Monday, October 21, 2013

Benjamin West, Agrippina Landing at Brundisium with the Ashes of Germanicus, 1768. Oil on canvas. Yale University Art Gallery, Gift of Louis M. Rabinowitz


Benjamin West, Agrippina Landing at Brundisium with the Ashes of Germanicus, 1768. Oil on canvas. Yale University Art Gallery, Gift of Louis M. Rabinowitz


Allen Staley’s article and his book (with Helmut von Erffa) treat the Gallery’s painting expertly and at length.
Alberts, Robert C. “Benjamin West.” In Grove Art Online (by subscription only).
von Erffa, Helmut, and Allen Staley. The Paintings of Benjamin West. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1986: 44–50, 179–80.
Staley, Allen. “‘The Landing of Agrippina at Brundisium with Ashes of Germanicus.’” Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin 6, nos. 287–88 (October 1965): 10–19.
Tacitus. The Annals. Trans. Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb. Book III (A.D. 20–21).

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