Monday, May 6, 2013

ALEKO: melodramma di S. R. -- the tenor role is "ZINGARO" -- genuino -- ALEKO russo. --- LA ROMANZA DEL ZINGARO (per tenore).




Aleko is the first of three completed operas by Sergei Rachmaninoff.
The Russian libretto was written by Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko and is an adaptation of the poem I zingari by Alessandro Pushkin.
The opera was written in 1892 as a graduation work at the Conservatorio di Mosca, and it won the highest prizes from the conservatory judges that year.
It was first performed in Moscow 19 May 1892.



The Bolshoi Theatre's premiere took place on 9 May 1893 in Moscow.
The composer conducted another performance in Kiev on 18/30 October 1893.
Tchaikovsky had attended the Moscow premiere of Aleko, and Rachmaninoff had intended to hear the premiere of Tchaikovsky's Pathétique Symphony on 16/28 October, but had to catch a train for Kiev to fulfill his Aleko conducting engagement.
A Pushkin centenary celebration performance on 27 May 1899 at the Tauride Palace in Saint Petersburg featured Feodor Chaliapin in the title role, and utilized the chorus and ballet of the Mariinsky Theatre.
The opera had its 1st performance in England on 15 July 1915 at the London Opera House under the direction of Vladimir Rosing.


RoleVoice typeMoscow premiere cast
9 May 1893
(Conductor: Ippolit Al'tani)
Kiev premiere cast
18 October 1893
(Conductor: Rachmaninoff)
St. Petersburg premiere cast
27 May 1899
(Conductor: Rachmaninoff)
AlekobaritoneBogomir KorsovBobrovFeodor Chaliapin
Young GypsytenorLev KlementyevBorisenkoIvan Yershov
ZemfirasopranoMariya Deysha-SionitskayaEigenMariya Deysha-Sionitskaya
An old man, Zemfira's fatherbassStepan VlasovLevitskyFrey
Gypsy womancontraltoShubinaTomskaya
Chorus, silent roles: Gypsies


A band of gypsies has pitched its tents for the night on the bank of a river.
Beneath a pale moon, they light campfires, prepare a meal and sing of the freedom of their nomadic existence.
An old gypsy tells a story.
 Long ago, he loved Mariula who deserted him for another man, leaving behind Zemfira, their daughter.
Zemfira is now grown up, has her own child, and lives with Aleko, a Russian who has abandoned civilisation for the gypsy life.
Hearing this story, Aleko is outraged that Zemfira’s father took no revenge on Mariula.
But Zemfira disagrees.
For her, as for her mother, love is free, and she herself has already tired of Aleko’s possessiveness and now loves a younger gypsy, one of her own people.
After dances for the women and the men, the gypsies settle down to sleep.
Zemfira appears with her gypsy lover (TENORE) whom she kisses passionately before disappearing into her own tent to look after her child.
Aleko enters and Zemfira taunts him, singing about her wild gypsy lover.
Alone, Aleko broods on the catastrophe of his relationship with Zemfira and the failure of his attempt to flee the ordinary world.
As dawn comes, he surprises Zemfira and her gypsy lover together.
In a torment of jealousy he kills them both.
All the gypsies gather, disturbed by the noise.
Led by Zemfira’s father, they spare Aleko’s life but cast him out from them for ever.

Principal arias and numbers

  • Men's Dance

  • Aleko's Cavatina


Like Rachmaninov's other operas, Aleko shows Rachmaninov finding his own individual style, independent of the traditional number opera or Wagner's music-dramas.

Michael Bukinik, a contemporary of Rachmaninov at the conservatory, recalled the rehearsals for the opera:

I was a pupil of the orchestra class, and during the rehearsals, we not only admired, but were made happy and proud by his daring harmonies, and were ready to see in him a reformer.

Geoffrey Norris has noted criticism of the opera as lacking in dramatic momentum and the libretto as being a hastily crafted hotchpotch.

A contemporary critic in the Moskovskiye vedomosti wrote of the opera at the time of the premiere:

There ARE faults, but they are far outweighed by merits, which lead one to expect much from this composer in the future.

[edit] Recordings

  • 1951 I. Petrov, N. Pokrovskaya, A. Orfenov, A. Ognivtzev, V. Zlatogorova; Bolshoi Theatre Chorus and Orchestra; Nikolai Golovanov, conductor. Melodiya
  • ___ Vladimir Matorine, Natalia Erassova, Viatchslav Potchapski, Vitaly Tarastchenko, Galina Borissova; Russian State Choir; Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra; Andrei Chistiakov, conductor[5] Saison Russe
  • 1990 Artur Eisen (Aleko), Lyudmila Sergienko (Zemfira), Gleb Nikolsky (Old Man), Gegam Grigoryan (Young Gypsy), Anna Volkova (Gypsy Woman), Vasily Lanovoy (narrator). USSR Academic Grand Chorus of Radio & TV, USSR Academic Symphony Orchestra Svetlanov
  • 1995 Isoumov, Koulko, Tischenko, Lapina, Donetsk Philharmonic Orchestra, Kopman, live Rotterdam 1995, Verdi Records / Brilliant
  • 1996 Ghiuselev, Petkov, Blagovesta, Karnabatlova, Plovdiv PO, Ruslan Raychev. Capriccio
  • ____ Göteborgs Symfoniker, Neeme Järvi (Conductor), DG
  • 2006 Egils Silins, Maria Gavrilova, Alexandra Dursuneva, Andrey Dunayev, RSO Moskau, Vladimir Fedoseyev
  • 2007 Vassily Gerello (Aleko), Olga Guryakova (Zemfira), Vsevolod Grivnov (The Young Gypsy), Mikhail Kit (The Old Gypsy) Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Yurlov Capella, Constantine Orbelian
  • 2009. Sergey Murzaev (Aleko), Evgeny Akimov (Young Gypsy), Gennady Bezzubenkov (Old Man), Svetla Vassileva (Zemfira), BBC Philharmonic, Gianandrea Noseda. Chandos, DDD
  • 1986 Nelli Volshaninova (Zemfira - actress), Svetlana Volkova (Zemfira - singer), Vladimir Golovin (Old Gypsy - actor), Vladimir Matorin (Old Gypsy - singer), Maria Papazian (Old Gypsy Woman - actress), Raisa Kotova (Old Gypsy Woman - singer), Sandor Semenov (Young Gypsy - actress), Mikhail Muntyan (Young Gypsy - singer) Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, Gosteleradio Chorus, Dimitri Kitayenko

[edit] References

  1. ^ Talk Classical
  2. ^ Williams, Gordon. British Theatre in The Great War: a revaluation, p. 273,. New York: Continuum (2003).
  3. ^ Yasser, Joseph, "Progressive Tendencies in Rachmaninoff's Music" (Winter, 1951-1952). Tempo (New Ser.), 22: pp. 11-25.
  4. ^ Norris, Geoffrey (July 1973). "Rakhmaninov's Student Opera". The Musical Quarterly 59 (3): 441–448. doi:10.1093/mq/LIX.3.441. 
  5. ^ Quraishi, Ibrahim (1997). "'Aleko'. Sergei Rachmaninov". The Opera Quarterly 13 (4): 201–204. doi:10.1093/oq/13.4.201. Retrieved 2007-07-22. 


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