Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ancient Roman statuary at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: GLASS CAMEO CUP FRAGMENT (Gift of H. Marquand, 1881)


Glass cameo cup fragment
Period: Early Imperial, Julio-Claudian
Date: 1st half of 1st century A.D.
Culture: Roman
Medium: Glass
Dimensions: Overall: 9.5 x 5.7 cm
Classification: Glass
Credit Line: Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1881
Accession Number: 1881.10.349
This artwork is currently on display in Gallery 166

Roman decorative arts include subjects that are of an explicit sexual nature.

Scenes of love-making appear on everyday objects such as pottery and terracotta lamps, but they are also featured on luxury items such as silver and, as here, on cameo-glass drinking cups.
Until 1836, collection of Edmé-Antoine Durand, Paris.

1836, purchased by the 10th Duke of Hamilton at the Durand sale, Paris.

Before 1866, purchased by de Nolivos.

Until 1866, collection of de Nolivos, Paris.

1866, sold at the Hôtel Drouot, Paris (de Nolivos sale).

Sshortly before 1879, acquired by Jules Charvet.

Until 1881, collection of Jules Charvet, Le Pecq, Île-de-France.

1881, purchased from J. Charvet by Henry G. Marquand.

Acquired in 1881, gift of Henry G. Marquand.


De Witte, J. 1836. Description des Antiquités et Objets d’Art qui composent le Cabinet de Feu M. Le Chevalier E. Durand.
Paris: Imprimerie de Firmen Didot Frères, p. 360, no. 1544.

Froehner, W. 1879.
La verrerie antique: déscription de la Collection Charvet.
Le Pecq: J. Charvet, Chateau du Donjon, p. 85-86, note 1; pl. XXXIII, 126; p. 139.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1881.
Twelfth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Association for eight months ending December 31, 1881. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, p. 215-216.

Clarke, J.R. 1998.
Looking at Love-Making. Construction of Sexuality in Roman Art 100 B.C. - A.D. 250. Berkeley: Berkeley University Press, p. 318, n. 83.

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