Wednesday, October 23, 2013



Hamilton writes:

"The subject of "The Oath of Bruto" is death of Lucretia, when Bruto, Lucrezio, and Valerio Publicola join in the oath against the king Tarquinio.
"I have already treated this subject for the Earl of Hopetoun, and which has gained me some credit."
"For my own part, I prefer this last, in particular the figure of the husband Lucio Tarquinio, detto il Collatino, which is more natural
and more expressive."
"The point of time I have chose is different from the
former, as Lucrezia is JUST expiring, while the father, Spurio Lucrezio, supports one hand at the
same time as he joins in Bruto's oath against king Tarquinio.
"As this picture is now finished, its credit established and what I myself esteem as one of the best
of my productions in painting, I have only left to wish it in your Lordship's

"The figures are as large as life though so composed as to group
in a small compass."
"The price of it according to what I am usually paid is
2001. including frame.'"
(Reprinted in The Academy, xIv [7th September 1878],
p.244.) This letter is also referred to in HONOUR, op. cit., p.243, n.I 7.

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