Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Luigi Ravelli, tenor, gets enraged in the middle of the stage because Minnie Hauk embraced him so passionately that she choked his high B flat. The audience considered Ravelli's tantrums a fine histrionic touch, and applauded wildly. The tenor was appeased and went on with his performance.


Tenors are a different story. Their peculiar fascination for

women has long puzzled Freudians and gland specialists.

The operatic chronique scanddeuse knows many stories of

the temperamental primo uomo. The tenor Luigi Ravelli

once got enraged in the middle of the stage because Minnie

Hauk, the American soprano, embraced him so passionately

that she choked his high B flat. The audience considered

B.avellf s tantrums a fine histrionic touch, and applauded

 wildly. The tenor was appeased and went on with his performance.

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