Sunday, August 11, 2013



SWANEE how I love you how I love you
my dear old Swanee
I'd give the world to be
among the folks in D-I-X-I-E-
even now my mammy's waiting for me
praying for me down by the Swanee
the folks up north will see me no more
when I get to that Swanee shore

knees up Mother Brown
knees up Mother Brown
under the table you must go
if I catch you bending
I'll saw your legs right off
knees up knees up
never get the breeze up
knees up mother Brown
oh my, what a rotten song
what a rotten song what a rotten song
Oh my, what a rotten song
And what a rotten singer Too-oo-ooh

ANY OLD IRON ANY OLD IRONY  any any any old iron
you look sweet
talk about a treat
you look dapper from yer napper to yer feet
dressed in style
with a brand new tile
& your father's old green ties on
o I wouldn't give you tuppence for your old watch chain
old iron old iron

Pack Up Your Troubles in your own kitbag and smile smile smile
while you've a lucifer to light your fag
smile boys that's the style
what's the use of worrying
it never was worthwhile so

It's A Long Way To Tipperary it's a long way to go
it's a log way to Tipperary to the sweetest girl I know
Goodbye Piccadilly farewell Leicester square
it's a long long way to Tipperary but my heart's right there

All to myself alone
Get you and keep you
In my arms ever more
Leave all your lovers
Weepin' on a far away shore
Out on the briny

With the moon big and shiny
Melting your heart of stone
I'd love to get ya
oN slow boat to China
All to myself alone
A twist in the rudder
And a rip in the sails
Drifting and dreamin'
Honey throw the compass over the rail
Out on the ocean

Far from all the commotion
Melting your heart of stone
Honey I'd love to get you
On a slow boat to China
All to myself alone

All Of Me why not take all of me
I'm no good without you
take my lips I
take my arms I'll never use them
your goodbye left me with eyes that cry
you took the part
that once was my heart
so why not take ALL OF ME

Me And My Girl meant for each other
meant for each other and liking it so
ME AND MY GIRL no use pretending
we knew the ending a long time ago
some little church with a big steeple
just a few people that both of us know
and we'll have love, laughter
be happy everafter ME AND MY GIRL

If You Were The Only One In The World
and I was the only boy
nothing in this world
we could go on loving in the same old way
a garden of Eden just meant for two
with nothing to marr our joy
I would say such wonderful things to you
there would be such wonderful things to do
and I was the only boy.

Underneath the lantern By the barrack gate,
Darling I remember The way you used to wait.
T'was there that you whispered tenderly That you loved me;
You'd always be My Lili of the lamplight, My own Lili Marlene.
Time would come for roll call,
Time for us to part,
Darling I'd caress you
And press you to my heart,
And there 'neath that far-off lantern light,
I'd hold you tight,
We'd kiss good night,
My Lili of the lamplight,
My own Lili Marlene.
Orders came for sailing,
somewhere over there.
All confined to barracks
was more than I could bear.
i knew you were waiting in the street,
i heard your feet
But could not meet
My Lili of the lamplight
my own Lili Marlene.
Resting in our billets
Just behind the lines,
Even tho' we're parted,
Your lips are close to mine.
You wait where that lantern softly gleams,
Your sweet face seems
To haunt my dreams,
My Lili of the Lamplight,
My own Lili Marlene

gonna set my heart at ease
gonna make a sentimental journey
to renew old memories
got my bags got my reservations
spent each dime I could afford
like a child in wild anticipation,
I long to hear that all aboard

Seven that's the time we leave at seven.
I'll be waitin' up at heaven,
countin' every mile of railroad
track, that takes me back.

never thought my heart could be so yearny.
why did I decide to roam?
gotta take that Sentimental Journey,
Sentimental Journey home.

there'll be bluebirds over
The White Cliffs Of Dover

We'll Meet Again don't know where don't know when
but I know we'll meet again some sunny day
keep smiling thru just like you always do
till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away
so will you please say hello
to the folks that I know
tell them I won't be long
they'll be happy to know
that as you saw me go
I was singing this song

Roll Out The Barrel we'll have a barrel of fun
roll out the barrel we'll get the blues on the run
zing boom tarara
ring out a song of good cheer
now's the time to roll out the barrel
for the gang's all here

If You Knew Suzie like I know Susie
o o o what a girl
there's no
as this fair lassie
o o o holy moses what a chasis
we were riding
she didn't balk
from the country
I'm the one that had to walk
o o o what a girl

BRING ME SUNSHINE in your smile
bring me laughter all the while
in this world where we live
there should be more happiness
so much joy you can give
To each brand new bright tomorrow
make me happy thru the years
never bring me any tears
Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above
bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love.
bring me sunshine in your eyes
bring me rainbows from the skies,
life's too short to be spent having anything but fun
we can be so content if we gather little sunbeams
be light-hearted all day long,
keep me singing happy songs
let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above
bring me fun bring me sunshine bring me love.

Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr. Hitler
if you think old England's done
we are the boys

fare thee well for I must leave thee
do not let the parting grieve thee
& remember that the best of friends must part, must part
Adieu adieu kind friends
adieu, adieu, adieu,
I can no longer stay with you, stay with you,
I'll hang my harp on a weeping willow tree,
And may the world go well with thee.

The stars at night - are big and bright
Deep in the heart of texas.
The prairie sky - is wide and high
Deep in the heart of texas.
The sage in bloom - is like perfume
Deep in the heart of texas.
Reminds me of - the one I love
Deep in the heart of texas.
The cowboys cry - ki-yip-pie-yi
Deep in the heart of texas.
The rabbits rush - around the brush
Deep in the heart of texas.
The coyotes wail - along the trail
Deep in the heart of texas.
The doggies bawl - and bawl and bawl
Deep in the heart of texas.

Sweet sixteen, goes to church just to see the boys
Laughs and screams and giggles at every little noise
Turns her face a little and turns her head awhile
But everybody knows she’s only putting on the style
Yeah - putting on the agony, putting on the style
That’s what all the young folks are doing all the while
And as I look around me, I’m sometimes apt to smile
Seeing all the young folks putting on the style
Young man in the hot-rod car, driving like he’s mad
With a pair of yellow gloves he’s borrowed from his dad
He makes it roar so lively just to see his girlfriend smile
But she knows he’s only putting on the style
Preacher in the pulpit roars with all his might
Sing Glory Hallelula with the folks all in a fright
Now you might think he’s satan that’s coming down the aisle
But it’s only our poor preacher, boys, it’s putting on his style

Now here's a little story
To tell it is a must
About an unsung hero
That moves away your dust
Some people make a fortune
Other's earn a mint
My old man don't earn much
In fact....he's flippin'.....skint
Oh, my old man's a dustman
He wears a dustman's hat
He wears cor blimey trousers
And he lives in a council flat
He looks a proper narner
In his great big hob nailed boots
He's got such a job to pull em up
That he calls them daisy roots
Some folks give tips at Christmas
And some of them forget
So when he picks their bins up
He spills some on the steps
Now one old man got nasty
And to the council wrote
Next time my old man went 'round there
He punched him up the throat
Oh, my old man's a dustman
He wears a dustman's hat
He wears cor blimey trousers
And he lives in a council flat
I say, I say Duncan
I 'er...I found a police dog in my dustbin
(How do you know he's a police dog)
He had a policeman with him
Though my old man's a dustman
He's got a heart of gold
He got married recently
Though he's 86 years old
We said 'Ear! Hang on Dad
you're getting past your prime'
He said 'Well when you get to my age'
'It helps to pass the time'
Oh, my old man's a dustman
He wears a dustman's hat
He wears cor blimey trousers
And he lives in a council flat
I say, I say, I say
My dustbins full of lillies
(Well throw 'em away then)
I can't Lilly's wearing them
Now one day while in a hurry
He missed a lady's bin
He hadn't gone but a few yards
When she chased after him
'What game do you think you're playing'
She cried right from the heart
'You've missed I too late'
'No... jump up on the cart'
Oh, my old man's a dustman
He wears a dustman's hat
He wears cor blimey trousers
And he lives in a council flat
I say, I say, I say (What you again)
My dustbin's absolutely full with toadstools
(How do you know it's full)
'Cos there's not much room inside
He found a tiger's head one day
Nailed to a piece of wood
The tiger looked quite miserable
But I suppose it should
Just then from out a window
A voice began to wail
He said (Oi! Where's me tiger head)
Four foot from it's tail
Oh, my old man's a dustman
He wears a dustman's hat
He wears cor blimey trousers
And he lives in a council flat
Next time you see a dustman
Looking all pale and sad
Don't kick him in the dustbin
It might be my old dad

You Made Me Love You
I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to do it
YOU MADE ME want you
and all the time you knew it
I guess you always knew it
you made me happy sometimes
you made me glad
but there were times
when you made me feel so sad
you made me want you
I didn't want to tell you I didn't want to tell you
I want some love that's true
yes I do you know I do
give me give me what I sigh for
you know you've got the brand of kisses
that I die for
you know

You always hurt the one you love
The one you shouldn't hurt at all
You always take the sweetest rose
And crush it till the petals fall
You always brea-eak the kindest hear-eart
With a hasty word you can't recall, so
If I broke your heart la-ast night
It's because I love you most of all
You always hurt the one you lo-ove
The one you shouldn't hurt at all
You always take the sweetest ro-ose
And crush it till the petals fa-all
You always break the kindest heart
With a hasty word you can't recall
So-o if I broke your heart last night
It's because I love you mo-ost of a-all
You always hurt the one you love
The one you shouldn't hurt at all
You always take the sweetest rose
Crush it, ti-ill the petals fall
You always brea-eak the kindest heart
With a hasty word you can't recall, so
If I broke your heart last night
It's because I love you most of all...

O we ain't got a barrel of money
maybe we're ragged and funny
but we'll travel along singing a song
Don't know what's coming tomorrow
maybe it's trouble and sorrow
but we'll travel the road
sharing our load
thru all kinds of weather
what if the skies should fall
just as long as we're together
it doesn't matter at all
when they've all had their quarrels and parted
we'll be the same as we started
just traveling along
singing a song

you saw me standing alone
without a dream in my heart
without a love of my own
you knew just what I was there for
you heard me saying a pray'r for
someone I really could care for
AND then there suddenly appeared before me
the only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
& when I looked, the moon had turned to gold!
BLUE MOON now I'm no longer alone
without a dream in my heart
without a love of my own

I'm prayin' for rain in California
So the grapes can grow and they can make more wine
And I'm sittin' in a honky tonk in Chicago
With a broken heart and a woman on my mind
I've asked the man behind the bar for the jukebox
And the music takes me back to Tennessee
When they ask who's the fool in the corner cryin'
I say, little ole wine drinker me
I came here last week from down in Nashville
'Cause my baby left for Florida on a train
I thought I'd get a job and just forget her
But in Chicago, a broken heart is still the same
I've asked the man behind the bar for the jukebox
And the music takes me back to Tennessee
When they ask who's the fool in the corner cryin'
I say, little ole wine drinker me
I say, little ole wine drinker me

Well, I never felt more like singing the blues
'Cause I never thought
That I'd ever lose, your love dear
Why did you do me this way
Well, I never felt more like crying all night
'Cause everything's wrong
And nothing is right, without you
You got me singing the blues
Well, the moon and stars no longer shine
The dream is gone out from my mind
There's nothing left for me to do
But cry-y-y over you
Well, I never felt more like running away
But why should I go
'Cause I couldn't stay, without you
You got me singing the blues.
I never felt more like singing the blues
'Cause I never thought
That I'd ever lose, your love dear
Why did you do me this way
Well, I never felt more like crying all night
'Cause everything's wrong
And nothing is right, without you
You got me singing the blues
Well the moon and stars no longer shine
The dream is gone out from my mind
There's nothing left for me to do
But cry-y-y over you
Well, I never felt more, like running away
But why should I go
'Cause I couldn't stay, without you
You got me singing the blues...

From a jack to a king of loneliness to a wedding ring
I've played a ace and I won the queen
I walked away with your heart
From a jack to a king
With no regrets I stacked, I stacked the cards, I stacked the cards last night
And lady luck played her hand just right
You made me king of your heart
Oh for just a little while I thought that I might lose the game
Oh but just in time I saw that twinkle in your eyes
From a jack to a king of loneliness to a wedding, wedding, wedding ring
I played an ace and I won the queen
You made me king of your heart
For just a little while I thought that I might lose the game
Oh but just in time I saw, I saw that twinkle in your eyes
From a jack to a king from loneliness to a wedding, wedding, wedding ring
I played an ace and I won the queen
You made me king of your heart

You're Sixteen

cheerio, here I go, on my way
wish me luck as you wave me goodbye
not a tear, but a cheer, make it gay
give me a smile I can keep all the while
in my heart while I'm away
'Till we meet once again, you & I
wish me luck as you wave me goodbye

who were you with last night
who were you with last night
it wasn't your sister
it wasn't you ma ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
who were you with last night
out in the pale moonlight
are you going to tell your missus
when you get home
who were you with last night
who were you with last night
who were you squeezing so tight
it wasn't your sister
it wasn't you ma ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
who were you with last night
out in the pale moonlight
I am going to tell your missus
when you get home
just who you were with last night!

O SUSANNAH o don't you cry for me
for I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee.
 I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee
I'm going to Louisiana
my true love for to see.
It rained all night
the day I left
the weather it was dry
the sun so hot I froze to death
Susannah, don't you cry.

the camp town ladies sing this song
the camp town race track's five miles long

Tiptoe by the window
thru the window
that's where I will be and
Tiptoe Through The Tulips
tiptoe to the garden
to the shadow of the willow tree
and tiptoe thru the tulips with me
knee deep mid flowers we'll stray
we'll keep the showers away
and if I kiss you in the garden
in the moonlight
will you pardon me
and tiptoe thru the tulips with me

o give me land lots of land under starry skies above
let me ride thru the wide open country that I love
let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze
& listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees
send me off forever but I ask you please
Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle underneath the western skies
On my Cayuse, let me wander over yonder till I see the mountains rise
I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences
& gaze at the moon till I lose my senses
& I can't look at hovels & I can't stand fences

Underneath The Arches I dream my dreams away
underneath the arches on cobblestones I lay
everyday you'll find me tired out and worn
happy when the daylight comes creeping
heralding the dawn
sleeping when it's raining
and sleeping when it's fine
train rattling high above
pavement is our pillow
no matter where we stray
underneath the arches I dream my dreams away.

  tho’ APRIL SHOWERS may come your way
they bring the flowers that bloom in May
so if it’s raining have no regrets
because it isn’t raining rain you know – it’s raining violets
& where you see clouds upon the hills
you soon will see crowds of daffodils
so keep on looking for a blue bird & list'ning for his song
whenever APRIL SHOWERS come along

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