Wednesday, May 15, 2013



Arturo was surprised and delighted by this change of event.

Arturo graciously accepted the surrender and asked Galeotto to dine with him.

Lancillotto made Galeotto to not give his name until he chooses to name him or someone else named him.

Galeotto had dined with Arthur and his queen for several nights.

When Arthur's court learned that Galehaut had surrendered due to a knight, they suspected it was the Black Knight's doing for Arthur's sudden victory.

Gawain and Arthur and GINEVRA wanted to know the identity of the Black Knight.

But Galehaut did not know his friend's name.

Galehaut returned to his own camp
in the morning to find that his companion had
been weeping.

Galeotto had unsuccessfully tried to comfort Lancelot.

Lancelot's heart was breaking
because he believed that could not have Ginevra's love.

Because she was married.

Yet everything he HAD accomplished was due to his love for GINEVRA.

Lancelot was not even British subject to Arthur.

Lancelot was a foreign prince from across the English Channel.

Yet, Lancelot wanted Galeotto to compile with every wishes of Arthur.

Galehaut began to suspect that his friend was in love with GINEVRA.

Because whenever one of them mentioned the name, "GINEVRA", Lancelot's mood became pensive and distress.

GINEVRA wanting to meet with the knight, who saved her
husband's kingdom, insistently persuades
Galehaut in arranging a meeting between her and the unknown Black Knight.

Several days later, Lancelot agreed to a private meeting with the GINEVRA,
to be arranged by Galehaut.

Lancelot did not wish to meet anyone who would recognise him.

Galehaut arrange for them to meet one late afternoon.

Galehaut left them alone so that they could talk and join a group of ladies that Guinevere had brought along.

One of the ladies was the Lady of Maloalto, who had imprisoned Lancelot.

She easily recognised her former prisoner.

Lancelot was overwhelmed and embarrassed in the presence of GINEVRA.

 Guinevere persistently discovers that he was the same knight who
through various guises and his own prowess, which he achieved through great deeds of arms.

As one secret after another was revealed, GINEVRA recognises
 that he is LANCILLOTTO.

More questioning revealed that LANCILLOTTO was in love with GINEVRA, and that all he had done was for her sake, NOT Arthur.

During the talk, Lancelot recognised the Lady of Malohaut.

Lancelot became upset because he knew she had recognised him.

At first, Guinevere thinks Lancelot was in love with one of the ladies.

GINEVRA tells this: "You are in love with one of the ladies."

 Lancelot was so upset that GINEVRA thinks that Lancillotto is going to faint.

Guinevere reveals to all that they had talk about, including Lancelot's name, and why he was upset.

When Galehaut found that suspicion proved to be true.

Far from being offended by his friend's desire and
going against the Christian teaching
that adultery was a mortal sin,
Galehaut set about helping Lancelot to win Guinevere's love.

Galehaut asks GINEVRA to return Lancillotto's love.

She readily agreed to.

GINEVRA agrees to kiss Lancelot, as a token of her love for the hero.

Galehaut arranged that they would kiss one another,
while Galehaut blocked the view from the ladies.

However, the Lady of Malohaut knew something was going on, and
she wanted to become part of it.

She knew now that Lancelot was in love with the queen.

She confronted the queen, saying that she would help her with Lancelot.

Guinevere and the Lady of Malohaut became good friends, and the queen arranged Galehaut and her new companion to become lovers.

Everyday they secretly made arrangement where
Lancelot and Guinevere could kiss.

Both Galehaut and Arthur decided to return to their respective kingdoms.

Lancelot was to go with Galehaut, while returned to Camelot with her husband.

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