Monday, December 9, 2013

FENTON -- Fanale


Paolo Fanale is an Italian tenor and a member of the classical cross-over vocal group Andiamo.

Fanale was born in Palermo, Sicily, and from a very young age it was evident that he had a capacity for music.

As a child, Fanale did not watch cartoons as other children did, but would instead view operas.

"I had an instinct to sing, but I can’t say anybody understood my talent," Fanale says.

When Fanale joined a children's choir, he was almost instantly given solo parts.

The music teacher recognized his gift and started to train him in operatic singing.

Brought up in a penniless and motherless household, Fanale began working summer jobs at an early age to pay for his music lessons.

However, his father insisted that he not devote himself entirely to music, but to learn "a proper trade" as well.

So Fanale possesses a bookkeeping diploma/

"My father may not be very cultural, but in all honesty he has always supported whatever I do," he says.

In 2000 Fanale studied lieder in Germany, and the next year went to London for three months.

While studying in London, Fanale worked as a street singer.

"As a Catholic, I even committed a serious sin by singing in a Protestant church."

Since winning several awards in Sicily and Bologna, Fanale has been singing professionally.

Recently, he was offered a role at the famous opera house in Milan, La Scala.
 Fanale is a member of the all-Italian popera ensemble, Andiamo.

The group's first album, Love, From Italy, was released on April 3, 2007, in the United States.

External linksEdit
Andiamo's Official Myspace
Andiamo's CD page at Denon Classics

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