Friday, January 17, 2014

Ancient Roman statuary at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: LE TRE GRAZIE (Purchase of the Philodoroi, 2010). Found in Rome in 1892 at Via Torre dei Conti, 15, near the Foro di Nerva and Vespasiano's Temple of Peace, 5 metres below the street level (Becatti, 1937, p. 42).


Marble Statue Group of the Three Graces
Period: Imperial
Date: 2nd century A.D.
Culture: Roman
Medium: Marble
Dimensions: Overall: 123 x 100cm
Classification: Stone Sculpture
Credit Line: Purchase,
Philodoroi, Lila Acheson Wallace,
Mary and Michael Jaharis,
Annette and Oscar de la Renta,
Leon Levy Foundation,
The Robert Belfer Foundation,
Mr. John A. Moran,
Jonathan Rosen,
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation and
Nicholas S. Zoullas Gifts, 2010

Accession Number: 2010.260

This artwork is currently on display in Gallery 162

Roman copy of a Greek work of the 2nd century B.C.

These young girls, linked in a dance-like pose, represent The Three Graces:

Aglaia (Beauty), Euphrosyne (Mirth), and Thalia (Abundance).

They bestow what is most pleasurable and beneficent in nature and society: fertility and growth, beauty in the arts, harmonious reciprocity between men. They enjoyed venerable cults in Greece and Asia Minor. In mythology, they play an attendant role, gracing festivals and organizing dances. Their closest connection is with Aphrodite, whom they serve as handmaidens.

This carefully calculated, frieze-like composition is typical of classicizing art of the second and first centuries B.C. Instantly recognizable, it soon became the canonic formula for representing the Graces, who appeared in every medium and on every kind of object, from mirrors to sarcophagi.



Said to have been found in 1892 in Rome at via Torre dei Conti 15, near the Forum of Nerva and Vespasian’s Temple of Peace, 5 meters below the street level (Becatti 1937, p. 42 and Balil 1958, p. 72)

Said to have been found in 1892 in Rome.

Until 1909, collezione di Joachim Ferroni, Rome.

April 1909, purchased by Hagop Kevorkian at the post-humous sale of the Ferroni Collection, Galleria Sangiorgi, Rome, lot 566.

After 1909, with Hagop Kevorkian, New York.

By 1915, with Cesare and Ercole Canessa, New York.

March 1930, purchased by Joseph Brummer at the posthumous sale of the Ercole Canessa Collection, Anderson Galleries, Inc., New York.

After 1930, with Joseph Brummer, New York.

Before 1947, purchased by Alexander Iolas, New York.

Until 2010, part of the Ophiuchus Collection, New York (Pauline Karpidas).

Since 1992, on loan to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Acquired in 2010, purchased from Pauline Karpidas.


Galerie Sangiorgi. 1909. Catalogue de la vente après décès de Mr. Joachim Ferroni. Rome: Jandolo & Tavazzi, p. 55, no. 566, pl. XLIX.

Reinach, Salomon. 1897-1931. Répertoire de la statuaire grecque et romaine. Vol. 4. Paris: E. Leroux, p. 230, pl. 49, fig. 1.

Canessa, Ercole. 1915. Catalogue Canessa's collection: Panama-Pacific International Exposition. San Francisco, Cal.: [Canessa printing co.], no. 5.

Ghislanzoni, E. 1916. “Gli scavi delle terme romane di Cirene.” Notiziario archeologico del Ministero delle Colonie II: pp. 74-75, 77, figs. 37-38.

Illustrated catalogue of the Canessa collection of rare and valuable objects of art of the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Gothic and Renaissance periods. 1919. New York: Privately printed for C. & E. Canessa [by Lent & Graff Co.], no. 47.

American Art Association. 1924. Illustrated catalogue of the art collection of the expert antiquarians C. & E. Canessa of New York, Paris, Naples: consisting of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Gothic and Renaissance sculpture in marble, bronze, stucco, terra-cotta and wood, Limoges enamels, primitive paintings, early tapestries, orfèvrerie, Italian majolica and furniture. New York: American Art Association, lot 113.

Schmidt, E. 1925. “Ubertragung gemalter Figuren in Rundplastik.” Festschrift Paul Arndt, zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstag dargebracht von seinen München Freunden. München: F. Bruckmann, p. 106, fig. 13.

Déonna, W. 1930. “Le groupe des trois Graces nues et sa descendance.” Revue archéologique XXXI: p. 278, no. 4.

American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. 1930. An important collection of rare and valuable antiquities ... gathered from famous European collections by the late Ercole Canessa. New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries, Inc., lot 127.

Becatti, G. 1937. “Le trè Grazie.” Bullettino della Commissione Archeologia Comunale de Roma LXV: p. 42, no. 4.

Lullies, R. 1948. “Zur Drei-Grazien-Gruppe.” Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts I: pp. 47, 48, pl. 7.

Balil, A. 1958. “El Mosaico de ‘Las Tres Gracias’ de Barcelona.” Archivo Español de Arqueología XXXI: p. 72, no. 3.

Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC). 1986. Vol. 3, “Charis, Charites/Gratiae,” p. 209, no. 126.

Love, Iris. 1989. Ophiuchus collection. Florence: Centro Di, pp. 60-65.

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