Studies. Mysore, India. January 1985.
Annual Meetings, Classical Association of the Midwest and South, April 1987.

“Pasticcio: Euripides, Handel and Gluck among the Taurians.” For “Music and Greek Drama” conference. UC Santa Cruz, May 28.

“Iphigenia at Covent Garden: How to Listen to Handel’s Oreste (and why).”
American Handel Festival, Seattle Washington, March 24.

“COT Rome: Opera and Empire for Twenty-First Century Chicago.” For
“Classicizing Chicago” conference, Northwestern University, May 22.

The Island of Circe, or, Telemachus at the Crossroads: Telemachus operas
by Scarlatti and Gluck.” Harvard University, April 24.

London as Athens: Teseo and Arianna in Creta.” American Handel Society
Howard Serwer Lecture. American Handel Festival, February 28.

"Tragedy, Rome and National Identity in Eighteenth-Century Opera" panel
paper on "Performing 'Identity'" American Philological Association annual meeting. January, 2008.

"The Clemencies of Titus: backgrounds to Mozart's last opera." University of Iowa, Opera Studies Group. April 5.

 "Et in Arcadia ego: poetics and politics in Grimani's Agrippina."
• American Handel Festival, Santa Fe, NM, March 18.
• Musicology and Theory Colloquium, University of Iowa, April 8.

"Roman History, Opera Reform, and the War of the Spanish Succession." Annual meetings, Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Madison, WI, March 31.

"The Triumphs of Thusnelda:
Germans and Romans in Baroque Opera."

• Invited lecture at the University of Maryland, February 14, 2003.
• 18th/19th Century Colloquium Lecture, as opening lecture for American Handel Festival, University of Iowa, Feb. 27, 2003

Invited panelist at University of Maryland colloquium on teaching Classical and Germanic myth in the undergraduate classroom.

Why Early Opera is Roman and not Greek."
• Musicology and Theory Colloquium, University of Iowa, September 20.
• Annual meeting of American Philological Association, Philadelphia, January.
• Midwest Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Iowa, November, 2001.

"Plautus' Amphitryon and the Signifiers of (Tragi)comedy." New York Classics Club, N.Y.U., February 2.

Prolegomena to the study of Handel's Scipione, or, The African Queen Effect." Maryland Handel Festival, May.

Violence, Loss and renewal: Ancient Orpheus and Early Opera." Orpheus: A Symposium. University of Maryland, April.

Handel's Scipione and the Neutralization of Politics." Annual meeting of American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Pennsylvania. April.

“L’inclemenza di Tito: Translating Livy in Vivaldi’s Tito Manlio.” Revision of
conference paper in Exeter UK, April 2012

The Island of Circe, or, Telemachus at the Crossroads: Telemachus operas
by Scarlatti and Gluck.” Invited article for Heller, ed. Performing Homer: The Voyage of Ulysses from Epic to Opera (Ashgate Press).

Texts and Contexts of Purcell’s Dioclesian.” Revision of 2009 conference paper.

Pre-performance lecture for Aquila Theatre Macbeth, part of NEH funded “Ancient Greeks/Modern Lives” Nov. 1, 2011.

Conference organizer: “Re-creation: Musical Reception of Classical Antiquity.” At the University of Iowa, October 27-29, 2011. An interdisciplinary conference organized with the cooperation of the UI Department of Classics and the School of Music; and the Council on Outreach of the American Philological Association; with support form International Programs, the Obermann Center, ENCIS, and Opera Studies Forum.
American Philological Association
Outreach Panel Co-organizer: “The Children of Orpheus: How Composers Receive Ancient Texts.” Co-organized with Andrew Simpson, Catholic University of America for 2011 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
American Handel Society
• Board of directors, 1998 - present.
• Vice President, 2001-2008.
• Chair, Program committee, American Handel Festival at Princeton University, 2007 & 2013.
• Local Organizer, American Handel Festival at University of Iowa, February 2003.
• J. Merrill Knapp Fellowship committee, 2003-05, 1998-2001.
• Program committee, 2000.

External tenure reviewer:
• Princeton University, 2004.
• University of Georgia, 2002.
• San Francisco State University, 2000.
Classical Association of the Middle West and South: Membership committee,
Advisory Council of the American Academy in Rome: University of Iowa representative, 1992- .
At the University of Iowa
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Executive Committee, 2009-2012.
Newberry Library/Renaissance Consortium: local oversight committee (2004- ); Chair Fall 2009- ).
Assistant director of Honors for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 2010-11.
Administrative fellowship in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, spring 2009.
Interim DEO, Department of French and Italian. 2007-2008
Ad hoc committee on American Indian and Native Studies Program, spring 2007.
Interim DEO of Classics, 2001-02.
President, Alpha of Iowa Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, 2007-08; 1999-2000.
Educational Policy Committee, 2005-08.
Organizer, interdisciplinary Opera Studies Group, spring 2003.
New Faculty Orientation: panel on teaching large lecture classes, August 2000.
Interdisciplinary Studies committee, 1998-2000.

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