Monday, October 21, 2013

Antonio del Pollaiuolo, Hercules and Deianira, ca. 1475–80. Oil on panel transferred to canvas. Yale University Art Gallery, University Purchase from James Jackson Jarves


Antonio del Pollaiuolo, "Hercules and Deianira", ca. 1475–80. Oil on panel transferred to canvas. Yale University Art Gallery, University Purchase from James Jackson Jarves.


Alison Wright’s thorough, and generously illustrated study of the Pollaiuolo brothers. Her entry in Renaissance Florence on Hercules and Dianira is a convenient summary.
Wright, Alison. The Pollaiuolo Brothers: The Arts of Florence and Rome. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 7–23, 75, 78–87, 93–100, 102.
Rubin, Patricia Lee, and Alison Wright. Renaissance Florence: The Art of the 1470s. Exh. cat. London: National Gallery, 46–47.
Ames-Lewis, Francis. “Pollaiuolo” in Grove Art Online.
Ovid. Metamorphoses. Trans. Rolfe Humphries. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1955: Book 9, 209–19.
Philostratus the Younger. Imagines II. Book 16: Nessus.

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