Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A 27-item singalong


1. Down At The Old Bull And Bush
2. Bye Bye Blackbird
3. Pack Up Your Troubles
4. Roll Out The Barrel
5. Show Me The Way To Go Home
6. Run Habbit Run
7. Bless 'Em All
8. If You Were The Only Girl In The World
9. Lambeth Walk
10. Knees Up Mother Brown
11. I Belong To Glasgow
12. Cockles And Mussels
13. It's A Long Way To Tipperary
14. Danny Boy
15. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
16. Blueberry Hill
17. Side By Side
18. You're My Sunshine
19. How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?
20. Hokey Cokey
21. I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
22. Ma (He's Making Eyes At Me)
23. Leaning On A Lamp Post
24. There'll Always Be An England
25. What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor
26. White Cliffs Of Dover
27. Auld Lang Syne




come come come and make eyes at me
Down At The Old Bull And Bush
come come have some port wine with me
down at the Old Bull and Bush
see the German band
la da da
just let me hold you
do do come and have a drink or two
down at the old Bull and Bush.


Pack up all my cares and woe
here I go singing low
Bye Bye Blackbird
where somebody waits for me
sugar sweet so is shee
bye-bye blackbird
no one here loves or understands me
what bad luck stories they all hand me
make my bed and light a light
I'll arrive late tonight
bye-bye blackbird


Pack Up Your Troubles in your old kit bag
and smile smile smile
while you've a lucifer to light your fag
smile boys that's the style
what's the good of worrying
it never was worthwhile
pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and
smile smile smile

Roll Out The Barrel
we'll have a barrel of fun
roll out the barrel
we'll get the blues in the run
boom boom tarara
let's have a drink of good cheer
now's the time to roll out the barrel
now the gang's all here.


Show Me The Way To Go Home
I'm tired and I want to go to bed
I had a little drink about an hour ago
and it's all gone to my head
wherever I may roam
over land or sea or foam
you may always hear me singing this song
show me the way to go home.

Run Rabbit Run, rabbit run run run
the fireman his gun
he'll get buy
so run rabbit run rabbit run run run

BLESS’EM ALL bless 'em all

the long & the short & the tall

bless all those sergeants & WO1's

bless all those corporals & their blinkin' sons

cos' we're saying goodbye to 'em all

& back to their billets they crawl

you'll get no promotion

this side of the ocean

so cheer up my lads bless 'em all


If You Were The Only Girl In The World
and I was the only boy
nothing else would matter in the world today
we could go on loving in the same old day
a garden of Eden just made for two
with nothing to mar our joy
I would say such wonderful things to you
there would be such wonderful things to do
if you were the only girl in the world
and I was the only boy.


Anytime you're Lambeth way
any evening any day
you'll find us all doing the Lambeth Walk
any little Lambeth gal with her little Lambeth pal
you'll find them all doing the Lambeth walk
everything bright and easy
do as you darn well pleasy
why don't you make your way there
stay there stay here
once you get to Lambeth way
any evening any day
you'll find yourself doing the Lambeth walk.

Knees Up Mother Brown knees up mother Brown
under the table you must go
knees up mother Brown.

I Belong To Glasgow


In Dublin's fair city where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
as she wheeled her wheel barrow
thru streets broad and narrow
Cockles And Mussels alive alive o

It's A Long Way To Tipperary
It's a long way to go
It's a long way to Tipperary
to the sweetest girl I know
goodbye Piccadilly farewell Leicester Square
it's the long long way to Tipperary
but my heart's right there.


That's the wrong way to tickle Marie
that's the wrong way to kiss
That's the wrong way to tickle Marie
for in France they do like THIS.


O Danny Boy the pipes the pipes are calling
and down the mountain side
the summer's gone and all the roses dying
it's you must go and I must bide
but come ye back when

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling

Blueberry Hill

O we ain't got a barrel of money
maybe we're rugged and funny
but we travel along singing a song
Side By Side
don't know what's coming tomorrow
maybe it's trouble and sorrow
but we'll travel the road
sharing our load
thru all kinds of weather what if the skies should fall
just as long as we're together
it doesn't matter at all
when they all had their quarrels and parted
we'll be the same as we started
just trav'ling along, singing a song


YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE my only sunshine
you make me happy when skies are gray
you'll never know dear how much I love you
please don't take my sunshine away



How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?

Hokey Cokey


 I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
pretty bubbles in the air
they go so high almost reach the skies
then like my dreams they fade and die
fortune's always
I look everywhere
I'm forever blowing bubbles
pretty bubbles in the air.



ma he's awful nice to me

ma he's almost breaking my heart

I'm beside him

mercy let his conscience guide him

ma he wants to marry me

be my honey bee

every minute he gets bolder

now he's leaning on my shoulder

ma he's kissing me.


I'm Leaning On A Lamp
maybe you think I look a tramp
I'm leaning on a lamp post
in the corner of a street in case a little girl comes by
o me o my I hope the little lady comes by

THERE’LL ALWAYS BE AN ENGLAND while there's a country lane
wherever there's a cottage small beside a field of grain
THERE’LL ALWAYS BE AN ENGLAND while there's a busy street
wherever there's a turning wheel a million marching feet.
I give you a toast, ladies & gentlemen.
I give you a toast, ladies & gentlemen.
May this fair dear land we love so well
In dignity & freedom dwell.
tho’ worlds may change & go awry
while there is still one voice to cry - - -

Red, white and blue; what does it mean to you?
Surely you're proud, shout it aloud,
"Britons, awake!"
The empire too, we can depend on you.
Freedom remains. These are the chains
Nothing can break.

THERE’LL ALWAYS BE AN ENGLAND & England shall be free
if England means as much to you as England means to me.


What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor
early in the morning

There'll be blue birds over
the White Cliffs Of Dover
tomorrow when the world is free
there'll be love and laughter
and peace ever after.

should auld acquaintances be forgot
and never brought to mind
should auld acquaintances be forgot
for the sake of  auld lang syne
for auld lang syne my dear
for auld lang syne
we raise a cup of cheerness dear
for the sake of auld lang syne.



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