Thursday, March 6, 2014

MacPherson: "non mi ridestar" -- tratto da Berrathon


Macpherson's Ossian and the
Ossianic Controversy

A Contribution Towards a Bibliography
By George F. Black, Ph.D.
New York
The New York Public Library

Macpherson's Ossian and the
Ossianic Controversy

A Contribution Towards a Bibliography

By George F. Black, Ph.D.

New York

The New York Public Library



A n Cuimhne


an Ollamh Alasdair MacBheathain

dh^ ionnsakh mi moran uaithe

agus hha duil agam tuilleadh ionnsachadh

Introductory Note

Works of James Macpherson


Poems of Ossian
English Editions

Gaelic Text


Individual Poems


Carric-thura --------20

Carthon ----_____ 20

Comala ---------- 20

Croma ---------- 2\

Darthula - - - - - - - - -21

FiNGAL - - - - - - - - - -21

Lathmon -----_-__ 23

OiNA MORUL -------- 23

OlTHONA --------- 23

Temora ---------- 23

Selections -----_____ 23

OssiANic Controversy -----_-__ 25



By George F. Black, Ph.D.


"Osslafiy sublimesty simplest bard of all
Whom English infidels Macfherson call.

JAMES MacPHERSON, a young Highland schoolmaster and poet,
born at Ruthven in the parish of Kingussie, Inverness-shire, in 1736,
became tutor to the son of Graham of Balgowan in 1759.

In the course of his travels with Balgowan junior (who afterwards became "Lord
Lynedoch") MacPherson met at Moffat Wells the Rev. John Home, author of the
tragedy of "Douglas", to whom MacPherson showed what he said were
fragments of ancient Gaelic poetry still recited in the Highlands.

One of
the pieces, "The Death of Oscar", MacPherson translates at Home's request.

It greatly
pleased Home, the Rev. Dr. Alexander Carlyle, and others, and when
MacPherson produces and translates some fifteen or sixteen more pieces,
they strongly urged him to publish them.

They were finally turned over to
the Hugh Blair, Professor of Rhetoric in the University of Edinburgh, for that purpose, and ihey appeared in a thin volume in July 1 760

"Fragments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highlands of Scotland, and
translated from the Galic or Erse language",

with an introduction by Blair,
who declared the poems to be "genuine remains of ancient Scottish poetry."

Professor Adam Ferguson, John Home, Blair,  Robertson the his-
torian, with other competent judges, were loud in their praise.

Thomas Gray,
the poet, also thought well of them, but was doubtful "whether they were
the invention of antiquity or of a modern Scotchman."

A subscription was
raised to enable Macpherson to return to the Highlands with the object of collecting other pieces, especially the longer poem or epic relating to the
wars of Fingal, the existence of which was hinted at in the introduction to the

To all appearances the tour was successful, for in 1761 MacPherson published Fhigal, an epic in six books, and two years later Temora, in eight books.

It was assumed that, as far back as the third century, in the remote Highlands and islands of Scotland, there existed a people who possessed not only
noble and generous qualities of the highest type but also a strong poetic
fervour which was nourished and kept aglow through the centuries down to
our day.

Some there were who had their doubts about the authenticity of
the poems, others there were who disbelieved, but a still greater number
clung to the idea, as Gibbon puts it, that

"Fingal fought, and Ossian sang."

By way of a test David Hume the philosopher put the question on a simple
and concise issue:

show us the original poems and manuscripts from which
you have made these translations and tell us how they have been preserved
during so many centuries.

To Hume's appeal Macpherson vouchsafed no

"The absurd pride and caprice of MacPherson himself, who scorns,
as he pretends, to satisfy anybody that doubts his veracity," tended, as Hume
says, to confirm the general scepticism.

This scepticism threatened to damage the reputation of more than one of the critics, chief of whom was Blair, whose elaborate

"Critical dissertation on the poems of Ossian the son of Fingaly" published in 1 763, was written "with more zeal than discretion."

To combat this growing unbelief Blair procures from eleven persons of
reputed authority in the Highlands letters in favor of the authenticity of the
poems and affirming that at the time when Fingal and Temora were published there were several persons living in the Highlands and islands who
had either old Gaelic manuscripts in their possession or could recite long
passages from traditional Gaelic poetry similar in subject and composition
to those published in English by MacPherson.

But this was not deemed sufficient to allay the suspicion which still clung
to Macpherson, the doubters persistently demanded a sight of the original
poems before the charge of fraud against him could be withdrawn.

It was
all without avail, the only "originals" existing being in the handwriting of
MacPherson himself or in that of his amanuenses.

In Europe, however, the effect of Macpherson's Ossian was wide and enduring.

The translation of Caesarotti initiated a new poetic school in Italy.

In Germany, then going through its romantic stage, it was hailed with rapture.

Klopstock wrote turgid odes after its worst style j

Herder gloried in itj Burger versified itj Schiller found rare beauty and
grandeur in the life of Celtic past with its background of mistj.

Goethe tries his skill in translating it.

Goethe's Werther, to express his agonised emotions, turns to the melancholy bard of the North, and in his strain pours forth his abject woes.

Voltaire laughed his dry laughter like the
crackling of thorns over it, and for a while France was unthralled.

At last
even it gave way to the spell, especially when Napoleon, who knew it
through the Italian translation, and loved the grandiose, was moved to
admiration for ^Ocean', as he spelt it, carrying it with him as his favourite
reading during his campaigns.

French parents found baptismal names for
their children in its pages."

Oscar I, King of Sweden, the son of Napoleon's marshal, Bernadotte, was named after the son of Fingal, and to this day "Oscar" has continued a favorite name in the Swedish royal family.

No competent Gaelic scholar will be found in Europe who would take up the
attitude that Macpherson's work, either in respect of the Gaelic 'originals,'
or the English translation, is authentic.

It is much to  the credit of Gaelic scholarship of our own time that, uninfluenced by racial
feeling which previously must have affected impartial judgment of the work,
it has finally rejected James Macpherson and his 'Ossian'.

Ossian can now be set down as one of the most remarkable literary impostures that has happened in Britain in modern times.

It may be mentioned that the Library's collection of Ossiana has been
greatly increased by the gift of a sum of money for that purpose from a
gentleman who desires to be known simply as "F. H."

To Mr. J. Norman
Methven, of St. Martin's, Perth, Scotland, the Library is also indebted for
the gift of several scarce editions, including a copy of the rare second edition
of the Fragments.

This list comprises not only what is in The New York Public Library,
but also some titles gathered from other sources with the aim of making it a
fairly complete list of works on the subject.

The works which are in the
Library have the call-number added at the end of the title — the others
are understood as being not at present in the Library collection.

Works of James Macpherson

Poems of Ossian
English Editions
Gaelic Text

Individual Poems

Works of James Macpherson, continued
Individual Poems, continued
Oina Morul


Ossianic Controversy




Fragments of ancient poetry,
collected in the Highlands of Scotland,
and translated
from the Galic or Erse language .
Edinburgh: G. Hamilton and J. Balfour, 1760.
viii, (1)10-70 p. 16°.

First edition.

Fragments of ancient poetry. A reprint
of the first edition of 1760. With a photo-
graphic facsimile of the original title page.
Edinburgh : Published by William Brown,
1917. 2 p.l., viii, (1)10-70 p., 1 pi. (front.)
8°. * KL

no. 46 of one hundred copies printed.

Fragments of ancient poetry: translated
from the Gaelic by James Macpherson. A
reproduction in Braille of the first edition of
1760. Specially embossed for J. Norman
Methven. Edinburgh : Published by William
Brown, 1917. 1 p.l., 42 1. ob. 8°. NDO

"Embossed in contracted Braille by the English
and Foreign Braille Literature Society, 53, Shrews-
bury Road, Forest Gate, London, E. 7."

Fragments of ancient poetry, collected in
the Highlands of Scotland, and translated
from the Galic or Erse language. The second
edition. . . Edinburgh: Printed for G. Ham-
ilton and J. Balfour, 1760. viii, (1)10-77 p.,
1 1. 8° in fours. * KL

In this edition some passages will be found altered from the former.

The alterations are drawn from more compleat copies the translator has obtained of the originals, since the former publication.

One entire poem is also added; which stands No. x:ii. in this edition.

It may be proper to inform the public, that measures are now taken for making a more full
collection of the remaining works of the ancient Scottish Bards; in particular for recovering and trans-
lating the heroic poem mentioned in the preface," —

Fragments of ancient poetry, collected in
the Highlands of Scotland, and translated

from the Galic or Erse language. First
printed in the year 1760. (In: Robert Dods-
ley, editor. Fugitive pieces, on various sub-
jects by several authors. London, 1765. v. 2,
p. 117-162.) NCE

First published in June 1760. (In:

James Macpherson, The poems of Ossian. .
by Malcolm Laing. Edinburgh, 1805. 8°.
V. 2, p. 377-413.) NDO

Fragments of ancient poetry collected in
the Highlands of Scotland, and translated
from the Gaelic or Erse language, 1760.
Being a reprint of the first Ossianic publica-
tion of James Macpherson . . Edinburgh :
Privately printed for the Aungervyle Society,
1881. 32 p. 8°. (Aungervyle Society. Re-
prints. Series 1, no. 6-7.) NCE

With slip with additions to bibliography at p. 32.

Page 32 gives a list of editions of Ossian from
1760 to 1847.

no. 113 of ISO copies printed.

James Macpherson's Fragments of ancient
poetry (1760) ; in diplomatischen Neudruck
mit den Lesarten der Umarbeitungen, heraus-
gegeben von Otto L. Jiriczek. Heidelberg:
C. Winter, 1915. xiii(i), 64 p. 8°. (Anglis-
tische Forschungen. Heft 47.)

RNB (Anglistische)

One of 400 copies printed.

With enlarged reproduction of title-page of 1760

Fragmente der alten Dichtkunst in den
Hochlandern von Schotland, gesammelet und
aus dem Englischen iibersetzet. (Neues
Bremisches Magazin. Bremen, 1766. 8°. v. 1,
p. 1-54.)

"A prose translation of the first sixteen fragments
together with Macpherson's preface. A separate re-
print of this translation was published in Bremen
in the same year." — Tombo.




The Poems of Ossian, being a literal translation from the original Gaelic into English;
with a dissertation concerning the era in which the poet lived; and a critical dissertation by the late Rev. Hugh Blair, d.d. Col-
lected and translated by James Macpherson,
A.M., and published under the patronage of
the Highland Society of Scotland. Edinburgh,
1762. 8°.

An obvious fraud. Mr. J. N. Methven writes that
he has a copy in his possession, "The title page, rage
containing the short preface and the contents page,
are different paper from the rest of the book. I think
it is the Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1812, edition

The Works of Ossian, the son of Fingal.
In two volumes. Translated from the Galic
language by James Macpherson. The third
edition. To which is subjoined a critical
dissertation on the poems of Ossian. By
Hugh Blair, d.d. London : Printed for T.
Becket and P. A. Dehondt, 1765. 2 v. 8°.

The Library has only v. 2, containing: Temora, an
ancient epic poem, in eight books; and several other
poems. NDO.

The words "Third edition" refer to the previous
publication in a separate form of Fingal and Te-

The Works of Ossian the son of Fingal.
In two volumes, translated from the Galic
language bv James Macpherson. The third
edition. Dublin : Peter Wilson, 1765. 8°.

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson, Esq., in two volumes. A new
edition, carefully corrected, and greatly im-
proved. London: Printed for W. Strahan ;
and T. Becket, in the Strand, mdcclxxiii. 2 v.
8°. NDO

Works of Ossian. Darmstadt, 1773-75. 2 v.

The first English reprint of Ossian in Germany
Published at the suggestion of Johann Heinrich Merck.

The Works of Ossian, the son of Fingal .
Edited by J. H. Merck. Francfort und Leip-
zig: Guiihaumann, 1783. 4 v. 8°.

A new edition of 1777.

This edition contains Clark's Answer to Mr.
Shaw's Inquiry, as well as Macpherson's Dissertation
concerning the aera of Ossian in v. 1. At the end
of the fourth volume an alphabetical index of names
and things is given ; the specimen of Temora's orig-
inal added to the English edition being omitted.

The Works of Ossian, the son of Fingal,
translated from the Gaelic language. Paris :
Printed by J. Fr. Valade, and sold by Theo-
philus Barrois, 1783. 4 v. 12°.

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by
James Macpherson, Esq ; in two volumes. A
new edition. London : Printed for W.
Strahan; and T. Cadell, 1784-85. 2 v. 8°.


The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson. In two volumes. A new edition.
London : Printed for A. Strahan ; and T.
Cadell, 1790. 2 v. 8°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. A new edition. Dublin :
Printed for J. Moore, No. 45, College Green,
MDCcxc. 2 V. 12°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal.
Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. A
new edition, carefully corrected, and greatly
improved. Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas
Lang, MDCCXC. 1 p.l., viii p., 2 1., 11-502 p. 8°.

From London edition of same year,
p. 415-502: A critical dissertation on the poems
of Ossian, the son of Fingal. By Hugh Blair...

The Poems of Ossian in two volumes.
Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. Edin-
burgh : Printed for G. Mudie [and others],
1792. 2 v. 16°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal.
A new edition, carefully corrected, and
greatly improved. Edinburgh : Printed for
J. Robertson, 1792. viii, 457 p., 1 1., 1 pi.
(front.) 8°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal.
Translated by James Macpherson. A new
edition. Berwick : Printed by and for W.
Phorson, 1795. 2 v. 12°.

Morison's edition of the poems of Ossian,
the son of Fingal. Translated by James
Macpherson, Esq.; carefully corrected, and
greatly improved. With a sett of elegant en-
gravings, from original drawings, by Stothard
and Allan. Perth : Printed by R. Morison,
junior, for R. Morison & Son, 1795. 2 v.
12°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. In two volumes. A new
edition. London: Printed for A. Strahan
and T. Cadell, and sold by T. Cadell, jun.
and W. Davies, 1796. 2 v. 8°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal.
Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. To
which are prefixed, dissertations on the aera
and poems of Ossian . . London : Printed
for Cameron & Murdoch, Glasgow [1796-97].
2 V. pi. 24°. (Cameron and Murdoch's edi-
tion.) NDO

Each volume has additional engraved title-page.

V. 2 has imprint: Glasgow: Printed for Cameron
& Murdoch.

The Poems of Ossian. In two volumes. A
new edition. Translated by James Macpher-
son. Edinburgh : Printed for J. Elder, No. 7,
and T. Brown, No. 1, North-Bridge street,
1797. 2 V. pi. 16°. NDO


Works of James Macpherson, continued.

Poems of Ossian — English Editions, cont'd.

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson. London : W. Baynes, no. 54
Paternoster Row, 1798. 2 v.

The Poems of Ossian . . Imray's edition.
Embellished with superb engravings. Glas-
gow : Chapman and Lang for J. Murray,
bookseller, 1799. 2 v.

Second edition. Glasgow : Chapman

and Lang, 1800.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. In four volumes. A new
edition. Vienna : Printed for R. Sammer,
bookseller, m.dccci. 4 v. 24°.

Each volume has additional engraved title-page and

Macpherson's notes are given at the end of each
volume. V. 4 has Macpherson's dissertations on the
aera and on the poems, as well as Dr. Blair's Critical

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. In two volumes. London :
Printed bv J. D. Dewick, for Lackington,
Allen, and Co., 1803. 2 v. pi. 12°. NDO

Plates by [Frederick?] Atkinson, engraved by
[William] Angus.

The Poems of Ossian . A new edition.
Inverness: Printed by & for John Young,
1804. 8°.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. In three volumes. The
engravings by James Fittler, a. r. a., from
pictures by Henry Singleton. London : Pub-
lished for William Miller, John Murray, and
John Harding, 1805. 3 v. 16°. NDO

V. 1 contains the three dissertations which usually
accompany later editions.

This edition was also issued on large paper.

The Poems of Ossian, &c. Containing the
poetical works of James Macpherson, Esq.
in prose and rhyme : with notes and illustra-
tions by Malcolm Laing, Esq. In two vol-
umes. Edinburgh : Printed by James Ballan-
tyne, for Archibald Constable and Co., Edin-
burgh, 1805. 2 V. front, (port.) 8°. NDO

Contents: v. 1. Fingal. Comala. The war of Caros.
The war of Inis-Thona. The battle of Lora. Conlath
and Cuthona. Carthon. The death of Cuthillin. Dar-
thula. Carric-thura. The songs of Selma. Calthon
and Conmal. Lathmon. Oithona. Ci'oma. Berrathon.

V. 2. Teraora. Cathlin of Clutha. Sulmalla of
Lumon. Cath-Loda. Oina-Morul. Colna-Dona. Speci-
men of the original of Temora, book vii. Malvina's
dream. Fragments of ancient poetry. The Six bards,
a fragment. Death, a poem. The Hunter, in ten
cantos. The Highlander, in six cantos. Miscellaneous
poems: On the death of Marshal Keith; On the death
of a young lady; To the memory of an officer killed
before Quebec; The Earl Marischal's welcome to his
native country; Horace, Ode xvi, book 2, imitated;
Horace, Ode x, bonk 2, imitated; The choice; Written
on a birth-day; The monument; Verses sent to a
young lady, with some translations from the Earse;
The cave; Fragments from Tyrtaeus; Anacreon, Ode
IV, translated; Anacreon, Ode viii; In answer to a

letter from Delia; A night-piece; Verses to a young
lady; Fragment of a northern tale; the same versi-

The poems, "Death," and "The Hunter" are printed
here for the first time. They were published by
Laing, "not on account of their poetical merit, but as
Macpherson's first rude essays in English poetry, and
as historical evidence that he was a heroic poet from
his earlier years."

Reviewed in Edinburgh review, v. 6, p. 429-462,
Edinburgh, 1814; Annual review, v. 4, p. 61S-620,

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. In three volumes. Leip-
zig: Gerh. Fleischer, 1805. 3 v. 12°.

Macpherson's two dissertations and Dr. Blair's
Critical dissertation are given at the end of v. 3.

Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Trans-
lated by Macpherson. Edinburgh : Printed
for John Buchanan, by John Johnstone, 1806.
2 v. in 1. 48°. Reserve

The Poems of Ossian. New edition. Lon-
don: Cadell and Davies [and others], 1806.
2v. 12°.

Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Trans-
lated by J. Macpherson. New edition. New
Haven: Duyckinck & Ronalds, 1806. 2 v.

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. In two volumes. London :
W. Suttaby, and B. Crosby & Co., 1807. 2 v.
in 1. pi. 24°. NDO

With plates by H. Singleton, engraved by C.

The Poems of Ossian, in the original
Gaelic, with a literal translation into Latin,
by the late Robert Macfarlan, a.m. Together
with a dissertation on the authenticity of the
poems, by Sir John Sinclair, bart. And a
translation from the Italian of the Abbe
Cesarotti's Dissertation on the controversy
respecting the authenticity of Ossian, with
notes and a supplemental essay, by John
M'Arthur, ll.d. Published under the sanction
of the Highland Society of London. London :
Printed by W. Buhner and Co., 1807. 3 v.
front., folded map, folded facsim. 4°. NDO

This work was also issued to subscribers on large
paper at £3. 13s. 6d.

Reviewed in the Eclectic review, v. 4, part 1,
p. 479-489, London, 1808.

Contents: v. 1 : A dissertation on the authenticity
of Ossian's poems, by Sir John Sinclair, bart. Chap-
ter I. A statement of the evidence adduced in behalf
of the authenticity of Ossian's poems, with some
observations on the objections which have been urged
against their authenticity. Chapter ii. Account of
the Gaelic edition herewith printed, and the circum
stances which have hitherto prevented the publication ■
thereof; together with some observations on the
beauties of the poems of Ossian, as originally composed.
A new translation of the first book of Fingal, with
notes, by Rev. Thomas Ross. A translation from the
Italian of the Abbe Cesarotti's Critical observations
on the first book of Fingal, by John M'Arthur. Ap-
pendix, no. 1. Deposition by Captain John Mac-
donald of Breakish. no. 2. Letter from the Rev.
Mr. Rosing to Sir John Sinclair, accomnanied by
extracts from Suhm's History of Denmark, no. 3.
Account of the Indian subscription, no. 4. Declaration
by Captain Alex. Morison of Greenock. no. 5.
Observations on the two English translations of the



Works of James Macpherson, continued.

Poems of Ossian — English Editions, cont'd.

first book of Fingal. no. 6. A scene from Ossian.
Original poems with Latin translations. Cath Loduin.
Caomh-mhala. Carraigthura. Carthonn. Oighnam-
mor shul. Caol-nan-daoine. Croma. Calthonn is

V. 2. Original poems with Latin translations.
Fionngh'al (Duan i-vi). Tighmora (Duan i-ii). Notes.

V. 3. Original poems with Latin translations.
Tighmora (Duan iii-viii). Conlaoch is Cuthona.
Notes. A translation from the Italian of the Abbe
Cesarotti's historical and critical dissertation an the
controversy respecting the authenticity of Ossian s
poems, by John M'Arthur. Notes by the translator.
Supplemental observations on the authenticity of Os-
sian^s poems, bv John M'Arthur, containing the
following subjects: 1. Oral tradition, ancient song
and music; 2. Of the ancient name and inhabitants
of Britain, and progress of letters among the t,ale-
donians; 3. Philological inquiries, and the affinity
of the Celtic, or Gaelic, with the Oriental and other
languages; 4. A summary of the evidence adduced
in support of the authenticity of Ossian's poems, with
further proofs. The original episode of Fameasolhs
with a literal English translation. The original of
Ossian's address to the Sun in Carthon, with a literal
Latin and English translation. Topography of some
of the principal scenes of Fingal and his warriors,
viz. 1. Description of Selma, by Alex. Stewart; 2.
Description of the river Cona, and the banks of the
river Ete, by the Rev. Donald Macnicol; 3. Descrip
tion of Inis-Connel and InisEraith, the scene of
Daura, as in the Songs of Selma, also the scenes of
Cathluina and Laoi-Fraoch, by the Rev. William
Campbell; 4. Description of the scenes of Daura and
Erath, by the Rev. Dr. John Smith; 5. Description
of the vicinity of Selma, the river Connel, and the
valley of Ete, by the Rev. Ludovick Grant; 6. De-
scription of Morven and its antiquities, by the Rev.
Norman MacLeod; 7. Probable conjectures respecting
Fingal and Ossian's burial places; 8. A specimen of
Ossianic music. Notices of books which treat of the
Celtic language, customs, manners, and antiquities.
Gaelic books published in the 16th, 17th, and 18th
centuries. Gaelic and Irish manuscripts existing in
Great Britain and Ireland.

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson. Gotha, 1807. 3 v. (English li-
brary. Authors in prose, v. xiv, xv, xvi.)

The third volume contains Macpherson's two dis-
sertations and Dr. Blair's Critical dissertation.

The Poems of Ossian, translated from the
Galic language by James Macpherson, Esq.,
and turned into blank verse, by the Rev.
Anthony Davidson. Salisbury: Printed by
Brodie and Doviming [c. 1810]. 4 p.l., 388 p.
go. NDO

"The poems of Ossian, as translated by Mr. Mac-
pherson, however beautiful in image and metaphor,
are, in the reading, abrupt and unpleasant. The in-
tention of the present edition, by turning the poems
into blank verse, is to make them more soft and
musical to the ear. The translator's language is
carefully preserved throughout the work, save where
other words of the same meaning are occasionally
made use of for the sake of measure." — Advertise-

Contents: Fingal. Comala. The war of Caros.
The war of Inis-Thona. The battle of Lora. Conlath
and Cuthona. Carthon. The death of Cuchulhn. Dar-
Thula Temora. Carric-Thura. The songs of Selma.
Calthon and Colmal. Lathmon. Oithona. Croma.

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson. To which are prefixed, dis-
sertations on the sera and poems of Ossian,
and a preliminary discourse, or review of the
recent controversy relative to the authenticity

of the poems. With engravings on wood by
Anderson. In two volumes. New-York:
Printed for Ezra Sargeant, 1810. v. 1, 346 p.,
4 pi.; v. 2, 348 p., 4 pi. 12°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal.
Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. A
new edition, carefully corrected, and greatly
improved . . . Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd,
Netherbow, 1812. 2 p.l., xvii, (1)20-459 (1)
p. 8°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian. translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. In three volumes. The
engravings by James Fittler, a.r.a., from
pictures by Henry Singleton. London :
Printed for William Miller, by George Ram-
say & Co., Edinburgh, 1812. 3 v. pi., port.
16°. NDO

Portrait of Macpherson, frontispiece to v. 1.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. To which are prefixed a
preliminary discourse, and dissertations on
the sera and poems of Ossian. London :
Printed for J. Walker [and others], 1812.
XXXV, 489 p. 24°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian . In two volumes
with dissertations . and a life of Macpher-
son. Edinburgh : Printed for Macredie,
Skelly & Muckersy, 1814.

A New and complete edition of Ossian's
poems. Translated by James Macpherson,
Esq., with an additional poem. To which is
prefixed the life of the translator. By a
gentleman. In two volumes. Morris-town,
N. J. : Published by Peter A. Johnson, 1815.
2 V. front, (pi.) 18°. NDO

With additional engraved title-pages.

The additional poem is "The death of Oscar."

The Poems of Ossian, originally translated
by James Macpherson, Esq. Attempted in
English verse by the late Rev. John Shackle-
ton. Birmingham: Printed by J. Ferrall,
1817. 2 V. 8°. NDO

Contents: v. 1: Fingal, Comala, Conlath and
Cuthona, War of Caros, War of Inis-Thona, Battle
of Lora, Carthon, The death of Cuchullin, Dar-thula,

V. 2: Songs of Selma, Calthon and Colmal, Lath-
mon, Oithona, Croma, Berrathon, Temora, Cathlin of
Clutha, Sul-Malla of Lumon, Cath-Loda, Oina-Morul,

Also published on large paper.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson, with the translator's disserta-
tions on the era and poems of Ossian, Dr.
Blair's critical dissertation, and an enquiry
into the genuineness of these poems . by . .
Alexander Stewart. Edinburgh : Published
by Oliver & Boyd, 1819. 16°.

The Poems of Ossian... London: Printed
for J. Walker [and others], 1819.

The Poems of Ossian . . Glasgow: Printed
by Thomas Bruce, High Street, 1821. 2 v.



Works of James Macpherson, continued.
Poems of Ossian — English Editions, cont'd.

The Poems of Ossian. translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. Authenticated, illustrated,
& explained by Hugh Campbell, Esq. f.a.s.
ED. In two volumes . . London : Printed for
Sir Richard Phillips & Co., 1822. 2 v. fronts..
map, plates. 8°. NDO

[Another edition.] London, 1825. 12°.

A New and complete edition of Ossian's
poems. Translated by James Macpherson.
With an additional poem. To which is pre-
fixed the life of the translator, by a gentle-
man... Morristown : Published by Peter A.
Johnson, 1823. 2 v. fronts. 32°. NDO

Each volume has additional engraved title-page.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. Glasgow: Printed for
Richard Griffin & Co., 1824. 2 v. front,
(pi.) 24°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian . London: Printed
for C. & J. Rivington [and others], by T.
Davison, Whitefriars, 1825.

The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson. Leipzick : Printed for Gerhard
Fleischer, 1826. 3 v. 12°.

V. 3 contains Macpherson's two dissertations, as
weir as Dr. Blair's critical dissertation.

FiNGAL and other poems of Ossian. Niirn-
bergand New York: Campe [1829]. 32°.

"Contains Fingal, The war of Caros, The war of
InisThona, The battle of Lora, The death of Cuth-
ullin. Carthon, The songs of Selma. No introduc-
tion." — Totnbo.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. To which are prefixed, a
preliminary discourse, and dissertations on
the aera and poems of Ossian. Edinburgh :
Thomas Nelson and Peter Brown, 1830. iv,
(1)6-507 p., front, (pi.) 24°. NDO

Original boards.

Ossian's poems. A new edition, carefully
revised and corrected. Paris : Amable Costes,
1830. 2 v. 18°.

The Works of Ossian. 1. Fingal. Schnee-
berg, 1831. (Pocket-edition of the most em-
inent English authors of the preceding cen-
tury, v. 5.)

Ossian's poems, translated by James Mac-
pherson, Esq. To which are prefixed, a pre-
liminary discourse and dissertations on the
aera and poems of Ossian. A new edition,
complete in one volume. Leipzig: E.
Fleischer, 1834. 8°.

"The preliminary discourse — signed 'Berrathon'
— gives an account of the renewal of the controversy
over the genuineness of the poems, and considers the
Report of the Committee of the Highland Society,
Malcolm Laing's edition of the Poems of Ossian
nSOS), and von Harold's Poems of Ossian lately
discover'd (1787)."

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. With dissertations on the
era and poems of Ossian; and Dr. Blair's
critical dissertation. London : Printed for
Scott, Webster & Geary, 1835. 2 p.l., 428 p..
1 pi. (front.) 24°. NDO

With additional engraved title-page.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. To which are prefixed a
life of the translator; a preliminary discourse,
or review of the controversy relative to the
authenticity of the poems ; and dissertations
on the era and poems of Ossian. Philadel-
phia : Thomas Cowperthwait & Co., 1839.
vii, (1)10^13 p. 8°. NDO

p. v-vii contain a list of editions, etc., of the
poems reprinted from Lowndes' Bibliographer's man-
ual, V. 3.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson. Authenticated, illustrated and
explained by Hugh Campbell, Esq. Leipzig:
G. J. Goschen, 1840. 2 v.

Reprint of the text of Campbell's London edition
of 1822. v. 1 contains Macpherson's two disserta-
tions; and V. 2, Dr. Blair's Critical dissertation.

The Genuine remains of Ossian, literally
translated; with a preliminary dissertation.
By Patrick Macgregor, m.a. Published under
the patronage of the Highland Society of
London. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1841.
vi p., 1 1., 537 p. 8°. NDO

Printed by William Tait, Prince's Street, Edin-

Contents: A view of the evidences for the gen
uineness of Ossian's poems, with an examination of
objections. Ca-Lodin. Covala. Carrie. Garon. Oina-
morul. Golnandone. Croma. Gallon and Colvala.
Fingal. Timora. Conlach and Gudona. Notes. Ap-
pendix: (A) On the language and origin of the
Caledonians. (B) Dr. Smith's Collection of Gaelic
poetry. Cadul, a poem. Darg, a poem. Mordu, a
poem, in three parts.

Reviewed in Nette jenaische allgemeine Literatur-
Zeitung, Leipzig, 1843, i, p. 109-119.

The Poems of Ossian . . Edinburgh: Pub-
lished by Thomas Nelson, 1842. 16°.

The Poems of Ossian . . London: H. G.
Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden, 1844.

The Poems of Ossian . London: En-
graved for Dove's English Classics, n.d. 16°.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. To which are prefixed, a
preliminary discourse and dissertations on
the aera and poems of Ossian. New York:
Edward Kearny [circa 1846]. 492 p. front.,
plates. 12°. NDO

Edward Kearny was in business as a publisher
between 1844-49.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson. With dissertations on the aera
and poems of Ossian : and Dr. Blair's critical
dissertation. Leipzig: Bernard Tauchnitz,
1847. vi, .382 p. 16°. (Collection of British
authors, v. cxvi.) NDO



IVorks of James Macpherson, continued.
Poems of Ossian — English Editions, cont'd.
The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. With dissertations on the
era and poems of Ossian ; and Dr. Blair's
critical dissertation. London: H. G. Bohn,
1852. 2 p.l., 428 p., front, (pi.) and additional
engraved title-page. 24°. NDO

The Poems of Ossian; translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. to which are prefixed a
preliminary discourse and dissertation on the
aera and poems of Ossian. Boston : Phillips,
Sampson & Company, 1853. 3 p.l., (1)6^92
p., 9 pi. (incl. front.) 12°. NDO

With added engraved title-page.

Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Company,

1854. 3 p.l., (1)6-492 p., 9 pi. (incl. front.)
12°. NDO

With added engraved title-page.
Stereotyped reprint of the 1853 edition.

Boston : Phillips, Sampson & Com-
pany, 1858. 12°.

Stereotyped reprint.

Ossian; his principal poems, translated
into English verse. With introduction and
notes, illustrative of the manners and cus-
toms of the Caledonians, and an account of
the harp in the Highlands. Edinburgh, Perth
[printed], 1858. 12°.

By Richard Hell, John Wodrow, T. T. Burke, and
others from Macpherson's prose translation.

The Poems of Ossian; translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. To which are prefixed A
preliminary discourse and dissertation on the
aera and poems of Ossian. Boston: Crosby,
Nichols, Lee & Company, 1860.

Stereotyped reprint of the 1853 edition.

New York : John W. Lovell Company

[187-?]. 492 p. 12°. NDO

Stereotyped edition from the same plates as the
Boston edition of 1853 and Kearny edition of circa

The Poems of Ossian in the original Gaelic
with a literal translation into English and a
dissertation on the authenticity of the poems
by the Rev. Archibald Clerk. . . Together with
the English translation by Macpherson. Edin-
burgh and London: William Blackwood and
Sons, 1870. 2 v. 4°. NDO

V. 1: 4 p. 1., Ixvi, 503 p.; v. 2: 3 p. 1., 584 p.

Contents: v. 1: Dissertation on the authenticity
of the poems of Ossian with an account of the various
Gaelic editions, translations, etc., which have been
hitherto published. Ca-Lodin (Duan i-iii). Covala— a
dramatic poem. Carric-thura. Car-hon. Oinammorhul.
Golnandona. Croma. Calhon and Colvala. Fingal
(Duan i-ni).

V. 2: Fingal (Duan iv-vi). Temora (Duan i-viii).
Conloch and Cuhona.

The explanation of proper names and notes are
given at the end of each poem.

Published at the expense of John, third Marquess
of Bute.

A reprint of the Highland Society's edition of
1807 with a literal translation of Clerk's own on

alternate pages and Macpherson's English at the foot
of the page.

"The edition is creditable to the industry of the
editor; but not to his scholarship. He has written a
very readable preface, although the Ossianic mania
has carried him into giving expression to very serious
philological heresies. But no one expects to find in
the advocates of Ossian earnest votaries of philologi-
cal science. The voluminous notes illustrative of the
text, and explanatory of the so-called proper names,
which must have cost Mr. Clerk such a waste of
time, though not of learning, might have been ex-
punged with great advantage to the reader, and benefit
to the editor's reputation... Let us hope that this is
the last occasion on which the public will be asked
to accept as genuine a work which is only an audacious
attempt at imposture." — IV. M. Hcnitessy.

See the critical notice in the Academy, v. 2,
p. 365-367, 390-394, London, 1871 (from which the
above extract is taken); Reitte celtiqtie, v. 1, p. 479-
483, Paris, 1870-72 (by Henri Gaidoz).

The Poems of Ossian translated by James
Macpherson. Edinburgh : A. & C. Black,
1876. viii (incl. front, port.), 294 p. 24°.


Omits the preliminary dissertations and Blair's
Critical dissertation.

The following pieces are also omitted from the
poems: Cathloda, Oina-morul, Comala, Croma, Cal-
thon and Colmal, The war of Caros, Cathlin of Clutha,
Sulmalla, War of Inis-thona, Songs of Selma.

Title vignette.

The Poems of Ossian ; translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. to which are prefixed a
preliminary discourse and dissertation on the
sera and poems of Ossian. New York: T. Y.
Crowell, 1877. 492 p. 12°. NDO

Stereotyped reprint of the 1853 edition.

New York : J. B. Alden, 1883. 492

p. 12°. (On cover: Cyclopedia of poetry.)
Stereotyped reprint of the Boston edition of 1853.

The Poems of Ossian, translated by James
Macpherson . Edinburgh : A. & C. Black,
1885. viii, 294 pp., front, (port.) 24°.

Title vignette.

The Poems of Ossian literally translated
from the Gaelic, in the original measure of
verse. By Peter M'Naughton. Edinburgh:
William Blackwood and Sons, 1887. ix p., 1 1.,
355 p. 24°. NDO

Cath-Loduinn. Caomh-mhala. Carraig-thura Car-
thonn. Oigh-nam mor-shul. Gaol-nan-daoine. Croma.
Calthonn and Caolmhal. Fionngal. Tighmora. Con-
laoch and Cuthonna.

Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson. With an introduction, historical
and critical, by George Eyre-Todd. London:
Walter Scott, 1888. Ixix p., 2 1., 298 p. 24°.
(The Canterbury poets.) NDO

"In this volume the text of Ossian remains as it
was left by Macpherson in his edition of 1773, and
the poems are presented in the final order arranged
by him The four last translations only, 'The Battle
of Lora,' 'Temora,' 'Conlath and Cuthona,' and
'Berrathon,' have owing to the exigencies of space
been omitted. Some curtailment has been made of the
translator's notes, many of which are irrelevant. All,
however, have been included which are necessary for
the understanding of the text." — Editorial note.

Temora ought to have been included in this
edition, as book i. is founded on a genuine tradition,
the remainder being Macpherson's own composition.
The editor, it may be mentioned, is a believer in the
authenticity of the poems.



Works of James Macphcrson, continued.
Poems of Ossian — English Editions, cont'd.
The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James
Macpherson, Esq. With dissertations on the
era and poems of Ossian ; and Dr. Blair's
critical dissertation. Edinburgh : John Grant,
1894. 2 p.l., 428 p. 16°. NDO

Printed from the stereotyped plates of the edition
issued in 1835 by Scott, Webster & Geary.
Re-issued in 1902.



OssiANOWY basne (Fingal, Kuthulinowa
smrt) die pfelozenj anglickeho J. Macpher-
sona pfewedene J. Hollmannem. w Praze,
1827. 16°.

See Josef Linda, ^aie nad pohanstven nebo Vdclav
a Boleslav, Praha, 1818, for the influence of Ossian
on Czech literature.

The Poems of Ossian translated by James
Macpherson, with notes, and with an intro-
duction by William Sharp. Edinburgh: Pat-
rick Geddes & Colleagues. 1896. xxiv p., 1 1..
417 p. 12°. (Centenary edition.) NDO

"It should be stated that, while the editor is
responsible for what he considers a more apt arrange-
ment of the poems, and also for a few notes, this
Centenary edition is otherwise reprinted from the
edition produced in 1822 by Mr. Hugh Campbell."

Beyond a rearrangement of the poems and the
addition of a few notes "this centenary edition is
otherwise reprinted from the edition produced in 1822
by Mr. Hugh Campbell. The notes to which the
initial C is appended are those by Mr. Campbell,
and are generally to correct some statement of Mac-
pherson — though some of Mr. Campbell's own cor-
rectional notes have not been reproduced, often in
error as he was himself. The great majority of the
notes without any initial are Macpherson's own com-

The "introductory note" (p. ix-xxiv) by Sharp
is simply a rehash of earlier opinion and contributes
nothing new to the elucidation of the Ossianic ques-

Reviewed in the Spectator, v. 78, p. 273-274,
London, 1897.

The Poems of Ossian
Grant, 1902. 16^

Edinburgh : John


Dana Oisein mhic Fhinn, air an cur amach
airson maith coitcheannta muinntir na Gael-
tachd. Dun-Eidin : Clo-bhuailte le Tearlach
Stiubhart, 1818. 1 p.l., 8, 344 p. 8°. NDO

"This edition was distributed gratuitously through-
out the Highlands. A copy was sent for every parish
school where Gaelic was taught." — Maclean, Typo-
(iraphia Scoto-GadeHca.

A slip pasted inside the front cover reads: "Pre-
sented by Sir John Macgregor Murray of Macgregor,
and friends, to the Parish School of," with blank
space for name of the school.

This edition was edited by Ewen Maclachlan.

Dun-Eidin : Clo-bhuailte le Maclach-

lainn agus Stiubhart, 1859. xvi, 344 p. 24°.


Edited by Rev. Thomas Maclauchlan.

Added title-page reads: The poems of Ossian.
Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1859.

There were other reprints of this edition published
in Edinburgh in 1870, 1881, etc.


OssiAxs Digte oversatte af det Engelske
ved Andr. Chr. Alstrup. Deel 1-2. Kj0ben-
havn, 1790-91. 2 v. 8°.

OssiANS Digte. Oversatte af Steen Steen-
sen Blicher , Kj0benhavn: Forlagt af den
Wahlske Boghandling [1807-09]. 2 v. 12°.


2 V. bound in 1.

Contents: v. 1. Fortale. Om ^gtheden af Os-
sians Digte. Om Oversaettelsen af Ossians Digte.
Kampen med Caros. Comala. Inis-thona. Carric-
thura. Cathloda. Oina-morul. Goel. Oi-thona. Fin-
gal. Aldo. CuchuUins Dcid. Darthula.

v. 2. Temora. Selmas Sange. Conlath og Cath
ona. Calthon og Colmal. Carthon. Cathlin. Sul-
malla. Crothar. Ossians sidste Sang. Navne-Register,
efter Digtenes orden, til Iste og 2den Deel. Rettelser.

Digte af Ossian. Ved F. L. Mynster.
Kj(z(benhavn : Forlagt af Andr. Fred. H0st,
1850. 1 p.l., 322 p., 1 1. 24°. NDO

In original covers.

Contents: Indledning. Tilegnelse. Fingal. Con-
lath og Cuthona. Calthon og Colmalla. Carthon.
Comala. Oscars Tog til Inisthona. Darthula. Lath-
mon og Oithona.

A second edition was published in 1876.

Digte af Ossian. 2. Samling. (Med en
ossiansk Sangmelodi.) Ved F. L. Mynster.
Kj0benhavn: I commission hos A. F. H0st.
1850. 5 p.l., (1)4-168 p. 32°.


De Gedichtex van Ossian in 't Neder-
duitsch door P. L. van de Kasteele. Amster-
dam, 1793. 8°.

Part 1 only. No more published.
In rimeless hexameters.

Gezangen van Ossian. (In: W. Bilderdijk.
Mengelingen. Amsterdam, 1804-08. 8°.)

OssiAX, fils de Fingal, barde du troisieme
siecle. Poesies galliques, traduites de I'anglais
de Macpherson, par Le Tourneur. Paris :
Musier, fils, 1777. 2 v. 8°.



Works of James Macpherson, continued.

Poems of Osslan — Translations, continued.

PoEMES d'Ossian et de quelques autres
bardes, pour servir de suite a TOssian de Le
Tourneur. Traduites de I'anglais par Hill.
Paris, 1795. 3 v. 18°.

"Hill" is the pseudonym of Labaume and of David
de St. -George.

"Traduction estimee."

Les PoEMES d'Ossian, Orran, Ullin et d'Ar-
dar, ou les delassements des ames sensibiles
dans les beautes de la nature. Traduction
nouvelle de I'anglais, par Hill. Paris : Fr.
Duf art, an IV [1796]. 3 v. 18°.

PoEMES d'Ossian et de quelques autres
bardes traduites par Le Tourneur, David
de Saint George [et Labaume]. Paris: Du-
fart, an vi [1798]. 7 v. 18°.

OssiAN, fils de Fingal, barde du me siecle :
poesies galliques, traduites sur I'anglais de
Macpherson, par Le Tourneur. Nouvelle edi-
tion, revue, corrigee et augmentee, ornee de
gravures. Paris: Dentu, an viii [1799]. 2 v.

New ed. of 1777.

OssiAN, barde du troisieme siecle. Poesies
galliques en vers frangais. Par P. M. Baour-
Lormian. Paris: Didot aine, an ix. [1801.]
264 p. 12°.

Paris : Giguet et Michaud, 1809. 12°.

A critical notice of this edition (by Esmenard)
appears in Mercure de France, v. 38, p. 473-485,
Paris, 1809.

OssiAN . . . Poesies galliques, traduites . .
par Letourneur. Nouvelle edition, augmentee
des poemes d'Ossian et de quelques autres
bardes traduits sur I'anglais de M. J. Smith,
pour servir de suite a I'Ossian de Letourneur,
et precedee d'une notice sur I'etat actuel de
la question relative a I'authenticite des poemes
d'Ossian, par M. Ginguene. Paris : Dentu,
1810. 2 v. plates. 8°.

"L'edition de 1810 est la meilleure de cette tra-
duction; quelques incorrections en ont disparu, et
Ton a mis plus de clarte dans les notes du Discours
preliminaire de La Tourneur."

OssiAN, barde du iiie siecle. Poesies gal-
liques traduites en vers frangais par P. M.
Baour-Lormian. Paris: L. Janet [1822]. 4.
ed. 18°.

Paris : Gayet, 1827.

429 p. 5. ed.

OssiAN. Chants galliques, traduits en vers
f rangais par E. P. de Saint-Ferreol. Paris :
Causette, 1825. xvi, 199 p. 12°.

OssiAN oeuvres completes. Traduction
nouvelle precedee d'une notice sur I'authen-
ticite des poemes d'Ossian par Auguste La-
caussade . . Paris: H.-L. Delloye, editeur,
1842. X, xli, 369(1) p. 12°. NDO

Translation in prose.

OssiAN . . Poemes gaeliques recueillis par
J. Macpherson. Traduction revue sur la
derniere edition anglaise et precedee de re-
cherches critiques sur Ossian et les Cale-
doniens par P. Christian. Paris : L. Hachette
et Cie. 1858. 12°.

Reprinted 1867, 1905, 1910.

OssiAN. Poemes et fragments, traduits par
le Comte Maximilien Lamarque, lieutenant-
general. Paris: Didron, 1859. 439 p. 4°.

OssiAN, barde du me siecle, poemes gael-
iques recueilles par James MacPherson . .
traduction par P. Christian. Paris : Hachette,
1872. 12°.

Paris : Coulommiers, 1888. xxiii, 480

p. 8°.

Ossian, poemes et fragments traduits par
le C'e. Maximien Lamarque. Paris, 1859. 8°.


Die Gedichte Ossians . Aus dem Eng-
lischen iibersetzt von M. Denis. Wien, 1768-
69. 3 V. 4°.

Contains also: H. Blair, Kritische Abhandlung
uber die Gedichte Ossians.

Die Gedichte Ossians des celtischen Helden
und Barden. Aus dem Englischen und zum
Theile der celtischen Ursprache iibersetzt von
Freyherrn von Harold. Zweyte verbesserte
mit vielen bisher unentdeckten Gedichten ver-
mehrte Auf lage. Mannheim : Schwann, 1782.
3 v. 8°.

Die Gedichte Ossians neuverteutschet. Tii-
bingen : Jacob Friedrich Heerbrandt, 1782.
xiv, 508 p. 8°.

"A prose translation by Johann Wilhelm Petersen,
with some notes from Macpherson and others added
by the translator." Kolna Dona is placed in the
Appendix because Petersen considered it far too
unimportant to be given a place among the others.
The Death of Oscar is also placed in the Appendix
because considered unauthentic. Macpherson's first
dissertation is also translated.

Ossians und Sineds Lieder. Wien : Chris-
tian Friedrich Wappler, 1784. 5 v. sq. 8°.


V. 1-3 contain the translation of Macpherson's
Ossian by J. N. C. M. Denis (revised with reference
to the English edition of 1773); and v. 4-5 a
collection of Denis's own poems.

Denis commenced by translating from Cesarotti's
Italian version (1763), a fact which "explains the
presence of the notes from Cesarotti interspersed
throughout his translation." On obtaining a copy of
the English original he destroyed all he had so far
done and began afresh. His own notes, with those
of Cesarotti and Macpherson, are placed at the foot
of the page.

Contents: v. 1. Abhandlung uber Ossians Zeitalter.
Fingal in vi. Biichern. Comala, ein dramatisches
Gedicht. Der Krieg mit dem Caros. Der Krieg von
Inisthona. Carthon. Lathmon.

V. 2 : Des englischen Uebersetzers zweyte Abhand-
lung. Temora in viil. Biichern. Cathlin von Clutha.
Sulmalla vom Lumon. Die Schlacht von Lora. Cal-
thon und Colmala. Conlath und Cuthona.

V. 3: Hugo Blairs. . .kritische Abhandlung iiber
die Gedichte Ossians. Cathloda in in Gesaengen. Der



Works of James Macpherson, continued.
Poems of Ossian — Translations, continued.

Tod Cuthullins. Darthula. Carricthura. Die Lieder

von Selma. Ithona. Inamorulla. Colnadona. Croma.

V. 3 lacks sig^nature G, p. 97-112.

"Sined" is an anagrammatic inversion of "Denis."

There was another edition of this work in large


OssiANS Gedichte, von Edmund von Har-
old in Prosa iibersetzt. Miinster: Plattvoet,
1795. 8°.

OssiANS Gedichte. Rhythmisch iibersetzt
von J. G. Rhode. Mit Vignetten und Titel-
kupfer. Berlin: Dunker, 1800. 3 Theile. 8°.

Reprint. Prag, 1801.

Reprint. Berlin, 1804.

Zweite verbesserte Ausgabe. Berlin.

1817-18. 12°.

Die Gedichte von Ossian dem Sohne Fin-
gals. Nach dem Englischen des Herrn Mac-
pherson ins Deutsche iibersetzt von Friedrich
Leopold Graf en zu Stolberg. Hamburg:
Perthes, 1806. 3 v. 8°.

"Two editions appeared simultaneously, one in 4°,
the other in 8°. Perthes, the publisher, had given an
order to the artist, Philip Otto Runge, to illustrate
the translation. He in accordance therewith prepared
the pictures and sketches. . . There were to have been
100 illustrations in all, but Stolberg refused to have
any and they were omitted... The translation is not
rimed, but rhythmical. It contains neither dissertations
nor introductory remarks, but at the end of each
volume Verkurtze Anmerkungen des Herrn Mac-
pherson nebst einigen des deutschen tJbersetzers."

Ossian's Gedichte. Uebersetzt von Franz
Wilhelm Jung. Frankfurt am Main : Parren-
trapp und Wenner, 1808. 3 Theile.

Poetic translation, with an essay upon the authen-
ticity of the poems, and notes at end of volumes.

Ossian's Gedichte, nach Macpherson. Von
Ludwig Schubart. Wien : Degen, 1808. 2 v.

A poetic prose translation. An introduction of
liii p. deals with the poetic value and authenticity of
the poems.

Second edition. Wien, 1824.

The date of the second edition is sometimes
wrongly given as 1822.

Die Gedichte Ossian's neuverteutschet.
Zweite Auflage. Tiibingen: Heerbrand, 1808.

A reprint of the first edition (1782) without
additions or corrections.

Die Gedichte Ossians. Aus dem gaelischen
in Sylbenmasse des Originals von Christian
Wilhelm Ahlwardt. Leipzig: Goschen, 1811.
3 v. 8°.

Translated from the Gaelic original and not from
the Latin interlinear version of 1807.

Ossians Gedichte. Neu iibersetzt. 3 Band-
chen. In Verbindung mit mehreren heraus-

gegeben von L. G. Forster. Quedlinburg und
Leipzig, 1826-27. 16°.

A metrical translation without rime. No introduc-
tion, but an index of names at the end of v. 3.

Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1827. 2

Theile. 16°.

Same as above in 2 volumes.

2 Theile. Zweite Auflage. Quedlin-
burg und Leipzig, 1830.

Ossians kleine Gedichte iibersetzt von Karl
Georg Neumann. Berlin : Friedrich August
Herbig, 1838. xii p., 2 1., 244 p. 16°.

NFK p.v. 21

In original covers.

This volume contains a translation of all the
poems contained in the Tauchnitz edition of Mac-
pherson with the exception of the epics. The first
half of the Songs of Selma (p. 144-149) are Goethe's
translation inserted in place of the author's.

Ossian. Rhythmisch bearbeitet von Edu-
ard Brinckmeier. Braunschweig: Verlag von
Oehme & Muller, 1839. xii p., 1 1., 153 p.,
1 pi. (front.) sq. 8°. NDO

Die Gedichte Ossian's. Aus dem Galischen
von Christian Wilhelm Ahlwardt. Mit 3
Holzschnitten. Leipzig, 1839. 3 v.

Ossians Gedichte. Aus dem Galischen im
Sylbenmasse des Originals von Christ. V/ilh.
Ahlwardt. Neue Auflage mit 3 Holzschnitten.
Taschen-Ausgabe. Leipzig: G. J. Goschen,
1840. 2 V. 16°.

Ossians Gedichte. Wehlau : Loebell, 1840.
16°. (Miniaturbibliothek auslandischer Dich-
ter. Eine Auswahl des schonsten aus ihren
Werken. Mit einleitenden Biographien und
literar-historischen Anmerkungen. Bd. 2.)

Ossian deutsch von Adolf Bottger. Leip-
zig, 1847.

No introduction or dissertations. Metrical trans-
lation, with six pages of notes at the end.

2. (Titel-) Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1852.

2. Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1856.

Dritte Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1877.

Die Gedichte Ossian's. Aus dem Galischen
von Christian Wilhelm Ahlwardt. Leipzig:
G. J. Goschen'sche Verlagshandlung, 1861.
3v. 16°. NDO

Contents. V. 1 : Fingal. Cath Lodun. Conluch
und Cuthon.

V. 2: Temora. Oinamorul. Golnadona. Croma.
Calthon und Colmala.

V. 3: Carthon. Colmala, ein dramatisches Gedicht.
Carrigthura. Lathmon. Oithona. Der Krieg mit
Caros. Cathlin und Clutha. Sulmalla von Lumon.
Der Krieg von Innisthona. Die Lieder von Selma.
Cuchullin's Tod. Dardul. Die Schlacht von Lora.

Each volume contains a list of the Gaelic proper
names, their English forms, and their pronunciation.

A projected fourth volume, which was to contain
critical treatises including a thoroughly revised and
enlarged translation of Sinclair's dissertation, and an
exact translation in prose, which was to be published
separately by Goschen, never appeared.

This translation was made from the Gaelic orig-
inal. Originally published in 1811.


Works of James Macpherson, continued.

Poems of Ossian — Translations, continued.

OssiANS Gedichte in neuer Uebertragung
von Eduard Brinckmeier. Stuttgart : Verlag
von W.Spemann [1883]. 2 v. 12°. NDO

Library has v. 2 only.
Metrical translation, scattered notes.
This volume contains: Temora, Conlath und
Cuthona, Berrathon, and Fingal.


OsiAN enekei. Az eredeti gael merteken
forditotta Fabian Gabor. Budan : A Kiralyi
Egyetem betiiivel, 1833. 3 v. 12°.

Conterits: i. Finjal, Kalodun, Konliik es Kuhon, A
kluhai Kalin, Lumoni Szulvalla.

II. Tyimora, Ojnamorul, Giilnandune, Kroma, Kal-
hon es Kiilvala, Innishonnai haborii.

III. Karhon, Kiivvala, Karrighiira, Lamon, Ojhon-
na,_ Haboru_ Karosszal, Selmai dalok, Kukulin halaha,
Gyardiil, Lorai csata, Barhonna.


PoESiE di Ossian figlio di Fingal antico
poeta celtico ultimamente scoperte e tradotte
in prosa inglese da Jacopo Macpherson, e da
quella trasportate in verso italiano dall' Ab.
Melchior Cesarotti con varie annotazioni de'
due traduttori. Padova : Appresso Giuseppe
Comino. Con licenza de' Superiori, e con
privilegio dell' Eccell. Senato per anni x.
[1763]. 2 v. 8°.

PoESiE di Ossian trasportate dalla prosa
inglese in verso italiana dall' Ab. Melchior
Cesarotti. Edizione it. Ricorretta ed accres-
ciuta del restante dei componimenti dello
stesso autore. Padova, 1772. 4 v. 8°.

The fourth volume contains Blair's Dissertation, a
list of proper names, and dictionary of unusual
words and expressions.

PoEsiE di Ossian in verso italiano dall'
M. Cesarotti. Nizza, 1780-81. 3 v. 8°.

Bassano, 1782. 12°.

Bassano, 1783. 3 v. 8°.

PoESiE di Ossian . E da quella trasportate
in verso italiano dall' Abate Melchior Cesa-
rotti. Bassano, 1795. 3 v.

PoESiE di Ossian figlio di Fingal antico
poeta celtico trasportate in italiano dall' ab-
bate Melchior Cesarotti con correzioni nuove
dissertazioni ed aggiunte. 4 v. (In : M. Ce-
sarotti, Opere. Pisa, 1800-13. 12°. v. 2-5.)


Contents, v. 1 : Discorso premisso alia seconda
edizione di Padova del 1772. Ragionamento pre
lirninare intorno i Caledonj. Ragionamento storico-
critico intorno le controversie suU' autenticita dei
poemi di Ossian. Fingal, poema epico. Osservazion.
[on the poem]. Spiegazione di alcuni nomi caledonici
che si trovano in questo volume.

V. 2: Comala, poema drammatico. Introduzione
storica ai sequenti poemi. La morte di Cucullino.

Partula. Temora, poema epico. Oscar e Dermino.
Sulmalla. Osservazioni. Spiegazione di alcuni nomi
caledonici contenuti in questo volume.

V. 3: Callin di Cluta. Carritura. Calloda, poema.
La guerra di Caroso. La guerra d'Inistona. La
battagha di Lora. Croma. Colnadona. Oinamora.
Cartone. I canti di Selma. Colanto e Cutona. Calto
e Colama. Mingala, canzone funebre. Latmo. Oitona
Berato. Minvana, canzone funebre. La Notte. Osser-

V. 4: La morte di Gaulo, poemetto inedito di
Ossian. Compend:o della dissertazione critica sopra
I poemi di Ossian del dottor Ugo Blair, professore di
belle lettere nell' Universita di Edimburgo. Indice
poetico di Ossian ossia catalogo classificato delle
principali bellezze che si trovato nelle di lui poesie
Dizionario di Ossian.

PoEsiE di Ossian. Firenze, 1807. 4 v. 8°.

Bassano, 1810. 4 v. 8°.

A reprint of the above Pisa edition.

Milano, 1810. 4 v. 8°.

Another issue of the Pisa edition.

Poesie di Ossian. Con annotazioni di due
traduttori. Piacenza, 1811. 4 v. 8°.

Firenze, 1813. 8°.

Milano, 1820-21. 3 v. 8°. (Collez-

ione dei classici italiani. no. 261-263.)

Milano, 1829. 3 v. 16°.

Poesie di Ossian . .tradotte dall' Ab. Cesa-
rotti. Napoli: Presso Domenico Sangiacomo
1819. 2v.

Poesie di Ossian . in verso italiano dall'
M. Cesarotti. Milano, 1826-27. 4 v. 16°.

Poesie di Ossian, antico poeta celtico, tr.
da M. Cesarotti. Firenze: Societa editrice
fiorentina, 1846. Ixxi, 564 p. 12°,


PiESNi Ossjana [przez F. D. Kniaznin].
(In : Jan Nepomuken Bobrow^icz, Biblioteka
kieszonkowa klassykow Polskich. w Lipsku,
1840. 16°. V. 2,7.)

Translation into Polish verse.

PiESNi Ossjana [przez Ignacy Krasicki].
(In : Ignacy Krasicki, Dziela. Paryz, 1830.
4°. p. 74-98.) * QPB

Polish verse translation.

Fingal (six books). Smierc Oskara. Minwana.
Piesni Selmy. . . Opisanie nocy miesiaca pazdziernika
na Polnocky szkocyi.

(In: Jan Nepomuken Bobrow^icz,

Biblioteka kieszonkow^a klassykow Polskich.
w Lipsku, 1835. 16°. v. 2.)

PoEZYE Ossjana tlumaczone z angielskuego.
(In: Seweryn Goszczynski, Pisma. . . Lwow,
1838. 8°. V. 2-3.)

Piesni Ossjana. (In: Seweryn Goszczyn-
ski, Pisma. Wydanie kompletne uzupelnione



Works of James Macpherson, continued.
Poems of Ossian — Translations, continued.
pismami posmiertnemi pod redakcja Zyg-



munta Wasilewskiego.
1904. 12°. V. 2.)

Katloda. Wyprawa do Inistony. Wojna z Karosem.
Katlin z Kluty. Kalton i Kolmal. Karton. Karrik-
tura. Kolnadona. Kroma. Oina Morul. Komala.
Fingal. Bitwa Lory. Latmon. Smierc Kutulina.
Dartula. Temora. Sulmala z Lumonu. Oitona. Kon-
lat i Kutona. Piesni Selmy. Berraton. Ulamki (1.
Malwina. 2. ^al minwany po Rynie. 3. Ossjan do
Sulmali. 4. Miecz Morniego. S. Smierc Fillana. 6.
Milosc Klonara 'i Tlaminy. 7. Ossjan do Kongala.
Slowniczek objasnien (explanation of the name of
persons and places).

In prose.


Ossian syn Fingalov, bard iii. v. Galskiya
stikhetvoreniya perevodeny s Frantzusskovo
E, Kostrovym. Moskva, 1792. 8°.

PoEMY Ossiana. Izslyedovaniye, perevod i
primyechaniva E. V. BalobanovoT. S. Peter-
burg: Tip. H. Lebedeva, 1891. 371 p. 8°.


Obras trad, del ingles a la prosa y verso
castellano por Jos. Alonzo Ortiz. Valladolid,
1788. 4°.

Ossian: bardo del siglo iii. Poemas gael-
icos. Traduccion en verso de D. Angel Lasso
de la Vega. Madrid, 1883. 3 v. 16°. (Biblio-
teca universal. Tom. 84, 85, 90.)


Skaldstycken af Ossian, ofversatte fran
engelskan [af Gustaf Knos, in forening med
O. A. Knos, och G. Rosen]. Upsala, 1794-
1800. 3 deler.

These translations previously appeared in Gate-
borqska magazinet, 1765, and in Abo tidningar, before

OssiANS sangar efter gaeliska originalet
och pa dess versslag forsvenskade samt med
en historisk-critisk inledning och noter for-
sedde af Nils Arfvidsson. Stockholm: P. A
Norstedt & Soner, 1842-46. 2 parts. 8°.



Berrathon. Ein Gedicht Ossians. Met-
risch iibersetzt von J. H. von Kistemaker.
Miinster: Theising, 1800. vii, 48 p. 8°.

Berrathon, Ossians letzter Gesang. Von
Gustav Scholz. (In: Erholungen, herausge-
geben von W. G. Becker. Leipzig, 1801. 8°.
Bandchen 4, p. 173-196.)

A rhythmic ^rose translation of Berrathon, with
notes, and poetic translation of Minvana's lament
over Ryno.

Ossians Berrathon. (Irene. Eine Monats-
schrift. Miinster, 1804. ii, p. 1-30.)

A translation into blank verse by Gerhard Anton
von Halem.


Carric-Thura : a poem. Translated from
the Gaelic. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°.

Karrikthura. Probe einer neuen Ueber-
setzung Ossians, von Gottfried August
Burger. (Deutsches Museum. Leipzig, 1779.
12°. 1779, Bd. 1, p. 534-549.) * DF

Reprinted in Burger's S'dmmtUche Werke, Got-
tingen, 1835, 4°.


Carthon, the death of Cuchullin, and Dar-
thule: poems .attempted in English verse,
from Mr. Macpherson's translation [by J.
Wodrow]. Edinburgh, 1769. 12°.

Cartiion. Poeme, traduit de I'anglois par
Madame * * *. Londres, 1762. 50 p. 12°.

Reviewed (probably by the Abbe Connery) in
Journal des sfavans, v. 72, no. 13, p. 49-65, Am-
sterdam, 1762.

The translator is believed to have been the Duchesse

Proben aus dem Ossian. (Neue teutsche
Merkur. Weimar, 1799. 8°. 1799, part 2. p.
130-150.) * DF

A rhythmic prose translation of Carthon, iv, by
Ludwig Schubart.

Ossians Carthon. (Irene. Eine Monats-
schrift. Munster, 1804. ii, p. 81-113.)

Translation into blank verse by Gerhard Anton
von Halem.

Cartone poema di Ossian poeta celtico.

Brescia: per Nicolo Bettoni, 1811. 6 p.l.,

(i)x-xliv p. f°. ttNDO

"Tradotto in verso italiano da Melchiorre Cesarotti."

"Edizione di soli esemplari cinquanta. Numero

14 dell' esemplare."


CoMALA, a dramatic poem, from Ossian.
As performed at the Hanover Square Rooms.
London [1792]. 8°.

In three acts, and in prose.

CoMALA, a dramatic poem, versified from
Ossian. [With other poems. By C. Collins?]
Cambridge: Privately printed [1819?]. 16°.



lVo7-ks of James Macpherson, continued.

Individual Poems — Comala. continued.

Com ALA, eine Celtische Geschichte. (Der
Teutsche Merkur. Weimar, 1777. 16°. v. 18,
p. 196-198.) *DF

"A poem in rimed quatrains, based upon the
episode of Comal and Galvina, Fingal, Bk. ii." By
B. G. B.

KoMALA, ein Singspiel nach Ossian. Von
Friedr. Boutterweck. (Deutsches Aluseum.
Leipzig, 1788. 4°. v. 2, p. 512-527.) * DF

"A free rendering- of Comala with the original
ending unchanged. The recitatives are in blank iambic

Comala. Ein dramatisches Gedicht von Os-
sian. Uebersetzt von J. F. Ludwig. Konigs-
berg: Unzer, 1801. 8°.

Blank verse translation, mostly in iambic measure.

The translation is preceded by a poem, "An Os-
sian's Geist," an appeal by the poet for assistance
from the bard.

Comala. Dramatisches Gedicht nach Os-
sian, componirt von N. W. Gade. Leipzig:
Breitkopf und Hartel, 1879. 12 p. 16°.

Comala, dramatisk dikt efter Ossian.
Musiken af N. V. Gada. Fri ofversattning.
Lund : BerHngska boktryckeriet, 1857. 8°.


Croma. Glasgow: Sinclair [c. 1869]. 16 p.

Published as a specimen of the edition of the
poems issued in 1870 by Rev. Archibald Clerk. From
the beginning to line 145.


Dar-thula, a poem of Ossian, translated
into English verse by Thomas Travers Burke
. . . London, 1820. 8°.

Darthula, nach Ossian. von Van der
Velde. In vier Gesangen. (Minerva. Tasch-
enbuch fur das Jahr 1824. Leipzig, 1824. 16°.
p. 277-310.) NFA

An iambic pentameter translation of Darthula by
Karl Franz van der Velde.


Fingal, an ancient epic poem, in six books :
together with several other poems, composed
by Ossian the son of Fingal. Translated from
the Galic language, by James Macpherson.
London : Printed for T. Becket and P. A.
De Hondt, mdcclxii. 8 p.l., xvi, 270 p. 4°.


Title vignette.

Published in December, 1761, though dated 1762
on title-page.

It was published partly by subscription and partly
at the expense of the Earl of Bute.

Title-page in black and red.

Macpherson's Gaelic "is the Gaelic of his native
district — Badenoch, found in tale and ballad." —

"A dissertation concerning the antiquity, &c., of
the poems of Ossian...": p. i-xvi.

Second edition. London, 1762. 4°.

This edition was also published on large paper.

Fingal, an ancient epic poem in six books :
together with several other poems composed
by Ossian . . Dublin: Richard Fitzsimons,
1762. 8°.

Fingal: An ancient epic poem. In six
books. By Ossian the son of Fingal. Trans-
lated into English heroic rhyme, by John
Wodrow . Edinburgh: Printed for the
author, and sold by Donaldson J. Bell and
J. Dickson, 1771. 2 v. 16°.

Fingal, a poem in six books, by Ossian ,
translated from the original Galic by Mr.
Macpherson, and rendered into verse from
that translation. Oxford, 1772.

This version was made by Richard Hole.

With: The attestations of .. .gentlemen in Scot-

land in testimony of the poems published by J. Mac-

■ ' ig a translation of genuine Hig
poems... Collected by Dr. Blair.

pherson being

Reviewed in Brittiscbes Museum fiir die Deut-
schen, v. 1, p. 136-137, Leipzig, 1777.

The Fingal of Ossian, an ancient epic poem
in six books. Translated from the original
Galic language, by Mr. James Macpherson ;
and now rendered into heroic verse, by Ewen
Cameron . Warrington : Printed by Williaiu
Eyres, 1776. 90, 418 p., 1 1., front, (pi.) 4°.


Bookplate of Arthur Earle.

Fingal, rendered into heroic verse. To
which are prefixed, the attestations and a
preface. With a frontispiece. London : J. F.
and C. Rivington, 1777. 4°.

Another issue, witli new title-page.

Fingal, an epic poem in six books, taken
from Ossians works. Gottingen : Brose, 1788.

ts.aQTOv'ka, AaT|:t05- :toiT)|.iaTa tou 'Oooiavou,
HExacppaoi^EVTa vko IlavaYicoTov Ilava. ev
KEqjaUrivK?, 1862. 8°.

Ossiani Darthula Graece reddita. Accedit
Miscellanea [in verse. By William Herbert.]
Londini : S. Hamilton, 1801. 71 p. 8°.

"A somewhat inaccurate cheap reprint. The date
of publication is not 1798, as occasionally given."
Edited by F. G. Canzler.

Fingal; an epic poem. Translated from
the original Gaelic, by the Rev. Thomas
Ross, A.M., with the old translation by James
Macpherson. Edinbuigh, 1807. 8°.

"Only thirty copies printed." — Lowndes.



JVorks of James Macpherson, continued.

Individual Poems — Fingal, continued.

FiNGAL. A new translation [of the first
book] from the original Gaelic, by the Rev.
Thomas Ross. (In: Macpherson, The poems
of Ossian. London, 1807. 4°. v.l, p. ci-cxlix.)


Macpherson's translation, from the corrected edi-
tion of 1773, is printed on opposite pages. Notes by
the translator, p. cl-clxix.

Fingal, a fine Eirin ; a poem in six cantos,
with notes intended to delineate the manners
and state of society of ancient Ireland. Lon-
don : Printed for John Miller, 1813. 8°.

Ossian's Fingal ; an ancient epic poem,
in six books, rendered into English verse.
By George Harvey . London: Printed bv
A. J. Valpy for Cadell and Davies, 1814.
xvi. 246 p. 8°. NDO

"I have no desire to enter into any dispute con
cerning the authenticity of these poems, and have
therefore, in compliance with custom, entitled my book
'Ossian's Fingal.' Whether they are really the com-
positions of Ossian, the fabrications of Macpherson,
or traditionary legends, I leave others to determine;
certain however it is, that they contain many beau-
ties, and I am willing to acknowledge that I never
open the book without wishing to believe it au-
thentic." — Preface.

Fingal, an epic poem versified from the
genuine remains of Ossian, with notes by T.
travers Burke . . London, 1844. 8°.

Fingal, in zes zangen. Naar Ossiaan, ge-
volgd door Mr. Willem Bilderdijk. Te Am-
sterdam: Johannes AUart, mdcccv. 2 v. 8°.


v. 1 contains books i-iv with notes; v. 2, books
v-vi with notes and the dissertation "Over Ossiaan,
en deszelfs Fingal."

Fingal, naar het gaelisch van Ossian.
Voorafgegaan door een onderzoek naar de
echtheid der Gedichten van Ossian. Door
Dr. J. P. Arend. Te Amsterdam : Jobs. Van
der Hey en Zoon, 1845. viii, 207 p. 8°. NDO

Fingal. Traduction libre du premier chant
de Fingal, poeme d'Ossian. [Par Comte Stan-
islas Marie Adelaide de Clermont Tonnerre.]
Paris: Gueffier, 1786. 71 p. 8°.

PoEsiE erse. La chasse de Fingal, poeme
erse, tire de la nouvelle edition actuellement
sous presse, des Poemes d'Ossian et de quel-
ques autres bardes, pour faire suite a I'Ossian
de Letourneur. (Magasin encyclopedique.
Paris, 1796. 8°. annee 2, v. 2, p. 338-352.)


Signed: Z.
Notes, p. 352-355.

Fingal, poeme, et autres poesies galliques
en vers frangais par A. de Saint-ATichel.
Paris : Rosa, 1820. v, 198 p. 12°.

AuszuG und Uebersetzung des Fingal, eines
alten epischen Gedichtes. (Hannoverisches
Magazin. Hannover, 1764. 4°. Jahrg. 1, col.
1489-1534. 1537-1546.) * DF

Translation is signed R. E. R., i.e. Rudolf Erich

Fingal, ein Helden-Gedicht, in sechs Biich-
ern, von Ossian, einem alten schottischen
Barden. Nebst verschiedenen andern Ge-
dichten von eben demselben. Hamburg und
Leipzig: Halle, 1764. 8°.

A literal prose translation by Albrecht Witten-
berg, of Fingal, together with Macpherson's preface
to the same; also of Comala, the War of Inisthona,
the Battle of Lora, Conlath and Cuthona, and Car-
thon. With preface of the German translator.

Ossian fiirs Frauenzimmer. Fingal, ein alt
Gedicht von Ossian. (Iris. Diisseldorf, 1775-
76. 12°. V. 3, p. 163-192; v. 4, p. 83-105; v. 5,
p. 87-107; V. 6, p. 335-353; v. 7, p. 563-580;
v. 8, p. 812-830.)

A prose translation of Fingal by Jakob Michael
Reinhold Lenz.

Ossian's Fingal. Von Wilhelm C.
Schroder. Erlangen : Heyder, 1800. 8°.

Prose translation into German with arguments and
scattered notes.

Ossian's Finnghal. Episches Gedicht, aus
dem galischen metrisch und mit Beibehaltung
des Reims iibersetzt von Dr. August Ebrard.
Nebst einem Anhang : Ueber Alter und Echt-
heit von Ossian's Gedichten. Leipzig: F. A.
Brockhaus, 1868. ix p., 1 1., 158 p. 12°.

p. 155-158: Register der Eigennamen zu "Finn-

Fionnghal: Duan i. (In: D. Alackinnon.
Reading book for the use of students of the
Gaelic class in the University of Edinburgh.
Edinburgh : Maclachlan & Stewart, 1889. 12°.
p. 221-242.) RPK

Specimen taken from the 1st Book of
Fingal, in Gaelic, Latin, and English. And
observations by John Sinclair. Edinburgh,
1806. f°.

Specimen of the intended edition of Os-
sian's poems. Engagement of Fingal with the
spirit of Loda. From the poem of Carric-
thura. London [1830?]. 14 p. 8°.

Gaelic, Latin, and English.
In prose and verse.

Fingal, poema epico di Ossian; versione
italiana di Melchiorre Cesarotti. Alilano :
Edoardo Sonzogno. 1883. 107 p. 12°. (Bib-
lioteca universale, no. 66.) NDO

Specimens of Ossian's epic poem, Fingal.
Translated into Latin heroic verse by...
Alexander Alacdonald. Edinburgh, 1811. 8°.

Phingaleis, sive Hibernia liberata, epicum
Ossianis poema, e Celtico sermone conver-
sum, tribus praemissis disputationibus, e sub-
sequentibus notis ; benigneque annuenti,
Augusto Frederico, serenissimo Sussexiae
Duci, dicatum. Ab Alexandre Macdonald.
Edinburgi : Typis mandavit Joannes Moir :
Venditur Edinburgi a Laing, a Cadell et
Davies Londini, et Dublini a Gumming.
MDCccxx. 228 p. 4°. NDO

With slip of errata pasted in at end.

Fingal y Temora, pocmas epicos, traducido
en verso castellano por Don Pedro Monten-
gon. V. 1. Madrid, 1800. 4°.

No more published.



Works of James Macpherson, continued.
Individual Poems, continued.

Lathmon. (In: Robert Trevor, afterwards
Hampden-Trevor, 1st Viscount Hampden,
Britannia, Lathmon. . poemata, nunc primum
curante filio Joan. Trevor edita. Parmae:
Typis Bodonianis, 1792. f°.)

Lathmon in Latin and English, from Ossian.
One hundred and fifteen copies printed.


OiNA MoRUL, a poem of Ossian, translated
into English verse by William Day. Chelsea,
1817. 8°.

OiNAMORA d'Ossiano. Traduzione del abate
M. Cesarotti. (In: Poemetti italiani [edited
by Count Vincenzo Marenco]. Torino, 1797.
12°. V. 10.)

OiNAMORA ; poemetto d'Ossian recato in
terzine de G. Torti sopra una traduzione
letterale latina dell' originale celtico [pubbli-
cata dal sig. R. xMacfarlan]. [With the Latin
text.] Milano, 1825. 8°.


Oithona: a dramatic poem, taken from
the prose translation of the celebrated Os-
sian. As performed at the Theatre Royal in
the Hay Market. Set to musick by Mr.
Barthelemon. London : Printed for T. Becket
and P. and A. de Hondt, 1768. 23 p. 8°.
NCO p.v. 186


Temora, an ancient epic poem, in eight
books : Together with several other poems,
composed by Ossian, the son of Fingal.
Translated from tlie Galic language, by James
Macpherson. [Quotation from Virgil.] Lon-
don: Printed for T. Becket and P. A. De
Hondt, 1763. 2 p.l., xxxvi p., 1 1., 247 p. 4°.


The first edition.

Dedicated to the Earl of Bute, "in obedience to
whose commands they were translated, from the
original Galic of Ossian."

Contents: A dissertation. Temora. Cathlin of
Gutha. Sulmalla of Lumon. Cath-Loda. Oina-

Morul. Colna-Dona. A specimen of the original of
Temora, book seventh.

Dublin: A. Leathly, 1763. 280 p. 12°.

Temora. The seventh book of Temora, an
epic poem. First published in the original
Gaelic, by James Macpherson, Esq., and now
translated literally, with Mr. Macpherson's
translation annexed. (In: Patrick Graham,
Essay on the authenticity of the poems of
Ossian. Edinburgh, 1807. 8°. p. 297-379.)


Temora: an epic poem. In eight cantos.
Versified from Macpherson's prose transla-
tion of the poems of Ossian. By Thomas
Travers Burke . . Perth: Printed by R. Mor-
ison, for the author, 1818. 3 p.l., ii, 326 p., 1 I.
8°. NDO

This edition was issued in separate cantos.

A second copy of Canto i. NDO

In original covers.

Temora in acht Zangen, dcor H. Vinkeles.
Amsterdam, n.d. 8°.

Temora: poeme epique en huit chants,
compose en langue erse ou gallique par Os-
sian, fils de Fingal. Traduit d'apres I'edition
anglaise de Macpherson par le Marquis de
St. Simon. Amsterdam : Changuyon, 1774.
252 p. maps. 8°.

Prose translation.

Ossian's Temora. Ein Gedicht in acht
Gesangen. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt von
Hermann von Suttner-Erenwin. Leipzig:
Reclams Universal-Bibliothek [1881]. 88 p.

"A prose translation with neither introduction nor
notes, but an appendix: Erklarung einzelner in Te-
mora vorkommender Namen." — Tombo.

Temorae liber primus versibus Latinis ex-
pressus, auctore Roberto Macfarlan. (Solis
invocatio). Londini, 1769. 4°.

Published as a specimen of an intended translation
into Latin of the poems of Ossian. Some copies have
the advertisement of the terms of subscription.

Temora, poema epico de Ossian, en ocho
libros, distribuidos en treinta romances de
verso endecasilabo castellano. (In: Lorenzo
Maria Lleras, Ocios poeticos. Primera colec-
cion, que comprende la "Temora" de Ossian
...i algunas otras composiciones orijinales i
traducidas. Bogota : Imprenta de Echeverria
Hermanos, 1863. 16°. p. 1-210.) NDO

The translation of the first book appeared _ in
El Mosaico, miscelAnea de literatura, ciencias i musica,
no. 46, Bogota, 1860.


The Songs of Selma. From the original
of Ossian, the son of Fingal. London, 1762.

Tales of Ossian for use and entertainment

Mit beigefiigten historischen und lokalen Er-
lauterungen &c. Nurnberg, 1784. 8°.

The editor of the Tales is J. Balbach. They are
taken exclusively from Fingal and Temora, and are

lALEb OI WSbiail lUr use a.lIU ClllCl LdlUIllClll. iin...ii v..x».il.o.,v..j ..v-... ^ ...o-

Ein Lesebuch fiir Anfanger im Englischen. elucidated with copious notes.



Works of James Macpherson, continued.
Selections, continued.

Zwote, verbesserte und vermehrte

Auflage. Niirnberg: Raspe, 1794. 8°.

Dritte verbesserte Auflage. Niirn-
berg, 1822. 8°.

The long preface of the first and second editions
is omitted. Has also some additional pieces.

Part of Ossian's battle of Lorma versified.
(The Columbian magazine : or Monthly mis-
cellanv. Philadelphia, 1787. 8°. v. 1, p. 558,
608-609.) Reserve

On p. 728-729 is printed a further piece: The
shade of Vinvela.

The Lamentations of Alpin. Rino. (The
New-York Packet. October 19, 1797. New
York, 1797.) Reserve

"The wind and beating rain are passed away."

MiGER, Pierre Auguste Marie, 1771-1837.
Les chants de Selma, poeme imite d'Ossian.
Paris, Germinal, an vi [1798]. 18°.

Celticus. Translations from Ossian.
(Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin-
burgh, 1821. 8°. V. 10, p. 469^73.) * DA

Address to the moon (from Darthula). To the
setting sun (from Carrie Thura). To the evening
star (from introduction to Songs of Selma). Alpin's
lamentation for Morar (one of the songs of Selma).

Ossian's hall; with extracts from Ossian's
poems. Embellished with two engravings.
London : J. Hatchard, 1824. 8°.

Selections from Ossian. (In: M. C. Clerk,
A birthday book in Gaelic and English : se-
lections from "Ossian" . and other sources
. . . With introduction by Principal Shairp.
Edinburgh : Maclachlan & Stewart, 1885. xii,
277 p. 8°.)

Ossian. (In: The Alasterpieces and the
history of literature. Edited by Julian Haw-
thorne. New York: Hamilton Book Com-
pany, 1906. 4°. v. 5, p. 313-326.) NAB

Croma, p. 319-323; Cuthullin's council of war
(from Fingal), p. 323-326.

Ossian. Selections from his poeiris trans-
lated by James Macpherson. With introduc-
tory essay on Ossian and Ossianic poetry by
William Sharp and Ernest Rhys. (In: War-
ner's library of the world's best literature.
New York, 1917. 8°. v. 19, p. 10865-10884.)
* R - N AC

Chant d'Ullin. Ryno. Alpin. (Magasin
encyclopedique. Paris, 1795. 8°. v. 1, p. 555-
558.) *DM

Le Dernier hymne d'Ossian, [traduit] par
le citoyen Chcnier. (Institut de France. Me-
moires : litterature et beaux arts. Paris, an
VII [1798]. 4°. V. 2, p. 469-476.) * EO

Traduction libre, en vers, des chants de
Selma d'Ossian; suivie du danger des regies
dans les arts, poeme, et de quelques autres
poesies. Par J. J. Taillasson. Paris: Barran,
anix [1801]. 28 p. 8°.

Le Village abandonne, poeme d'Olivier
Goldsmith ; les chants de Selma et Oithona,
poemes d'Ossian, traduits en vers frangais,
par P.-A. L * * * [Lebrun]. Paris: impr. de
Henee, an xiii [1805]. xi, 71 p. 12°.

L'Apostrophe suivante d'Ossian au soliel
est extraite de la traduction que M. Baour-
Lormian a faite des poemes de ce barde.
(L'Hemisphere, journal frangaise par T. T.
Negrin. Philadelphie, 1810. 8°. v. 1. p. 408.)

Zwei Fragmenten der alten Dichtkunst von
den Hochlandern in Schottland, aus der alten
Gallischen oder Erischen Sprache iibersetzet.
(Bremisches Magazin zur Ausbreitung der
Wissenschaften Kunste und Tugend von
einigen Liebhabern derselben mehrentheils
aus den Englischen Monatsschriften gesam-
melt und herausgegeben. Bremen und Leip-
zig, 1762. V. 5, p. 448-^52.)

A prose translation of part of Carric-Thura, and
of the Song of Selma, the originals of which had
appeared in the Gentleman's magazine for June, 1760.

CoLMA, eine Kantate. (Nach dem Ossian.)
(Der Teutsche Merkur. Weimar, 1777. 16°.
V. 19, p. 193-198.) * DF

A free rendering in rhymed verses by Clamor
Eberhard Karl Schmidt of the Song of Colma in
Songs of Selma.

Fingal und Hloda. Nach Ossian. (Tasch-
enbuch fiir Dichter und Dichterfreunde.
Leipzig, 1780. 16°. Abtheilung 11, p. 7-13.)


Signed: Kretschmann.

Der Tod Oscars, des Sohns Caruth. Aus
dem Lateinischen. Von K. F. Trost. (Deut-
sches Museum. Leipzig, 1783. 8°. v. 1, p.
176-181.) . *P^

A metrical translation from Denis's Latin version
of The Death of Oscar.

OssiANS Gesang an die Sonne. Aus dem
Gedichte Karthon iibersetzt. Von Guido von
Lilienfeld. (Neue Lausizische Monatsschrift.
Gorliz, 1800. V. 1, p. 403^04.)

Translation in iambic pentameters of part of

OssiANS letzter Gesang. Von v. Knebel.
(In : Adrastea von J. G. von Herder. Heraus-
gegeben von dessen altestem Sohn D. W. G.
von Herder. Leipzig, 1803. v. 3, ii, p. 305-

A prose translation of Berrathon by Karl Ludwig
von Knebel.

Die ScHLACHT von Lora. (In: Emilie
Harmes. Caledonia . . Hamburg, 1803. 8°.
V. 3, p. 123-154.)

Translation of The battle of Lora.

Die Lieder von Selma. Ein Gedicht Os-
sians. (Irene. Eine Monatsschrift. Miinster,
1804. V. 1, p. 124-143.)

A blank verse translation by Karl Curths.

Oisian's Apostrophe an die Sonne, in Syl-
benmasse des Originals, iibersetzt von Chris-
tian Wilhelm Ahlwardt. Oldenburg, 1810. 8°.

The Gaelic original is given on the opposite page,
pp. 6-7, notes.



Works of James Macpherson, continued.

Selections, continued.

[Selections from Ossian.] (In: Ludwig
Gotthard Kosegarten, 1758-1818. Dichtun-
gen. Greifswald: Universitats Buchhand-
lung, 1824-25. 12 v. 5. ed. 16°. NFW

V. 5: p. 145-189: Finan und Lorma. Ein Gesang
des Ossian. p. 190-200: Umad und sein Hund. p.
201-204: Des Barden Abschied. p. 205-207: Fla'
Innis. Die Insel der Seligen. p. 208-210: Die Kilda-
Klage. p. 211-212: Ossian und Malvina. p. 213-231:
Ossians letztes Lied (enthalt: Fingals Wolkenwoh-
nung; Malvinens Hingang; Des Dichters Schwange-

Proben einer Uebersetzung von Ossians
Gedichten. (In: Gottfried August Biirger,
Sammtliche Werke, herausgegeben von
August Wilhelm Bohtz. Gottingen, 1835. 4°.
p. 274-285.) t NFW

Karrik-Thura. Komala. Kath-Loda. His_ transla-
tion of Karrik-Thura was first published in 1779.

Ossians Anrede an die untergehende
Sonne. (In: J. G. von Herder, Sammtliche
Werke, ed. Suphan. Berlin, 1879. 8°. v. 11,
p. 297.)

Uebersetzungen aus Ossian. (In: Gott-
fried August Burger, Werke, herausgegeben
von Eduard Grisebach. Berlin, 1881. 12°.
Theil 1, p. 109-134.) NFG

1. Karrik-Thura (from Deutsches Museum, 1779).
2. Komala (from ms.). 3. Kath-Loda (from ms.). 4.
Klage urn Karthon (Musenalmanach for 1798).

[Selections from Ossian.] (In: Juan
Nicasio Gallego, Versos recogidas y publi-
cados por Domingo del Monte. Filadelfia,

Temora (portion only), p. 59-77; Minona, p. 47-

(In; Juan Nicasio Gallego, Poesias,

nueva edicion, aumentada sobre la que pub-
lico el ano de 1829 en Filadelfia. Mexico:
Tip. de R. de Vila, 1852.)

Temora (portion only), p. 99-114; Minona, p.

Gaul; poema. Traduccion de Luis Maria
Drago. Buenos Ayres, 1878. viii, 25 p. 8°.

The translator is internationally known as author
of "The Drago doctrine."

MoRT de Fingal y Crutloda, traducidos, re-
spectivamente, en prosa catalana por Fran-
cesch Pelay Briz y Arturo Masriera. (In:
Lo Gay Saber, 1880. Barcelona, 1880.)

[Selections from Ossian.] (In: Jose Mar-
chena, Obras literarias, recogidas de manu-
scritos y raros impresos. Sevilla: Imp. E.
Rasco, 1892. 2 v.)

V. 1: La guerra de Caros, p. 104-114; La guerra
de Inistona, p. 115-123; Invocacion al Hespero en la
introduccion a los cantos de Selma, p. 144-145;
Dialogo entre Vinvela y Silrico en el poema de
Carrictura, p. 145-150; Dialogo entre Conal y Crimora
extractado del mismo poema de Carrictura, p. 151-
153; Pintura de Fingal y canto de los bardos al
principio del poema de Carton, p. 153-154; Canto de
Fingal en honor de la desgraciada Moyna, en el
poema de Carton, p. 155-156; Apostrofe al Sol, con
que termina el poema de Carton, p. 157-158.


Adelung, Johann Christoph, 1732-1806.
CJeber den Ossian. (Der Neue teutsche
Merkur. Weimar, 1806. 8°. 1806, ii, p. 31-
52, 116-145.) *DF

"An essay reviewing the controversy over the
Poems of Ossian and disputing their authenticity."

(In his: Mithridates, ed. Vater.

Berlin, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 104-141.) RAD

Ahlwardt, Christian Wilhelm, translator,
1760-1830. See under Macpherson, James.
Poems. German translation.

The Airs, duets, choruses, and argument,
of the new ballet pantomime, called Oscar
and Malvina; or, the Hall of Fingal. Lon-
don, 1791. 8°.

Taken from Ossian.

London, 1792. 4. ed. 8°.

Allan, William. The death of Ossian.
(Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v.
1, p. 239-240.) *DA


Anders, Heinrich R. D. Ossian. (Preus-
sische Jahrbiicher. Berlin, 1908. 8°. Bd.
131, p. 1-28.) *DF

A discussion of the genuineness of the poems.

[Anecdotes told by a correspondent in
substantiation of the authenticity of the
poems of Ossian.] (Deutsches Museum.
Leipzig, 1783. 8°. v. 2, p. 191-192.) * DF

In German; without title.

Arbaud de Jouques, Joseph Charles
Andre d', 1769-1849. Traductions et imi-
tations de quelques poesies d'Ossian, ancien
poete celte. Paris: Ch. Pougens, an. ix
[1801]. 8°.

Arbois de Jubainville, Marie Henri d',
1827-1910. La litterature ancienne de I'lr-
lande et I'Ossian de Mac-Pherson. (ficole
des chartes. Bibliotheque. Paris, 1880. 8°.
V. 41, p. 475-487.) DA

Arend, Johannes Pieter, 1796-1855. De
Barden. Fingal. Ossian. Proeve uit eene
geschiedenis der dichtkunst en fraaije let-
teren in Europe. (De Gids. Amsterdam,
1838. tweede deel, p. 201-214, 389-399.)


See also under Macpherson, James.

Individual Poems: Fingal. Dutch transla-



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

Armstrong, Robert Archibald, 1788-1867.
A short account of the principal personages
mentioned in the poems of Ossian. (In his:
A Gaelic dictionary . . . London, 1825. 4°.
p. 1023-1027.) t RPC

Arnault, Antoine Vincent, 1766-1834. Os-
car, fils d'Ossian. Tragedie en 5 actes, par
le citoyen Arnault. (Paris, Theatre de la
Republique, 14 prairial an rv.) Paris: Du
Pont, an. iv. 8°.

For a notice of this tragedy (by A. L. M.) see
MagParis, 1796.

Authenticity of Ossian's poems. (Na-
tional quarterly review. New York, 1866.
8°. V. 12, p. 1^7.) * DA

Attributed to Edward I. Sears (1819-1876) by

B., B. G. See under Macpherson, James.
Individual Poems: Comala.

Barine, Arvede, pseud. See Vincens,

Beers, Henry Augustin, 1847- Ossian.
(In his: A history of English romanticism
in the eighteenth century. New York:
Henry Holt and Company, 1899. 12°. p.
306-338.) * R - NCB

Bellessort, Andre, 1866- . Ossian et
I'ossianisme. (Revue hebdomadaire. Paris,
1918. \2\ annee 27, tome 7, p. 480-506.)


Bergstrom, Richard, 1828-1893. Ossian i
literatur och natur. Stockholm, 1889.

Bilderdijk, Willem, 1756-1831. See under
Macpherson, James. Individual Poems:
Fingal. Dutch translation.

Bilderdijk-Schweickhardt, Katharina Wil-
helmina, 1776-1830. Dargo, treuerspel. Te
Amsterdam: P. den Hengst en Zoon, 1820.
2 p.I., 78 p. 16°. NHL p.v. 183

Bins de Saint- Victor, Jacques Maximilien
Benjamin, 1772-1858. Uthal, opera en un
acte et en vers, imite d'Ossian... Paris,
1806. 8°.

Blackie, John Stuart, 1809-1895. Is the
Gaelic Ossian a translation from the Eng-
lish? (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1876. 8°.
V. 1, p. 267-275, 299-303.) * DA

Read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, May,
1876. Abstract in the Society's Proceedings, v. 9,
p. 151-153, Edinburgh, 1878.

Macpherson and the Ossianic ques-
tion. (In his: The language and literature
of the Scottish Highlands. Edinburgh: Ed-
monston and Douglas, 1876. 8°. p. 194-
234.) NDO

Blair, Hugh, 1718-1800. A critical disser-
tation on the poems of Ossian, the son of
Fingal. (By Hugh Blair.] London: Printed

for T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, 1763.
2 p.I., 75(1) p. 4°. NDO

The first edition of Blair's Dissertation.

The substance of this dissertation "was originally
delivered, soon after the first publication of Fingal,
in the course of my lectures in the University of
Edinburgh; and at the desire of several of the hear-
ers, was afterwards enlarged and given to the public."

Reprinted in most of the editions of Macpherson's

His Critical dissertation on the poems of Ossian
"were ingenious and acute, and as good as could
possibly be written by a gentleman lecturing on a
language he did not know, of a past he had not
studied, of a poem on whose origin he was utterly
mistaken." — Graham.

"One of the most eloquent and convincing pro-
nouncements on the wrong side of a case that can be
found in English literary history." — G. M. Eraser,
Quarterly review.

London: T. Becket and P. A.

De Hondt [1765,. 148 p. [2. ed.] 8°. NDO

Title-page wanting.

p. 121-136 misnumbered 209-224.

Doctor Blairs... Kritische Abhand-

lung liber die Gedichte Ossians, des Sohnes
Fingals. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von
Otto August Heinrich Oelrichs. Hannover
und Osnabriick: Hahn, 1785. 8°.

Blicher, Steen Steensen, translator, 1782-
1848. See under Macpherson, James.
Poems. Danish translation.

Boettiger, Karl August, translator, 1760-
1835. See under Macdonald, James.

Bouterwek, Friedrich, 1766-1828. See
under Macpherson, James. Individual
Poems: Comala.

Brinckmeier, Eduard, 1811-1897. See un-
der Macpherson, James. Poems. German


Brown, Archibald. The age and origin
of Ossianic poetry. (In his: Memorials of
Argyleshire. . . Greenock: James M'Kelvie
& Sons, 1889. 8°. p. 217-350.) CR

Browne, James, 1793-1841. Ossian. (En-
cvclopsedia Britannica. Edinburgh, 1842.
r. 7. ed. V. 16, p. 657-666.) * AL

Brueyre, Loys, 1835- . Les Heros

d'Ossian dans Macpherson et dans les tra-
ditions populaires de I'lrlande et de I'ficosse.
(Revue des traditions populaires. Paris,
1887. 8°. V. 2, p. 385-396, 444-455.) ZBA

Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton, 1762-1837.
The six bards. From a note to the poem,
entitled, Croma, of Ossian, versified. 1784.
(In his: Poems. London: Longman, Hurst,
Rees and Orme, 1807. 4. ed. 16°. p. 87-
96.) NCL

This poem also appeared in the first edition of

Buchanan, John Lanne, fl. 1780-1816. A
defence of the Scots Highlanders, in gen-
eral; and some learned characters, in par-
ticular: with a new and satisfactory account
of the Picts, Scots, Fingal, Ossian, and his
poems: as also, of the macs, clans, Bodotria.



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

And several other particulars respecting the
high antiquities of Scotland. London:
Printed for J. Egerton, W. Stewart, and
W. Richardson, 1794. vi p., 1 1., 286 p., 1 1.
8°. CP

Buerger, Gottfried August, 1747-1794.
See under Macpherson, James. Individual
Poems: Carric-thura.

Bugge, Alexander, 1870- . Ossian.
(Nordisk familjebok. Stockholm (1914,. 8°.
V. 20, col. 1033-1038.) *R-*AV

Bulfinch, Thomas, 1796-1867. _ Age of
chivalry; or, King Arthur and his knights,
by Thomas Bulfinch. A new, revised and
enlarged edition, edited by Rev. J. Lough-
ran Scott... Philadelphia: David McKay
[Cop. 1900]. xvi, 405 p., 23 pi. illus. 8°.


p. 317-383 contain a summary of Macpherson's
Ossian, with portrait of Ossian "from a picture
supposed to be sketched by Runciman. Engraved by
Beugo." The editor is a believer in the authenticity of
the poems.

Burke, Thomas Travers. See under Mac-
pherson, James. Individual Poems: Fingal,

Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th
baron, 1788-1824. The death of Calmar and
Orla. An imitation of Macpherson's Ossian.
(In his: Complete works, including his sup-
pressed poems. Paris, 1832. 8°. v. 2, p. 225-
228.) NCM

"The present humble imitation will be pardoned by
the admirers of the original as an attempt, however
inferior, which evinces an attachment to their favour-
ite author."

C. Memoire de M. de C. a Messieurs les
auteurs du Journal des sQavans au sujet des
poemes de M. Macpherson. (Journal des
sgavans. Amsterdam, 1764-65. 24°. v. 4,
p. 42-74, 353-373; v. 5, p. 48-68; v. 6, p.
49_89. 344-374 ; v. 8, p. 313-332.) 3 - O A

V. 8, p. 332-339: Recapitulation du memoire pre-
cedent par les auteurs du Journal des sgavans.

An essay throwing doubt upon the authenticity of
the poems.

Memoire de M. de C. au sujet des

poemes de M. Macpherson. Koln, 1765.

Reprint of the preceding articles.

Caledonius. See under Two.

Cameron, Alexander, 1827-1888. Ossianic
ballad poetry — Ossian's prayer. (Scottish
review. Paisley, 1886. 8°. v. 8, p. 334-
367.) * DA

Poems of Ossian collected by John

M'Donald in the western parishes of Strath-
naver, Ross, and Inverness-shire, in Sep-
tember and October, 1805. (Gaelic Society
of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness,
1888. 8°. V. 13, p. 269-301.) NDO

The introductory note is printed in v. IS, p. 139-

Cameron, Ewen. See under Macpherson,
James. Individual Poems: Fingal.

Campbell, Donald. Essay on the authen-
ticity of the poems of Ossian. Ayr, 1825.

Campbell, G. Murray. The Ossianic
poems. (Celtic monthly. Glasgow, 1904. sq.
8°. V. 12, p. 86, 135-136, 170.) NDO

Criticism of articles by Dr. K. N. Macdonald.

Campbell, Hugh. Ossiana; being an at-
tempt to ascertain the battle fields of Fin-
gal in Ulster, by the analogy of names and
places mentioned in Ossian's poems. Lon-
don and Edinburgh, 1818. 53 pp. 8°.

Ossiana; or, Fingal ascertained and

traced in Ulster; by the analogy of names
and places mentioned in Ossian's poems. . .
(Pamphleteer. London, 1819. 8°. v. 15,
p. 67-98.) * DA

See also under Macpherson, James.

Poems. London, 1822.

Campbell, John Francis, 1822-1885. Os-
sian. (In his: Popular tales of the West
Highlands orally collected. Edinburgh:
Edmonston and Douglas, 1862. 12°. v. 4,
p. 5-258.) ZBIG

Canti d'Ossian. Pensieri d'un anonimo
disegnati ed incisi a contorno. Venezia:
Tipografia d'Alvisopoli: a spese di Giuseppe
Battaggia, 1817. obi. f°.

A series of plates with explanatory notes.

Carruthers, Robert, 1799-1878. Ossian, or
Oisin. (Encyclopaedia Britannica. Boston,
1859. 4°. 8. ed. v. 17, p. 4-7.) * AL

Castor. An essay upon Ossian; an epic
poem translated from the Erse language by
James Macpherson, Esq. (The European
magazine. London, 1796. 8°. v. 29, p. 302-
305.) * DA

The Centenary of Ossian. (Macmillan's
magazine. London, 1896. 8°. v. 74, p. 62-
69.) * DA

Cesarotti, Melchior, 1730-1808. The Abbe
Melchior Cesarotti's critical observations
on the first book of Fingal, annexed to
the fourth edition of his translation of Os-
sian's poems, printed at Pisa in 1801. Trans-
lated from the Italian by John M'Arthur.
(In: James Macpherson, Poems of Ossian.
London, 1807. 4°. v. 1, p. clxxxiv-cciii.)


A letter from the Abbe Cessarotti

(the Italian translator of Ossian's poems)
to Mr. Macpherson. Now first published.
(Anthologia Hibernica. Dubhn, 1793. 8°.
v. 2, p. 169-170.) *DA

- — — A translation (from the Italian) of
the Abbe Cesarotti's historical and critical
dissertation, respecting the controversy on
the authenticity of Ossian's poems, by John



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

M'Arthur. . .with notes and observations by
the translator. (In: James Macpherson,
Poems of Ossian. London, 1807. 4°. v. 3,
p. 29-331.) NDO

The translator's notes follow on p. 332-359.

Chasles, Philarete. Les pseudonymes
anglais au dix-huitieme siecle. DeFoe,
Psalmanazar, Lauder, Macpherson, Chat-
terton, Ireland. (Revue des deux mondes.
Paris, 1844. 8°. nouv. serie, v. 6, p. 757-
794.) * DM

Chenavard, Antoine Marie, 1787-1883.
Sujets tires des poemes d'Ossian... Lyon:
Impr. de L. Perrin, 1868. 10 p., 18 1., 18 pi.
obi. i\

Chenier, Marie Joseph de, 1764-1811. See
under Macpherson, James. Selections.

Clark, John, d. 1807. An answer to Mr.
Shaw's Inquiry into the authenticity of the
poems ascribed to Ossian... Edinburgh:
Printed for T. Longman, and T. Cadell,
London, and C. Elliot, Edinburgh, 1781.
76 p. 8°. NCE p.v.22

Answer to Mr. Shaw's Reply. Lon-
don, 1783. 8°.

Clemen, H. Oisian und seine Welt. (In:
Programm des Gymnasiums zu Lemgo fiir
das Schuljahr 1853-54, von Dr. H. K.
Brandes. 1. Abhandlung. Lemgo, 1854.)

General essay on the poems of Ossian. The author
considers the poems genuine, being a disciple of
Ahlwardt. p. 15-21: Argument of Fingal. p. 21-29:
Remarks upon the poet. p. 29-33: Ossian's con-
ception of the land of the Hereafter. Numerous quo-
tations in Ahlwardt's translation.

Clermont-Tonnerre, Stanislas Marie Ade-
laide, comte de, 1757-1792. See under Mac-
pherson, James. Individual Poems: Fingal.

A Collection of original poems. By the
Rev. Mr. Blacklock, and other Scotch gen-
tlemen. V. 1. Edinburgh, 1760. 12°. NCI

Contains: (1) A versification of the fifth frag-
ment of ancient poetry. From the Galic or Erse
language, p. 168-170; (2) A poetical translation of
the twelfth fragment of ancient poetry. From the
Galic or Erse language, p. 171-174.

Connellan, Owen, 1800-1869. On the
Fians of Erin and the poems of Oisin. (Os-
sianic Society. Transactions. Dublin, 1860.
8°. V. 5, p. 205-227.) NDK

On the poems of Oisin. (Historic

Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Tran-
sactions. Liverpool, 1859. 8°. v. 11, p. 97-
110.) CO

The poems of Ossian by Macpher-
son. [By Owen Connellan.] (Ossianic So-
ciety. Transactions. Dublin, 1860. 8°. v.
5, p. 171-204.) NDK

Craigie, William Alexander, 1867-
The Ossianic ballads. (Scottish review.
Paisley, 1899. 8°. v. 34, p. 260-290.) * DA

Curths, Karl. See under Macpherson,
James. Selections.

Dahl, Kristoffer, 1758-1809. En jamfor-
else mellan Homeros och Ossian. 1792.

Dan an Deirg, agus Tiomna Ghuill (Dar-
go and Gaul) : two poems, from Dr. Smith's
collection, entitled Sean dana. Newly trans-
lated, with a revised Gaelic text, notes, and
introduction, by C. S. Jerram. Edinburgh:
Maclachlan & Stewart, 1874. xxii, 105 pp.
16°. NDO

"Dan an Deirg" — Dargo. (Gaelic So-
ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver-
ness, 1875. 8°. V. 3/4, p. 84-100.) NDO

An English metrical version by Lachlan Macbean.

Davidson, Anthony. See under Macpher-
son, James. Poems. 1810.

Davies, Edward, 1756-1831. The claims
of Ossian, examined and appreciated: an
essay on the Scottish and Irish poems pub-
lished under that name; in which the ques-
tion of their genuineness and historical
credit is freely discussed: together with
some curious particulars relative to the
structure and state of poetry in the Celtic
dialects of Scotland and Ireland. Swansea:
Printed for the author, by H. Griffith, and
sold by Longman and Co., London, 1825.
vi p., 1 1., (1)7-327, xiii p. 4°. NDO

The Death of Artho. And The death of
Fraoch. Two ancient poems, translated
from the Galic. Glasgow: Printed by Rob-
ert & Andrew Foulis, 1769. 1 p.l., 16 p., 1 1.
8°. NDH p.v. 4

Denis, Johann Nepomuk Cosmas Michael,
1729-1800. Nachlese zu Sineds Liedern.
Aufgesammelt und herausgegeben von
Joseph von Retzer. Wien: Christian Fried-
rich Wappler, 1784. 4 p.l., 214 p. sq. 8°.


Bound with: Ossians und Sineds Lieder. v. S.

p. 200-209: Mors Oscaris, filii Caruthi. [By
Denis.] Der Tod Oscars, Des Sohnes Karuths, von
Anton Freyh. v. Rehbach. Latin and German on
opposite pages.

See under Macpherson, James. Os-
sians und Sineds Lieder.

Despinoy, Hyacinthe Frangois Joseph,
1764-1848. Catheluina, ou les amis rivaux,
poeme imite d'Ossian et mis en vers fran-
gais d'apres la traduction en prose de Le-
tourneur, par le general D * * *. Paris:
Dentu, an ix [1801,. 31 p. 8°.

Doering, Heinrich, 1789-1862. Ossian,
Oisian. (In: Allgemeine Encyclopadie der
Wissenschaften und Kiinste, herausgegeben
von Ersch und Gruber. Leipzig, 1835. 4°.
Section 3, Theil 5, p. 420-429.) * AM

Drago, Luis Marie, b. 1859. See under
Macpherson, James. Individual Poems:



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

Drake, Nathan, 1766-1836. On the blind-
ness of Homer, Ossian, and Milton. (In
his: Evenings in autumn... London, 1822.
12°. V. 2, pp. 1-23, 170-196, 252-286.) NCZ

Ossian, p. 170-196.

On the character of Ossian, as

drawn by the Irish bards. Miss Brooke's
Reliques of Irish poetry. (In his: Mornings
in spring. London, 1828. 12°. v. 2, p. 37-
64.) NCZ

Drechsler, Walther. Der Stil des Mac-
phersonschen Ossian... [Berlin: Mayer &
Miiller,] 1904. vi, 82 p., 1 1. 8°.

NCE p.v.46,no.2

Drummond, William Hamilton, 1778-
1865. Subject proposed by the Royal Irish
Academy — To investigate the authenticity
of the poems of Ossian, both as given in
Macpherson's translation, and as pubhshed
in Gaelic, London 1807, under the sanction
of the Highland Society of London; and
on the supposition of such poems not being
of recent origin, to assign the probable era
and country of the original poet or poets.
A prize essay. (Royal Irish Academy.
Transactions. Dublin, 1830. 4°. v. 16, part
2, p. 3-161.) *EC

Contents: (1) Historic view of the rise and prog-
ress of the Ossianic controversy. (2) Macpherson's
Ossian compared with the new translation of the pre-
tended Gaelic version. (3) On the imitations in
Macpherson's Ossian. (4) Of the argument founded
on the excellence of the poetry. (5) On the language
of Ossian. (6) On the probable era and origin of
the poems attributed to Ossian. (7) Fin Mac-Cumhal
and Oisin were natives of Ireland, not of Scotland.
(8) On the topography of Ossian's poems. (9) On
the era of Ossian.

Duehn, Mathias Herrmann. Ueber Os-
sian. (Die Schreibtafel. Mannheim, 1779.
Lieferung 7, p. 92-97.)

A poetic eulogy of Ossian, by a carpenter's ap-

Dunne, M. A. The eschatology of the
poets — a study in optimism. (American
Catholic quarterly review^. Philadelphia,
1909. 8°. V. 34, p. 407-421.) * DA

Ossian, p. 416-421.

Dzondi, Karl Heinrich, 1770-1835. Dis-
sertatio vindiciae antiquitatis carminum Os-
siani. Vitebergae, 1799. 4°.

Ebrard, Johannes Heinrich August, 1818-
1888. Handbuch der mittelgalischen
Sprache hauptsachlich Ossian's. Gram-
matik, Lesestiicke, Worterbuch. Mit einem
Vorwort von Dr. G. Authenrieth. Wien:
Wilhelm Braumiiller, 1870. xiv p., 1 1., 305
p. 8°. * C p.v. 384

See also Macpherson, James. Indi-
vidual Poems: Fingal.

Ehrmann, Eugen. Die bardische Lyrik
im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Halle a. S.,

References to the influence of Ossian occur on
p. 9-11, 39-44, 47-55, 58-61, 87-88, 94-98.

Erskine-Baker, David. The muse of Os-
sian: a dramatic poem, of three acts. Se-
lected from the several poems of Ossian,
the son of Fingal. As it is performed at
the theatre in Edinburgh. Edinburgh:
Printed for the compiler, 1763. viii p., 2 1.,
(1)14-36 p. 12°. NCOp.v.335

F., E. D. J. Traductions et imitations
d'Ossian. (Spectateur du nord. Basse-Saxe,
1801. 8°. annee 5, p. 359-368.) * DM

Fabian, Gabor. See under Macpherson,
James. Poems. Hungarian translation.

Fielitz, Wilhelm. "Hektors Abschied"
und Ossian. (Archiv fur Litteratur-
geschichte. Leipzig, 1879. 8°. Bd. 8, p.

Ossian's influence on Schiller.

Filalete, Andronico. See under Guard-

Fingal, King of Morven, a knight-errant.
London, 1764. 8°.

A criticism of Temora.

Foerster, Lebrecht Gotthilf, 1788-1846.
See under Macpherson, James. Poems.
German translation.

Fontanes. Le chant du barde, imite des
poesies erses. (Almanach des muses. Paris
[1783]. 24°. 1783, p. 227-230.) NKH

Fraser, George Milne. The truth about
Macpherson's "Ossian." (Quarterly re-
view. London, 1925. 8°. v. 245, p. 331-
345.) *DA

Freudentheil, Wilhelm Nicolaus, 1771-
1854. Ueber die celtischen Barden. Nach
Ossian. (In: J. G. Sulzer, Allgemeine
Theorie der schonen Kiinste. Nachtrage.
Leipzig, 1794. 8°. v. 3, p. 237-252.) MAB

G * * *, A. C. de. Colma sur le rocher.
Imitation d'Ossian. (Mercure de France.
Paris, 1813. 8°. v. 55, p. 3-5.) * DM

In verse.

Gade, Niels Wilhelm, 1817-1890, transla-
tor. See under Macpherson, James. Indi-
vidual Poems: Comala.

Gallas, K. R. See under Hamel, A. G.
van, and K. R. Gallas.

GaUego, Juan Nicasio, 1777-1853. Oscar,
hijo de Osian, tragedia francesa, puesta en
verso castellano, y acomodada a nuestro
teatro... Madrid: Imprenta que fue de
Garcia, 1818. 80 p. 12°. NKMp.v.317

In four acts.



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

Gidney, Lewis. Morven, Devonshire
legends and other poems. London, 1864.

"Morven" is only in part original; the last six
books being substantially Macpherson's Temora ren-
dered into blank verse.

Gilfillan, George, 1813-1878. Macaulay's
treatment of Ossian. (Celtic magazine. In-
verness, 1876. 8°. V. 1, p. 4-8.) *DA

Ginguene, Pierre Louis, 1748-1816. No-
tice sur I'etat actuel de la question relative
a I'authenticite des poemes d'Ossian. Paris,

Gisbal: an hyperborean tale: translated
from the fragments of Ossian... The sec-
ond edition. London: J. Pridden, 1762. 44
p. 8°.

A political squib. "Low and scurrilous abuse." —

Goethe, Johan Wolfgang, 1749-1832. See
under Macpherson, James. Poems. Ger-
man translation.

Gordon, John. Occasional thoughts on
the study and character of classical authors,
on the course of litterature and the present
plan of a learned education; with some
incidental comparisons between Homer and
Ossian. [By John Gordon.] London, 1762.

Goszczynski, Seweryn, 1803-1876, trans-
lator. See Macpherson, James. Poems.
Polish translation.

Graham, Henry Grey, 1842-1906. Scot-
tish men of letters in the eighteenth cen-
tury. London: A. and C. Black, 1901. xii,
441 p., 32 ports. 8°. NDP

"James Macpherson," p. 226-242, port.

Graham, Patrick, 1754P-1835. Essay on
the authenticity of the poems of Ossian;
in which the objections of Malcolm Laing,
Esq., are particularly considered and re-
futed. . . To which is added an essay on the
mythology of Ossian's poems by Professor
Richardson... Edinburgh: Printed by
James Ballantyne & Co., for Peter Hill,
Archibald Constable & Co., and William
Hunter, Edinburgh [etc.], 1807. 1 p.l., xxiv,
471 p. 8°. NDO

With slip of errata pasted in at end.

Pages 453-471: Subscribers' names.

The seventh book of Temora, an epic poem, first
published in the original Gaelic, by James Mac-
pherson, Esq., and now translated literally, with
Mr. Macpherson's translation annexed, p. 297-379.
An enquiry into the existence of the Druidical order
in Scotland, p. 383-398. Druidical circles, p. 399-
401. The festivals of the Beltein and Samhin, p. 402-

Reviewed in the Eclectic review, v. 4, part 1,
p. 318-329, London, 1808.

Grant, James, 1743P-1835. Observations
respecting the authenticity of the poems of

Ossian. (In his: Thoughts on the origin
and descent of the Gael. . . Edinburgh, 1814.
8°. p. 379-456.) QPO

Gray, Christian. A new selection of mis-
cellaneous pieces, in verse. Perth, 1821.
24°. NDPp.v. 1

Versification of Ossian's Address to the moon,
p. 96-98; Balclutha's ruins, versified from Ossian,
p. 99-101: Another extract from Ossian, p. 102-103.

Grimaldi, Alexander Beaufort. Hebraic
connections in Ossian's poems. 3 pi.
(Northern British-Israel review. Glasgow,
1912. 8°. V. 2, p. 108-117.) * PYD

Grimm, Jakob Ludwig Karl, 1785-1863.
Ueber Ossian. (In his: Kleinere Schriften.
Berlin, 1884. 8°. Bd. 7, p. 537-543.) NFG

Geschrieben 1863.

Grimm, Wilhelm Karl, 1786-1859. Gleich-
nisse im Ossian und Parzival. (In his:
Kleinere Schriften. Berhn, 1881. 8°. Bd. 1.
p. 48-57.) NGO

Ossian, p. 48-52.

Grosart, Alexander Balloch, 1827-1899.
The Ossianic poems. By A. B. G. (Athen-
aeum. London, 1883. 4°. v. 81, [part] 1, p.
54.) * DA

Guarducci. Alcune osservazioni sopra la
poesie di Ossian, dirette al Sig. Abate Mel-
chior Cesarotti da Andronico Filalete pas-
tore di Elide [pseud.]. In Firenze (Venice),
1765. 8°.

"Der Verfasser ist ein Conte Dadich griechisches
Herkommens zu Venedig." — Denis, v. 1.

Halem, Gerhard Anton von, 1752-1819.
See under Macpherson, James. Individual
Poems: Berrathon, Carthon, and Song of

Hamel, A. G. van, and K. R. G.'vllas.
Over Ossian. (Neophilologus. Groningen,
Den Haag, 1921. 8°. Jaargang 6, p. 117-
130.) RAA

Hampden (1st viscount), Robert Trevor,
afterwards Hampden-Trevor, 1706-1783.
See under Macpherson, James. Individual
Poems: Lathmon.

Hanssen, Frederik. Dissertatio de sub-
limitate Ossianis. Pars i. Havnise, 1783.

Harnisch, Carl. Bildliche Darstellungen
in Arabeskenform zu Ossians Gedichten.
[Berlin, 1835.] f°.

Six drawings illustrating scenes from Cath-Loda,
Comala, Lathmon, Fingal, and Temora.

Harold, Edmund, Freiherr von. Finmara,
eine alte celtische Reliquie. (Bergisches
Taschenbuch zur Belehrung und Unterver-
haltung, auf das Jahr 1801. Diisseldorf,
1801. p. 268-282.)

A rhythmic prose imitation of Macpherson's Os-

Poems of Ossian lately discover'd,

by Edmond. baron de Harold... Dussel-



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

dorf: By John Cretien Daenzer, 1787. xvi,

176 p. 8°. NDO

An English version of seventeen poems purporting
to have been discovered by the translator, all but two
of which are ascribed to Ossian.

The author was an Irishman in the service of the
Elector Palatine.

Contents: The songs of Tara, p. 1-16; The song
of Phelim, p. 17-20; Evir-Allen, a poem, p. 21-32;
Sulmora, a poem, p. 33-45; Rynos song on the death
of Oscar, p. 46-50; Malvina, a dramatic poem, p. 51-
62; Kinfena and Sira, a poem, p. 63-69; Ossians
song after the defeat of the Romans, p. 70-72; Bos-
mina, a poem, p. 73-91; The Songs of comfort, a
poem, p. 92-111; Ossians last song, p. 112-126;
Sulima, a poem, p. 127-132; Sitric, a poem, p. 133-
146; Lamer, a poem, p. 147-161; Larnul or the song
of despair, p. 162-166; The death of Asala, a poem,
p. 167-171; Matin song of the bard Dlorah, p. 172-

Neu entdeckte Gedichte Ossians,

{ibersetzt von Edmund Freiherrn von Har-
old. Diisseldorf, 1787. 8°.

A German translation of the above English edition.

Dusseldorf: Danzer, 1798. 2.

ed. 8°.

Gezangen van Ossian. Door den

Baron de Harold naar het Engelsch in Ned-
erduitsch proza vertaald. Leyden, 1794. 8°.

• Stikhotvoreneniya Ossiyana, syna

Fingalova... Naydennyya i izdannyya v
svet G-nom Garaldom. Perevod s Nem-
etzkavo. Moskva, 1803.

A Russian prose translation of the German edition.

Sulmora Tochter CuthuUins. Ein

Drama in fiinf Aufziigen. Nach Ossian
bearbeitet vom Generalmajor Edm. Frei-
herrn von Harold. Dusseldorf, 1802. 93 p.

"A long drama in line with von Harold's other
examples of Ossianic work." — Tombo.

Die Lieder von Tara. (Rheinische

Beitrage zur Gelehrsamkeit. Mannheim,
1781. Bd. 1, p. 117-129.)

Another of Harold's rhythmic prose imitations.
See Rheinische Beitrage for 1778.

Harvey, George, translator. See under
Macpherson, James. Individual Poems:


Hasselqvist, Theodor. "Ossian" i den
svenska dikten och litteraturen jamte in-
ledning. Malm5, 1895.

Hayes, John. Rural poems, moral and
descriptive; to which are added. Poems on
several subjects. . . Carlisle: From the press
of A. Loudon, 1807. 182 pp. 12°.

p. ix-xii contain a translation from Ossian, "Dar-
thyle tu Ossianu" into Greek but in Latin letters, a
Greek fount not being available.

Headrick, James, 1758-1841. On Ossian's
poems. (In his: View of the mineralogy,
agriculture, manufactures and fisheries of
the island of Arran... Edinburgh: Printed
by D. Willison, 1807. 8°. p. 389-396.) PVI

Hecht, Hans. James Macphersons Os-
siandichtung. (Germanise h-romanische
Monatshefte. Heidelberg, 1922. 8°. Jahrg.
10, p. 220-237.) RAA

Heller, H. J. Das neueste zur Ossian-
Frage. (Jahrbuch fiir romanische und eng-
lische Literatur. Berlin, 1860. 8°. Bd. 2,
p. 183-203.) NAA

Herbert, William, 1778-1847, translator.
See under Macpherson, James. Individual
Poems: Darthula.

Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 1744-1803.
Auszug aus einem Briefwechsel iiber Os-
sian und die Lieder alter Volker. (In his:
Von deutscher Art und Kunst. Einige flie-
gende Blatter. Hamburg: Bey Bode, 1773.
8°. p. 1-70.) NGZ

Nachschrift, p. 113-118.

(In his: Werke, herausgegeben

von Dr. Hans Lambel. Stuttgart [188-?,. 8°.
Theil 3, Abteilung 2, p. 175-225.) NFG

With numerous notes by the editor.

(In his: Von deutscher Art

und Kunst. Edited by Edna Purdie. Ox-
ford: Clarendon Press, 1924. 12°. p. 47-
96.) NGZ

Homer und Ossian. (Die Horen,

eine Monatsschrift herausgegeben von
Schiller. Tubingen, 1795. v. 4, p. 86-107.)

Reprinted in his SdmmUiche Werke, ed. Suphan,
Berlin, 1883, v. 18, p. 446-462, NFG.
A comparison of Homer and Ossian.

Ossian und die Lieder alter Volker.

Auszug aus einigen Briefen. (In his:
Sammtliche Werke. Stuttgart und Tubin-
gen, 1828. 24°. V. 7, p. 7-46.) NFG

Hesperion, pseud. Ossian. (Yale literary
magazine. New Haven, 1851. 8°. v. 16, p.
139-142.) STG

Highland Society of Scotland. Report of
the committee of the Highland Society of
Scotland, appointed to inquire into the na-
ture and authenticity of the poems of Os-
sian. Drawn up, according to the directions
of the committee, by Henry Mackenzie...
With a copious appendix, containing some
of the principal documents on which the
report is founded. Edinburgh: Printed at
the University Press, for Archibald Con-
stable & Co., 1805. X, 155, 343(1) p., 3 pi.
of facsimiles. 8°. NDO

Reviewed in Edinburgh review, v. 6, p. 429-462,
Edinburgh, 1814.

Hill, Thomas Ford, d. 1795. New lights
on the Ossian controversy. (Gentleman's
magazine. London, 1782-83. 8°. v. 52, p.
570-571; v. 53, p. 33-36, 140-144, 398-400,
489-494; v. 54, p. 590-592, 662-665.) * DA

The first article is introductory, no. _ 2 and part
of no. 3 contains "Ossian agus an clerich;" no. 3,
"Mar niharb Diarmad an tore nimhe;" no. 4, (1)
"Mur mharbhadh Bran," (2) a poem without title,
and (3) "Cubha Fhinn do Riogh Lochlin;" no. 5,
"Urnigh Ossian;" no. 6, "the Ode of Oscar;" no. 7,
conclusion of the remarks on Ossian: i. Of the evi-
dence afforded by the foregoing poems: that there
are songs traditionally preserved in the Highlands
and attributed to Ossian; containing parts of the
poems published by Mr. Macpherson and Mr. Smith,
under the name of that bard. ii. Of the authenticity



Ossiaiiic Conirovcrsy, continued.

of the Ossian of Macpherson and Smith : how far it
is founded upon the Highland songs; and how far
these songs may be regarded as the real works of
Ossian. iii. Of the country of Ossian, whether he
was an Highlander or an Irishman? iv. Of the real
character of Ossian and the Fingalians, and who they
probably were.

Antient Erse poems, collected

among the Scottish Highlands, in order to
illustrate the Ossian of Mr. Macpherson.
[London, 1784?, 2 p.l., 34 p. 12°.

A revised reprint of the preceding articles. In
this issue, however, the Gaelic text is worse than
the first, a number of additional errors having crept
in, for "printers' errors like the deadly sins, if
unpurged, are fatally progressive."

(An Gaidheal. Edinburgh,

1877. 8°. V. 6, p. 119-123, 185-192, 309-320,
342-348, 369-371.) NDO

The title given to this reprint of the articles is
"Thomas Ford Hill's poems."

Hill's collection of Ossianic poetry. (Cel-
tic magazine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12,
p. 316-32L) *DA

Hole, Richard, 1746-1803, translator. See
under Macpherson, James. Individual
Poems: Fingal.

Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920. Os-
sian. (In his: My literary passions. New
York, 1895. 12°. p. 66-68.) NBQ

"I suppose there was really not substance enough
in Ossian to feed my passion, and it died of inani-

Irvine, Alexander, 1772-1824. Ossian.
(Edinburgh ^encyclopaedia. Edinburgh,
1830. 4°. V-; 16, p. 176-184.) * AL

Jellinghaus, Hermann Friedrich, b. 1847.
Ossians Lebensanschauung. Von • Dr. H.
Jellinghaus. Tiibingen und Leipzig: Verlag
von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Sieback), 1904.
2 p.l., 61 p. 8°. (Sammlung gemeinverstand-
licher Vortrage und Schriften aus dem
Gebiet der Theologie und Religionsge-
schichte. [V.] 39.) NDO

Jerome Stone and the Ossianic ballads.
The story of his Ossianic collection. (Celtic
magazine. Inverness, 1888. 8°. v. 13, p.
370-376.) * DA

Jerram, Charles Stanger, 1838- . Some
causes of the imperfect appreciation by
Englishmen of the Ossianic poems. (Gaelic
Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inver-
ness, 1876. 8°. v. 5, p. 97-110.) NDO

See also under Dan an Deirg.

Jiriczek, Otto Luitpold, 1867- . See
under Macpherson, James. Fragments.
Heidelberg, 1915.

Johanneau, filoi, 1770-1851. Notice his-
torique sur la dispute concernant I'authen-
ticite des poesies ossianiques. (Academic
celtique. Memoires. Paris, 1807. 8°. v. 1,
p. 53-62.) DA

Kames, Henry Home, Lord, 1696-1782.
Sketches of the history of man. Edinburgh:
W. Creech, mdcclxxiv. 2 v. 4°. BAP

V. 1, p. 281-301, deal with Ossian, without title.

Critical observations on the poems

of Ossian. (In: James Macpherson, The
poems of Ossian. Edinburgh: Elder and
Brown, 1797. v. 2, p. 285-314.) NDO

Kasteele, Pieter Leonard van de, 1748-
1810. See Macpherson, James. Poems.
Dutch translation.

Kern, H. Over Bilderdijks Darthula in
verband met de oude iersche sage van Der-
driu en de zonen Usnechs. (Alaatschappij
der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden.
Mededeelingen. Leiden, 1897. 8°. 1896-
1897, p. 3-31.) *EL

Kistemaker, Johann Hyacinth, 1754-1834.
See under Macpherson, James. Individual
Poems: Berrathon.

Knebel, Karl Ludwig von, 1744-1834,
translator. See under Macpherson, James.
Individual Poems: Berrathon.

Knos, Gustaf, 1773-1828, translator. See
under Macpherson, James. Poems: Swedish

Kostrov, Ermil Ivanovich, 1750 (1752?)-
1796, translator. See under Macpherson,
James. Poems: Russian translation.

Kretschmann, Karl Friedrich, 1738-1809.
Zwey Fragmente nach Ossian. (In his:
Samtliche Werke. Carlsruhe: Christian
Gottlieb Schmieder, 1785. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 235-
248.) NFG

I. Fingal und Hloda. Previously published in the
Taschenbuch filr Dichter und Dichterfreunde, Leip-
zig, 1780, eilfte Abtheilung, p. 7-13. n. Der Schild.
Previously published in the same, Leipzig, 1779, zehnte
Abtheilung, p. 80-82.

Lacaussade, Auguste, 1817-1897. See
under Macpherson, James. Poems: French

La Harpe, Jean Frangois, 1739-1803. Sur
une traduction des poesies d'Ossian, par
M. Le Tourneur. (In his: Lycee ou cours
de litterature ancienne et moderne. Paris,
1825. 8°. V. 14, p. 345-355.) NAB

Laing, Malcolm, 1762-1818. An historical
and critical dissertation on the supposed
authenticity of Ossian's poems. (In his:
The history of Scotland, from the union of
the crowns on the accession of James vi.
to the throne of England, to the union of
the kingdoms in the reign of Queen Anne.
London, 1800. 8°. v. 2, p. 377-453.) CP

Dissertation on the supposed au-
thenticity of Ossian's poems. (In his: The
history of Scotland, from the union of the
crowns on the accession of James vi. to the



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

throne of England, to the union of the king-
doms in the reign of Queen Anne. London,
1804. 2. ed. 8°. v. 4, p. 409-502.) CP

In this edition the author prints two letters from
David Hume to Dr. Blair [dated 19 Sept., and 6
Oct. 1763], and an extract of a letter from Bishop
Warburton to Mr. Mason [dated Jan. 12, 1762].

See also under Graham, Patrick; and

Macpherson, James. Poems.

Lamm, Alartin, 1880- . Upplysnings-
tidens romantik. Stockholm: Hugo Gebers
Forlag [1920,. 8°. NIN

See p. 394-396 for Ossian.

Lasso de la Vega, Angel, translator, 1831-
1899. See under Macpherson, James.
Poems: Spanish translation.

Lennox, pseud. Critique on Ossian's Te-
mora, showing its great resemblance to the
poems of Homer, Virgil, and Milton. (Clas-
sical journal. London. 1816-17. 8°. v. 14,
p. 269-276; v. 16, p. 344-351.) RBA

Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold, 1751-
1792. See under Macpherson, James. Indi-
vidual Poems: Fingal.

Leoni, Michele. See under Smith, John.

Le Sueur, Jean Frangois, 1760-1837. Os-
sian; ou, Les bardes; opera en 5 actes, pa-
roles de Dercy et J. N. [Sic] Deschamps.
Represente pour la Ke fois a I'Academie im-
periale de musique le 10 juillet 1804. Reduit
pour piano et chant, par Th^e Salome. Edi-
tion conforme aux exemplaires et manu-
scrits de la bibliotheque du Thtre de I'Opera.
Introduction par Louis Laffon. Paris:
Theodore Michaelis [188-?]. Publ. pi. no.
T. M. 942. 15, 484 p. plate. ^ 4°. (Chefs-
d'oeuvre [classiques] de I'Opera frangais.)
* MN (Chefs)

Lindblom, Jakob Axelsson, 1746-1819.
Specimen prius historico-criticum de poe-
matis Ossianis. . .respondente Johanne
Swartz... Upsaliae: Typis Edmannianis
[1778]. 28 p. 4°. NDO


Link, Heinrich Friedrich, 1767-1851.
Ueber die Aechtheit der Ossianischen Ge-
dichte. Berlin: Buchhandlung des Berliner
Lesekabinet, 1843. 8°.

An essay in favor of the authenticity of the poems.
Mainly an answer to Drummond.

Littlejohn, Minnie, pseud, of Lachlan
Macbean. The ladies of Ossianic times.
(Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v.
1. p. 221-225.) *DA

Livingston, V/illiam, 1808-1870. Duain
Ghaelic le Uilleam Mac Dhun-leibhe. . .

With a brief sketch proving the authenticity
of Ossian's poems. Edinburgh: Maclachlan
& Stewart, 1858. 4 p.l., 191(1) p. 16°. NDO

The sketch on the authenticity of Ossian's poems
occupies p. 111-191. It is vigorous and racy if un-

p. 104-109 contain a Gaelic translation of Burns's
"John Barleycorn. A ballad."

Loebell, Johann Wilhelm. Die Entwick-
elung der deutschen Poesie von Klopstock's
erstem Auftreten bis zu Goethe's Tode.
Braunschweig, 1856. 8°.

V. 1, p. 122ff: The poems of Ossian. p. 272-311:
Die ossiansche Frage.

Discusses the strife over the genuineness of the
poems and their reception and fate in Germany, p.
311-319, Bardic poetry.

Loesch, E. Ueber den galischen Dichter
Ossian. (Literarischer Verein in Niirnberg.
Album fiir 1854. Niirnberg, 1854, p. 98-

A popular essay with numerous quotations, p. 128-
129: An die Morgensonne. p. 129-130: An den Mond.
p. 130: An den Abendstern. The translations are by

Lombard, Jean Guillaume, d. 1812. Essai
d'une traduction d'Ossian en vers frangais.
Berhn: Rottmann, 1789. 39 p. 8°.

A metrical translation of Carthon. p. 7-16: Pre-
liminary essay.

Ludwig, J. F. See under Macpherson,
James. Individual Poems: Comala.

M., F. See under Two.

M'Arthur, John, 1755-1840. Supplemental
observations on the authenticity of Ossian's
poems. (In: James Macpherson, Poems of
Ossian. London, 1807. 4°. v. 3, p. 361-485.)


See also under Cesarotti, Melchior.

Macbain, Alexander, 1855-1907. The
heroic and Ossianic literature. (Gaelic So-
cietv of Inverness. Transactions. Inver-
ness, 1886. 8°. V. 12, p. 180-211.) NDO

Macpherson's Ossian. (Celtic mag-
azine. Inverness, 1887. 8°. v. 12, p. 145-
154. 193-201, 240-254.) * DA

The best presentation of the controversy.

Who were the Feinn? "Did Fingal

live or Ossian sing?" (Gaelic Society of
Glasgow. Transactions. Glasgow [1894].
12°. V. 2, p. 67-106.) NDO

"Fingal lived and Ossian sang only in the heart
and imagination of the Gaelic rape, to embody their
ideal of all that is noble and heroic."

Macbean, Lachlan, b. 1853. Songs of the
Gael. Stirling: Eneas Mackay [1920]. 32 p.
8°. *M0

In original covers.

Songs no. 3 (Leabaidh Ghuill — The bed of Gaul),
8 (Laoidh Oisein do'n ghrian — Ossian's hymn to
the sun), 20 (Oisean is Malmhine — Ossian and
Malvina), are from Macpherson.

Gaelic and English words with tunes (staff and
tonic sol-fa notation).

See also under Littlejohn, Minnie;

and Macpherson, James.



Ossiauic Controversy, continued.

Mac Dhun-leibhe, Uilleam. See under
Livingston, William.

MacDonald, Alastair. The Ossianic bal-
lads. (Celtic monthly. Glasgow, 1902. sq.
8°. V. 10, p. 34-36.) NDO

Macdonald, Alexander, 1755-1837. See
under Macpherson, James. Individual
Poems: Fingal.

M'Donald, Archibald, 1736-1814. Some of
Ossian's lesser poems, rendered into verse;
with a preliminary discourse, in answer to
Mr. Laing's critical and historical disserta-
tion on the antiquity of Ossian's poems.
Liverpool: Printed by J. M'Creery, 1805.
2 p.l., 284 p. 8°. NDO

Slip of errata inserted opp. p. 284.

The poems translated are: Calthon and Colmal.
Oina-Morul. Dar-thula. Croma. Berrathon.

"Good printing and fine paper wasted upon one
of the most worthless books we ever perused. The
only passage deserving notice in it will be quoted
in our reviewal of the controversy." — Annual re-
view, V. 4, p. 620.

Macdonald, Donald, pseud? Three beau-
tiful and important passages omitted by the
translator of Fingal, restored by Donald
Macdonald. London, 1761. 4°.

A burlesque of the work.

Macdonald, James. Ueber Ossian und
den Karakter der schottischen Hochlander.
(Der Neue teutsche Merkur. Weimar, 1798.
8°. 1798, part 2, p. 346-358.) * DF

Pages 343-346 contain introduction by K. A. Bot-

In the same volume, p. 178-179, there is a letter
from Macdonald to the editor in reference to the
forthcoming edition of the Gaelic originals of Ossian.

Macdonald, Keith Norman Macalister,
1834-1913. The Ossianic poems. (Celtic
monthly. Glasgow, 1904. sq. 8°. v. 12,
p. 117, 159-160.) NDO

Reply to Mr. G. Murray Campbell.

In defence of Ossian. Being a sum-
mary of the evidence in favour of the au-
thenticity of the poems. Reprinted from
the Oban Times. 1906. 2 p.l., IZ, iv p., 1 pi.
(front.) sq. 8°. NDO

The reasons why I believe in the

Ossianic poems. (Celtic monthly. Glasgow,
1904-05. sq. 8°. V. 12, p. 7-8, 27-29, 47^9,
76-78, 98-99,104-105, 128-129, 156-158, 168-
169, 187-188, 218-220, 234-236; v. 13, p. 16-
18, 35-36, 58-60, 72-73, 95-96, 102-104, 133-
134, 154-155, 199-200, 204-206, 227-229.)


Macgregor, Patrick, c. 1816-1882. Charac-
ter of Ossian's poems. (Celtic magazine.
Inverness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 85-91.) * DA

Character of the published text of

Ossian's poems. (Celtic magazine. Inver-
ness, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 258-264.) * DA

See also under Macpherson, James.


Mackenzie, Henry, 1745-1831. See under
Highland Society of Scotland.

Mackinnon, Donald, 1839-1914. A collec-
tion of Ossianic ballads by Jerome Stone.
(Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions.
Inverness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 314-369.)


Maclauchlan, Thomas, 1816-1886. See
under Macpherson, James. Poems. Gaelic

Maclean, Hector, 1818-1893. The Ossi-
anic controversy. (Celtic magazine. Inver-
ness, 1876-77. 8°. V. 1, p. 343-347, 372-
375; V. 2, p. 34-36.) * DA

Maclean, Magnus. Macpherson and his
Ossian. (In his: The literature of the High-
lands. Glasgow, 1904. 8°. p. 69-90.)


Macleod, Kenneth, b. 1872. Oisean an
deigh na Feinne. (Celtic review. Edin-
burgh, 1904. 8°. V. 1, p. 172-174.) NDK

Gaelic and English. "Ossian after the Feinne."

M'Naughton, Peter, 1814-1889. The au-
thenticity of the poems of Ossian: a lecture.
Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1861.
32 p. 8°. * C p.v. 366

"I have examined the poems in every possible
light, with a view to eliminate the truth regarding
them, whatever it might be, but the more I searched
for proofs of their spuriousness, the more was I
confronted with evidences to the contrary, which
cannot be overturned. The only imposture I can find.
is that which has been perpetrated by Johnson ana
others, in making the English public disbelieve in their

The Ossianic controversy. Re-
printed from "Perthshire Advertiser."
Perth: The Perth Printing Company, W.
Belford, printer, 1862. 24 p. 16°. * C p.v. 684

"We can afford to wait in patience, confident that
the day is not distant, when Ossian's claims to recog-
nition and admiration, as one of the great poets
of the world, will be firmly and irreversibly estab-

See under Macpherson, James.


MacNeill, Archibald, 1803-1870. Notes
on the authenticity of Ossian's poems. By
a member of the Society of Antiquaries of
Scotland fArchibald MacNeill). [Edin-
burgh:, Printed for the author, 1868. 2 p.l.,
76 p. 8°. NDO

Macneil, Nigel. Macpherson's Ossian.
(In his: The literature of the Highlands.
London: Lamley & Co., 1898. 12°. p. 185-
206.) NDO

Macnish, Neil. The authenticity of the
poems of Ossian. (Canadian journal of sci-
ence, literature, and history. Toronto, 1873.
8°. new series, v. 13, p. 392-402.) * EC

The author believes in the authenticity of the



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

Macpherson, Alexander, 1839-1902. James
Macpherson, the translator of Ossian's
poems, and testimonies as to their authen-
ticity. 1 facsim., 1 pi., 1 port. (In his:
Glimpses of church and social life in the
Highlands in olden times. Edinburgh, 1893.
4°. p. 253-282.) CP

Macpherson's early life. His literary and public
career. Glimpses of his life in Badenoch. Macpher-
son's death — estimates of his character. Testimonies
as to the authenticity of Ossian's poems.

Macpherson, James. See under Gidney,
Lewis; and under Graham, Patrick.

M'Pherson, John, 1837-1911. Ossianic
controversy: a lecture delivered to the
Greenock Highland Society. Greenock: A.
Mackenzie & Co., 1873. 15 p. 8°.

NCE p.v. 31

Defends the authenticity of the poems.

Magnusen, Finn. See Magnusson, Finnur.

Magnusson, Finnur, 1781-1847. Forsog
til Forklaring over nogle Steder af Ossian,
mest vedkommende Skandinaviens Hed-
enold. 1 folded genealogical table. (Skan-
dinaviske Litteraturselskabs Skrifter. Kjo-
benhavn, 1813. 12°. Aargang 9, p. 143-386.)


An explanation of such passages in Ossian as
relate to the Scandinavian mythology.

Malmstedt, A. Ossian. (Studier i modern
sprakvetenskap. Uppsala, 1920. 8°. Bd. 7,
p. 179-213.) RAA

Mar a ghluais "Ossian" Mhic Mhuirich
foghlum na roinneorpa. (Guth na bliadhna.
Perth, 1905. 8°. Leabhar ii, p. 110-116.)


Meek, Thomas. A small tribute to the
memory of Ossian; containing an original
method of vindicating the authenticity of his
poems. By the author of the New Picture
of Edinburgh... [Thomas Meek.] Edin-
burgh: Printed by Robert Menzies, 1809.
28 p. 8°. NCE p.v. 19, no. 6

"The following small tribute to the memory of
Ossian, the celebrated Celtic bard, is merely to ascer-
tain the opinion of the public as to the merits of the
controversy; but should it have the good fortune to
be well received, it will then only constitute the
prelude of a larger work, in which the author pledges
himself, to enter more minutely into the objections
of Mr. Malcolm Laing, should that gentleman con-
descend to give the present a reply, and endeavour
to give them an ample refutation, one by one, accord-
ing to the arrangement adopted by that historian." —
Advertisement. Mr. Laing, evidently, did not con-
descend to reply.

Menken, Adah Isaacs, 1835-1868. Battle

of the stars. (After Ossian.) (In his: In-

felicia. Philadelphia, 1868. 16'. p. 40-46.)

NBY p.v. 7

Merck, Johann Heinrich, 1741-1791, edi-
tor. See Macpherson, James. Poems: 1773,

Meyer, Carl. Die Landschaft Ossians.
Jena: Druck von Bernhard Vopelius, 1906.
vii, 120 p., 1 1. 8°. NCCp.v.4

Mickle, Wilham Julius, 1735-1788. The
prophecy of Queen Emma; an ancient bal-
lad lately discovered, written by Johannes
Turgotus, prior of Durham, in the reign
of William Rufus. To which is added, by
the editor. An account of the discovery,
and hints towards a vindication of the au-
thenticity of the poems of Ossian and Row-
ley. [By W. J. Mickle.] London: Printed for
J. Bew, 1782. 40 p. 8°. NCI p.v. 63

Half-title wanting.

The references to Ossian, on p. 39-40, are very

Montengon, Pedro, 1745-1821. See under
Macpherson, James. Individual Poems:

Moore, John Robert. Wordsworth's un-
acknowledged debt to Alacpherson's Ossian.
(Modern Language Association of Amer-
ica. PubHcations. Menasha, Wis., 1925. 8°.
V. 40, p. 362-378.) RAA

"Although Wordsworth professed contempt for
Macpherson's 'translation' as a worthless forgery, it
can be shown that he was familiar with the subject-
matter, the spirit, and, in places, with the exact
phraseology of Ossian; that he borrowed an Ossianic
word or two when he needed it; that many of his
poems deal with themes relating to the Ossianic
poems, or present images or lines to which parallels
may be found in Ossian: and that in his passionate
love of the mountain wilderness he came very near
the spirit of the blind bard of Selma."

Moulton, Richard Green, b. 1849. Ossian.
(In his: World literature... New York.
1911. 8°. p. 318-325.) *R-NAB

Muench, Ernst Hermann Joseph, 1798-
1841. Vier weibliche Charakterschilderun-
gen. IV. Malvina. (Minerva. Taschenbuch
ftir das Jahr 1828. Leipzig, 1828. 24°. p.
375-386.) NFA

Mynster, Frederik Ludvig, 1811-1885.
Lidt Mere om Ossians Digte. En Afhand-
ling. Kj0benhavn: Andr. Fred. Hjzist &
S0ns Forlag, 1878. 26 p. sq. 16°.

NCE p.v. 29

Cover title.

See also under Macpherson, James.

Poems: Danish translation.

Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord, 1800-1876.
On the Ossianic controversy. (Archaeolog-
ical journal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 14, p. 25-
37.) CA

Neumann, Karl Georg, 1772 (?1774)-
1850. See under Macpherson, James.
Poems. German translation.

Nicolai, A. F. t)ber Ossian. (Archiv fiir
das Studium der neueren Sprachen. Braun-
schweig, 1877. 8°. Bd. 58, p. 129-158.)


"An essay upon the era, home, and family of
Ossian, his poems and his language, with an account
of the Ossianic_ controversy and a history of the
editions, translations, and imitations of Ossian."



Ossianic Contioversy. continued.

O'Carroll, John James. The Ossianic
poems. (The Gaelic journal. Dublin, 1882-
84. 8°. V. 1, p. 7-11, 39-41, 69-74, 109-
162-165. 178-181, 202-205, 226; v. 2, p. 2-3,
71-73, 118-122.) RPA

The fourth instalment lacking in New York Public
Library file. The earlier articles have several ref-
erences to Macpherson.

O'Conor, Charles, 1710-1791. A disser-
tation on the first migrations, and final set-
tlement of the Scots in North-Britain; with
occasional observations on the poems of
Fingal and Temora. Dublin: George Faulk-
ner. 1766. 65 p. 8°. CS

Observations on Mr. Macpherson's dissertation and
notes on the poems, entitled, Fingal and Temora,
p. 22-34.

O'Reilly, Edward, d. 1829. Essay "to in-
vestigate the authenticity of the poems of
Ossian. both as given in Macpherson's
translation, and as published in Gaelic in
1807, under the sanction of the Highland
Society of London; and, on the supposition
of such poems not being of recent origin,
to assign the probable era and country of
the original poet or poets." (Royal Irish
Academy. Transactions. Dublin, 1830. 4°.
V. 16, part 2. p. 163-336.) * EC

Contents: (1) State of the question. (2) Exam-
ination of the dissertations of Mr. Macpherson and
Doctor Blair prefixed to Ossian's poems. (3) Exam-
ination of the internal evidence, furnished by the
poems of their own authenticity. (4) Examination
of the evidences produced by the committee of the
Highland Society of Scotland for the authenticity of
the poems, in which are introduced some comparisons
between Scotch and Irish poems in the Gaelic lang-
uage. (5) Examination of the arguments contained
in Sir John Sinclair's dissertation on the poems of
Ossian, prefixed to the first volume of "The poems
of Ossian in the original Gaelic." (6) Observations
on the Abbe Cesarotti's dissertation on Ossian.. (7)
Observations on the "Supplemental observations on
the poems of Ossian, by John M'Arthur, ll.d.," pub-
lished in the third volume of "The pnems of Ossian
in the original Gaelic." (8) Examination of the
"Internal proofs" of the authenticity of "The poems
of Ossian in the original Gaelic," with a comparison
between extracts from that work and some ancient
Irish poems. (9) Summary and conclusion of this

An Original collection of the poems of
Ossian, Orrann, Ulin, and other bards, who
flourished in the same age. Collected and
edited by Hugh and John M'Callum. Mon-
trose: Printed at the Review newspaper
office, for the editors, bv James Watt, 1816.
xci p., 1 1., (1)96-241 p., 1 1., 59 p. 8°. NDO

Contents: Preface, p. vlxxxi; Description of
Staff a, p. Ixxxiilxxxvii; To the reader, p. Ixxxix-
xci. Comh-chrunneachadh taghta de shaothair Oisian,
Orrann, Ullinn, agus baird eile bha ann ri an linn,
p. 93-222. Copy of a letter from the learned and
accomplished Ewen M'Lachlan, Esq. Rector of the
Grammar School, Old Aberdeen, to one of the editors,
with his permission to publish the .same, p. 223-224.
Ainmean nan daoine bho n' d'fhuair na H'ughdair,
na danaibh a tha air an cuir sios san obairso, p. 225-
228. The life of St. Columba, p. 239-241. Contents,
p. 243. Errata, p. 244. Subscribers' names, p. 1-S9.

"The printer does not appear to have had a very
extensive assortment of types, and where one size

failed, he has substituted another, apparently without
much thought, as a very little arrangement would
have obviated the defect." — Reid, Bibliotheca Scoto-
Celtica, p. 77.

Ossian. (Cyclopaedia; or, Universal dic-
tionary of arts, sciences, and literature, by
Abraham Rees. London, 1819. 4°. v. 25.)


A nine paee article. In the third volume of plates,
music, pi. 45, is given the music to the Hymn of
Ossian in Temora. The author of the article states
that when at Hamburgh he mentioned, in the com-
pany of Klopstock, "the being in possession of the
following melodies, which we wrote down for the first
time perhaps that they were ever received on paper,
he most earnestly intreated us to favour him \yith
transcripts of these airs, which we readily promised
to do: but, to our great regret, we were never able
to find them till two or three months after his de-
cease. We therefore now give them a place on our
plates, not only as curiosities, but to appease the
manes of the sublime Klopstock."

Ossian. (Yale literary magazine. New
Haven, 1851. 8°. v. 16, p. 139-142.) STG

Ossian. (Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ed-
inburgh, 1797. 4°. 3. ed., v. 12, p. 524-532.)


Ossian. (Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ed-
inburgh, 1815. 4°. 5. ed., v. IS, p. 574-583.)


Merely a reprint of the article in the third edition.
See also the separate article on "Fingal" in v. 8,
p. 630-631.

The Ossian controversy stated. (London
magazine. London, 1782. 8°. v. 51, p. 511-
512.) *DA

A criticism, mainly, of Clark's Answer to Shaw.

Ossian redivivus. (The Times. October

14, 1869. London, 1869.) *A

A three column article.

A very fair resume of the objections to the authen-
ticity of the poems. Query, by John Francis Camp-

Ossian's poems. (Penny cyclopaedia.
London, 1840. 4°. v. 17, p. 50-53.) * AL

An Ossianic fragment. (Celtic monthly.
Glasgow, 1905. sq. 8°. v. 13, p. 234.) NDO

Taken from the recitation of an old man in Kin
tail, who died c. 1875. Gaelic text and English trans-

Oswald. Ueber Ossian. (Archiv fiir das
Studium der neueren Sprachen und Littera-
turen. Braunschweig, 1857. 8°. Bd. 22, p.
45-80, 296-402.) RAA

1. Begriffe von Gott und gottlichen Dingen. 2.
Kriegfiihrung. 3. Gastfreundschaft. 4. Die Jagd.
5. Die Frauen. 6. Kampfe mit Fremden. 7. Fehden.
8. Fingal. 9. Ossian. 10. Gleichnisse. 11. Die Ge-

"Written from the viewpoint of a firm believer
in the authenticity of the poems."

navaYiWTTig, ITava. See under Macpher-
son, James. Individual Poems: Darthula.

Pattison, Peter Thomas, 1828-1865. Os-
sianic poetry. (In his: Selections from the
Gaelic bards, metrically translated, with
biographical prefaces and explanatory notes.
Also original poems. Glasgow: Archibald
Sinclair, 1866. 8°. p. 141-203.) NDO



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

Ossianic poetry. (In his: The Gaelic

bards and original poems. Glasgow, 1890.
12°. p. 149-200.) NDO

Petersen, Johann Wilhelm, 1758-1815.
See under Macpherson, James. Poems.

Pfaff, Christoph Heinrich, 1773-1852. See
under Young, Matthew.

Pictet, A. Les poemes ossianiques. (Bib-
liotheque universelle et revue Suisse. Lau-
sanne, 1854. 8°. serie 4, v. 27, p. 137ff.,

Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826. An inquiry
into the history of Scotland, preceding the
reign of Malcolm in. London, 1794. 2 v. 8°.


The poems of Ossian are discussed and condemned
in V. 2, p. 74-86.

The Poems of Ossian. (Spectator. Lon-
don, 1897. f°. V. 78, p. 273-274.) * DA

Priolo, Paolo. Illustrations from Ossian's
poems. By P. Priolo. The arguments col-
lected by J. Murdock... London, 1873. f.

Raspe, Rudolf Erich, 1737-1794. Nach-
richt von den Gedichten des Ossian, eines
alten schottischen Barden; nebst einigen
Anmerkungen iiber das Alterthum dersel-
ben. [By R. E. Raspe.i (Hannoverisches
Magazin. Hannover, 1763. 4°. 1763, col.
1457-1470.) *DA

Retzer, Joseph Friedrich, Freiherr von,
1754-1824. See under Denis, Johann Nepo-
muk Cosmas Michael. Nachlese.

Rhode, Johann Gottlieb, 1762-1827, trans-
lator. See under Macpherson, James.
Poems. German translation.

Richardson, William, 1743-1814. The
origin of superstition, illustrated in the
mythology of the poems of Ossian. (In:
Patrick Graham, Essay on the authenticity
of the poems of Ossian. Edinburgh, 1807.
8°. p. 411-452.) NDO

Robertson, James Logic, 1846-1922. See
under Stern, Ludwig Christian.

Robinson, Therese Albertine Luise von
Jakob, 1797-1870. Die Unachtheit der
Lieder Ossians und des Macphersonischen
Ossians insbesondere. Von Talvj [pseud.]
Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1840. 2 p.l., 122 p.
8°. NDO

Gives arguments against the authenticity of Mac-
pherson's Ossian.

Reviewed in Maqmin fiir die Literatur des Aus-
laiides, 1840, p. 528.

Roger, James Cruikshank, 1820-1899.
Celtic mss. in relation to the MacPherson
fraud; with a review of Professor Freeman's
criticism of "The Viking age;" by the author
of "Celticism a myth" [J. C. Rogerj. Lon-
don: E. W. Allen, 1890. iv, 56 pp. 8°.

*C p.v.371

Rosen, Gustaf, 1772-1835. Comparatio
Homeri et Ossiani. Upsaliae, 1792-95. 3
parts. 4°.

Ross, Thomas. See under Macpherson,
James. Individual Poems: Fingal.

Rutten. Ossiaan en zijne Gedichten.
Gent, 1888. 32 p. 8°.

Saint-Michel, Alexis, 1795-1827. La guerre
de Thura, poeme imite d'Ossian. [Paris,
1813., 16 p. 8°.

Saunders, Bailey. The life and letters of
James Macpherson, containing a particular
account of his famous quarrel with Dr.
Johnson, and a sketch of the origin and in-
fluence of the Ossianic poems. London:
Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. xi, 327 p..
1 port, (front.) 2. ed. 8°. AN

The frontispiece is a portrait of Macpherson from
the original by Romney now at Belleville House,

"Mr. Saunders has no real appreciation of the
points at issue in the Ossianic controversy and is
much too favourable to Macpherson." — Alfred Nutt,
Ossian and the Ossianic literature, p. 54.

Reviewed in the Spectator, v. 73, p. 50-51, London,

Schmidt, Clamor Eberhard Karl, 1746-
1824. See under Macpherson, James. Se-

Schnabel, Bruno. Ossian in der schonen
Litteratur Englands bis 1832. Ein Beitrag
zur englischen Litteraturgeschichte. Erster
Theil. [Altenburg: Stephan Ceibel & Co.,]
1896. 32 p. 8°. NDO

Dissertation, Munich.

Published complete in Englische Studien.

Ossian in der schonen Litteratur.

Alit Ausschluss der sogenannten "englisch-
en Romantiker." (Englische Studien.
Leipzig, 1897. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 31-70, 366-
401.) RNA

Scholz, Gustav. See under Macpherson,
James. Individual Poems: Berrathon.

Schubart, Ludwig. See under Macpher-
son, James. Poems: German translation.

Schundenius, Carolus Henricus. See un-
der Dzondi, Karl Heinrich.

Scott, Charles. Ossian. (Dublin Univer-
sitv magazine. Dublin, 1873. 8°. v. 82, p.
328-336.) * DA

"I submit that it is not possible for the above
correspondence between the sense and the supposed
ronnform to have been wholly accidental, and the
inevitable conclusion is, that Macpherson must have
either translated ranns or composed in that form."

Scott, Sir Walter, 1771-1832. Report of
the Highland Society upon Ossian, etc.
[By Sir Walter Scott.] (Edinburgh review.
London, 1805. 8°. v. 6, p. 429-462.) * DA

Sears, Edward I., 1819-1876. See under



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

SewaU, Jonathan Mitchell, 1748-1808.
Miscellaneous poems, with several speci-
mens from the author's manuscript version
of the poems of Ossian. Portsmouth:
Printed by William Treadwell & Co., for
the author, 1801. 304 p. 8°. Reserve

On Ossian and his poems, p. S-8. Carthon; a
poem, from Ossian, p. 9-37. The songs of Selma,
from Ossian, p. 54-60. Part of Carric-Thura. A
poem from Ossian, p. 61-65. The battle of Lora:
a poem, p. 89-106. The episode of Lamderg & Geal-
chossa, from the vth book of Ossian's Fingal, p. 138-
145. Fingal, book i. An epic poem, from Ossian,
p. 179-211. Comal & Galvina. An episode. From
the II. book of Fingal, p. 252-255. Fingal; book in.
A poem. From Ossian, p. 277-304.

In his Profiles of eminent men {ibid. p. 272) the
author thus addresses Ossian:

"O Bard divine! to thee each grace was giv'n.
Self-taught, or like great Homer, taught by heav'n,
Sublimely tow'ring, soars thy lofty song,
Impassion'd, tender, nervous, bold, and strong.
Applauding bards shall deify thy lays,
Nor fail to crown thee with eternal praise."

Shackleton, John. See under Macpherson,
James. Poems.

Shairp, John Campbell, 1819-1885. Os-
sian. (Macmillan's magazine. London,
1871. 8°. V. 24, p. 113-125.) * DA

Based on Clerk's edition.

Reprinted in Littell's Living age, v. 110, p. 153-
162, Boston, 1871.

The poetry of the Scottish High-
lands. I. The Ossianic poetry. (Good
words. London, 1880. 8°. v. 21, p. 275-281.)


(In his: Aspects of poetry.

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1881. 8°. p. 256-
286.) *R-NAEC

Sharp, William, 1856-1905. See under
Macpherson, James. Poems.

Shaw, William, 1749-1831. An enquiry
into the authenticity of the poems ascribed
to Ossian. London: Printed for J. Murray,

1781. 2 p.l., 87 p. 8°. NDO
The second edition, corrected.

With a reply to Mr. Clark's Answer. Lon-
don, 1782. 8°.
Dublin: Printed by P. Byrne,

1782. 1 p.l., 172 p. 12°.

A rejoinder to an answer from Mr.

Clark on the subject of Ossian's poems.
London, 1784. 8°.

Sinclair, Allan. The authenticity of the
poems of Ossian. (Celtic magazine. Inver-
ness, 1880. 8°. v. 5, p. 311-318.) * DA

Sinclair, Sir John, 1754-1835. A disser-
tation on the authenticity of the poems of
Ossian. London, 1806. 8°.

(In: James Macpherson, Poems

of Ossian. London, 1807. 4". v. 1, p.

Prospectus of the intended publica-
tion of Ossian's poems in the original

Gaelic; with a verbal translation into Latin
by Robert Macfarlan, a.m., explaining the
circumstances which have hitherto retarded
the printing thereof. London: Printed by
W. Bulmer and Co., 1804. 16 p. 8°. NDO

Sined, pseud. See Denis, Johann Nepo-
muk Cosmas Michael.

Skjoldebrand, Erik. 1722-1814. Tal, inne-
fattande en undersokning, huruvida Ossians
Sanger kunna fortjena vare Fornforskares
uppmarksamhet, jemte en jemnforelse
emellan dessa Sanger och de gamla Skan-
dinaviska Barders Qvaden; hallet...d. 23
Maji 1797. (Kongl. Vitterhets, Historic och
Antiquitets Akademiens Handlinar. Stock-
holm, 1802. 8°. V. 7, pp. 290-381.) * EI

Smart, J. S. James Macpherson. an epi-
sode in literature. London: David Nutt,
1905. ix, 224 p. 12°. NDO

Contents: The age and the race. Rival Ossians.
Authentic tradition. The first campaign. New tales
for old ones. The controversy. Continued debate.
The Gaelic text. Appendix: The address to the sun.

Smith, Alexander, 1830-1867. A summer
in Skve. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865.
16°. ' CRB

p. 156-165: Macpherson's "Ossian;" Extracts from
Carrick-Thura, p. 414-416; Extracts from Fingal,
p. 416-423.

Smith, John. 1747-1807. Galic antiquities:
consisting of a history of the Druids, par-
ticularly of those of Caledonia; a disser-
tation on the authenticity of the poems of
Ossian; and a collection of ancient poems,
translated from the Galic of Ullin, Ossian,
Orran, &c... Edinburgh: Printed for T.
Cadell, London; and C. Elliot, Edinburgh,
1780. viii, 352 p. 4°. tNDO

The poems translated in this collection are: Dargo
(i-ii). Gaul. Duthona. Dermid. Finan and Lorma.
Cathluina. Cathula. Manos. Trathal. Dargo, the
son of Druivel. Cuthon. The fall of Tura. Cath-
lava. The death of Artho.

Gallische Alterthiimer oder eine

Sammlung alter Gedichte aus dem Gal-
lischen des Ullin, Ossian, Orran, u.s.w. von
John Smith ins Englandische und aus diesem
ins Deutsche ubersetzt, benebst einer Ge-
schichte der Druiden hauptsachlich der
Caledonischen und einer Abhandlung iiber
die Aechtheit der Ossianischen Gedichte.
Leipzig, 1781. 2 v.

Translated by Christian Felix VVeisse.

Sean dana; le Oisean, Orran, Ulann,

&c. Ancient poems of Ossian, Orran, Ullin,
&c.. collected in the Western Highlands
and Isles; being the originals of the trans-
lations some time ago published in the
Gaelic Antiquities. By John Smith. . . Edin-
burgh: Printed for Charles Elliot. .. 1787.
vi p.. 1 1., 348 p. 8°. NDO

Dan an Deirg (a cheud chuid, an dara cuid).
Tiomna Ghuill. Dan na Du-thuinn. Diarmad. Dan
Clainne Mhuirne. CathLuine. Cathula. Cath Mhan



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

uis. Trathuil. Dearg Mac Drui'bheil. Conn Mac an
Deirg. Losga Taura (no Teamhra). Cath-Lamha.
Bas Airt.

"Popular poetry unmercifully cooked by a good
scholar and very clever man." — Times, October 14,

Nuovi canti di Ossian, pubblicati in

Inglese da Giovanni Smith, e recati in Ital-
iano da Michele Leoni. Firenze, 1813. 8°.

Snyder, Edward D. The Celtic revival
in English literature, 1760-1800. Cam-
bridge: Harvard University Press, 1923.
vi p., 3 1., 208 p., 3 pi., 2 ports. 12°. NCB

James Macpherson, p. 69-92.

Solito, Caetano. Fingal. Drama lyrico em
3 actos. Musica do Maestro Pedro Antonio
Coppola. Poesia de Caetano Solito. Lis-
boa: Typographia de Costa Sanches, 1864.
63 p., 1 port. 12°. NQM p.v. 38

The portrait is that of Pietro Mongini, who as-
sumed the role of Fingal.

Spence, David. Ossianic poetry. (Canad-
ian Institute. Transactions. Toronto, 1891.
8°. v. 1, p. 216-226.) *EC

The Staff of Gisbal; an hyperborean song,
translated from the fragments of Ossian,
the son of Fingal. By a young lady. Lon-
don [1762]. s. sh. fol.

A satire on John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute.

Stenberg, Sten Johan, b. 1818. Ossian
och bans Sanger. Academisk afhandling. . .
Upsala: Wahlstrom & Lastbom, 1842. 16 p.
8°. ZAEp.v. 123

With bibliographical footnotes.

Stern, Ludwig Christian, 1846-1911. Die
ossianische Heldenlieder. (Zeitschrift fiir
vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte. Wei-
mar, 1895. 8°. Neue Folge, Bd. 8, p. 51-86,
143-174.) NAA

An exhaustive discussion of the Ossianic question.

Ossianic heroic poetry. (Gaelic So-
ciety of Inverness. Transactions. Inver-
ness, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 257-325.) NDO

Translation of the preceding by J. L. Robertson.

Stewart, Charles. Abstract of Ossian's
Covalla. (Celtic monthly. Glasgow, 1894.
8°. v. 2, p. 97-98, 120-121, 181.) NDO

Date of Fingal and Ossian. (Celtic

monthly. Glasgow, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 171-
172.) NDO

Stolberg, Friedrich Leopold, Graf zu,
1750-1819. See under Macpherson, James.
Poems. German translation.

Stone, Jerome, 1727-1756. A collection of
Ossianic ballads by Jerome Stone. [Edited
with introduction by Donald Mackinnon.]
(Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions.
Inverness, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 314-369.)


p. 314-319 are Professor Mackinnon's introductory

Stuart-Glennie, James Stuart. Macpher-
son, Burns, and Scott in their relation to
the modern revolution. (Eraser's magazine.
London, 1880. 8°. new series, v. 21, p. 516-
531.) *DA

Stuhr, Peter Feddersen, 1787-1851. Mac-
pherson's Ossian. (Allgemeine Zeitschrift
fiir Geschichte. BerHn, 1846. 8°. v. 5, p.
172-179.) BAA

Sulzer, Johann Georg, 1720-1779. Ossian.
(In his: Allgemeine Theorie der schonen
Kiinste. Franckfurt und Leipzig, 1798. 8°.
3. ed. V. 3, p. 687-701.) MAB

A Tale. — From Ossian. (Anthologia Hi-
bernica. Dublin, 1793. 8°. v. 1, p. 463-464.)


Signed: M.

Tedeschi, Adrienne. Ossian, "I'Homere
du Nord," en France. Milan: Tipografia
Sociale, 1911. 2 p.l., 124 p. 8°. NDO

In original covers.

Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862. Hom-
er, Ossian, Chaucer. (The Dial. Boston.
1844. 8°. V. 4, p. 290-303.) Reserve

"Extracts from a lecture on poetry, read before
the Concord Lyceum, November 29, 1843." Ossian
occupies p. 293-296.

Thorild, Thomas, 1759-1808. Ossian. (In
his: Samlade skrifter. Upsala: Palmblad
& Comp., 1819. 8°. Forsta Delen, p. 102-
103.) NIQ

Todd, George Eyre, 1862- . See under
Macpherson, James. Poems. London, 1888.

Tombo, Rudolf, the younger, 1875-1914.
Ossian in Germany. Bibliography, general
survey, Ossian's influence upon Klopstock
and the bards. New York: Columbia Uni-
versity Press, 1901. 3 p.l., 157 p. 8°. (Co-
lumbia University Germanic studies, v. 1,
no. 2.) NFCA

Tovey, Duncan Crookes. Ossian and his
maker. (In his: Reviews and essays in
English literature. London: G. Bell & Sons,
1897. 8°. p. 138-155.) NCZ

Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, baron de
I'Aulne, 1727-1781. Lettre de M. Turgot
aux auteurs du journal etranger sur les
poesies erses. (In his: OEuvres. Paris,
1810. 8°. v. 9, p. 141-151.) NKE

Contains his translation of two poems: Connal et
Crimora, p. 147-148; Ryno et Alpin, p. 149-151.

(In his: CEuvres. Avec bio-
graphic et notes par Gustave Schelle. Paris,
1913. 8°. V. 1, p. 624-627.) NKE

The two poems are omitted in this edition as being
"sans interet."

Turgotus, Johannes.
William Julius.

See under Mickle,

Two fragments of antient poetry collected
I the Highlands of Scotland, and trans-



Ossia)iic Controversy, continued.

lated from the Gallic or Erse language.
(Gentleman's magazine. London, 1760. 8°.
V. 30, p. 287-288.) * DA

Two other fragments are printed, without title,
on p. 407-409. See also the note signed "Caledonius,"
on p. 421, defending their authenticity.

The first two fragments were translated into Eng-
lish verse by F. M. on p. 335-336. In a preliminary
note the translator says: "The two pieces in your
last, called Fragments of Scots poetry, translated
from the Erse, pleased me so well, though I believe
them to be modern compositions, that I made it the
amusement of two mornings to put them into measure;
if something is lost, perhaps something may also be
gained." These two fragments were also translated
into German and published in the Brcmisches Magazin
riir Ausbreittuig der JFissenscliaften, v. 5, p. 448-452,
Bremen, 1762.

Ueber die Aechtheit der ersischen Ge-
sange und besonders der Lieder Ossian's.
(Der Neue Teutsche Merkur. Weimar,
1802. 8°. V. 3, p. 153-156.) * DF

A letter from a correspondent in Edinburgh, dated
September 13. 1802, giving additional proofs of the
authenticity of the poems, based upon Gaelic manu-
scripts in the possession of Major MacLachlan.

Ueber die Aechtheit Ossians. (Deutsches
Museum. Leipzig, 1783. 8°. v. 1, p. 185-
187.) *DF

A letter from a correspondent, dated Oldenburg,
2 Jan. 1783, with reference to an article entitled,
"The Ossian controversy stated," London magazine,
Nov., 1782.

Van Tieghem, Paul, 1871- . Napoleon
ler et Ossian. (Revue des etudes napoleon-
iennes. Paris, 1918. 8°. v. 13, p. 44-64.)


Ossian en France. (French quar-
terly. Manchester, 1919. 8°. v. 1, p. 78-
87.) * DA

Ossian en France. Paris: F. Rieder

& Cie., 1917. 2 y. 8°. (Bibliotheque de lit-
terature comparee.) NDO

Contents: v. 1: Avant-propos. Introduction. Livre
premier: La revelation (1760-1776). Ch. i: Le
Journal etranger, Turgot, les premieres poesies erses
et le "style oriental" (1760). ch. ii: Nouveaux frag-
ments et petits poemes; Suard et Diderot; la "poesie
de nature" (1761-1762). ch. iii: Premieres pole-
miques et derniers fragments (1762-1765). ch. iv:
Ossian et le milieu poetique frangais (1760-1775).
Ch. v: Critiques et_ rheteurs (1763-1777). Ch. vi:
Les "Contes et poesies erses" et le "Temora" de
Saint-Simon (1772-1774). Ch. vii: "Werther" et
Ossian (1774-1893). Livre second: La diffusion
(1777-1779). Ch. i: L'Ossian de Le Tourneur (1777).
Ch. ii: Developjiement de I'ossianisme apres Le
Tourneur. Premieres traductions en vers. Premieres
poesies ossianiques (1777-1789). Ch. iii: Ossian
pendant la periode revolutionnaire (1789-1799). Ch.
iv: L'Ossian de Hill (1795).

V. 2: Livre troisieme: L'apogee (1800-1815). Ch.
i: Napoleon ler et la mode ossianique. Ch. ii : L'Os-
sian de BaourLormian (1801). Ch. iii: Traductions
diverses, imitations et romances. Ch. iv: Ossian au
theatre (1796-1817). Ch. v: La peinture ossianique
(1801-1817). Ch. vi: Solitaires et reveurs. Ch. vii:
Chateaubriand. Ch. viii: Mme. de Stael, Ossian et
les "litteratures du Nord." Ch. ix: Ossian devant la
critique. Resistances et limites. Livre quatrieme:
Ossianisme et romantisme (1815-1835). Ch. i: Les
dernieres traductions en vers (1813-1835). Ch. ii:
La poesie caledonienne et scandinave sous la res-
tauration (1814-1830). Ch. iii: Lamartine. Ch. iv:
La generation des romantiques (1816-1835). Ch. v:
La critique ossianique et le mouvement romantique

(1815-1830). Livre cinquieme: Le declin (apres
1835). Ch. i: Les dernieres traductions en prose
(1842). Ch. ii: Les voyages au pays d'Ossian (1810-
1912). Ch. iii: Derniers echos poetiques. Ch. iv:
Jugements retrospectifs sur Ossian et I'ossianisme.
Conclusion. Bibliographic. Index alphabetique. Table
des matieres.

"The monumental tomes on Ossian en Fr^ance are
among the most important contributions to recent
French scholarship." — Modern language notes, v.
33, p. 357. Reviewed in Modern philoloov, v. 16, p.
103-112 (by Prof. Tom Peete Cross); Revue celtique.
V. 37, p. 251-259 (by J. Vendryes), Paris, 1919.
Athenaeum, nuova serie, v. 2, p. 289-294 (by Fran-
cesco Viglione), Pavia, 1924.

Ossian et I'ossianisme au xviii*

siecle. (In his: Le preromantisme: etudes
d'histoire litteraire europeenne. Paris: F.
Dieder et Cie., 1924. 12°. p. 195-287.)


1. Les poemes ossianiques. 2. Le succes. 3. Les
traductions. 4. Les imitations. 5. Influence d'Ossian
sur les idees historiques et morales. 6. Influence
d'Ossian sur les idees litteraires. 7. Influence d'Os-
sian sur I'expression des sentiments.

Ossian et I'ossianisme dans la lit-

terature europeenne au xvnie siecle. Gron-
ingen, Den Haag: J. B. Wolters, 1920. 2
p.l., 60 p. 8°. (Neophilologiese Bibliotheek.
no. 4.)

Reprinted in his: Le preromantisme, etudes d'his-
toire litteraire europeenne, Paris, 1924.

Velde, Karl Franz van der, 1779-1824.
See under Macpherson, James. Individual
Poems: Darthula.

Velthusen, Johann Kaspar, 1759-1814.
Merklicher Einfluss portugiesischer und
spanischer Juden, Chaldaer und Hebraer, in
Begleitung phonizischer Seefahrer, auf den
Anbau Niberniens und des langen Strichs
der schottischen Matroseninseln, auf die
feinere Bildung des Barden Ossian, und auf
die alteste, urspriinglich sehr fromme, acht-
Schottische Freimaurerey. Leipzig: bey
Siegfried Lebrecht Crusius, 1807. xiv, 452
p. 16°. *PYD

Viglione, Francesco. Un libro francese su
rOssian. (Athenaeum. Pavia, 1924. 8°.
nuova serie, v. 2, p. 289-294.) NAA

On Van Tieghem's Ossian en France.

Vincens, Cecile, 1840-1908. Hors de
France. Les poesies d'Ossian. [By Arvede
Barine, pseud.] (Journal des debats, Paris,
13 and 27 November, 1894.) *A

Based on Saunders, The life and letters of James

VioIlet-le-Duc, Emmanuel Louis Nicolas,
1781-1857. Chant ossianique, sur la mort
des dues d'Istrie et de Frioul. (Mercure de
France. Paris, 1813. 8°. v. 56, p. 97-100.)


Waag, E. Ossian und die Fingal-Sage.
(Mannheim. Lyceum. Program. . .fur die
offentlichen Priifungen. . . 1863. Beilage.
Mannheim, 1863. 8°.)



Ossianic Controversy, continued.

Wachsmuth, Karl Heinrich, b. 1760. Fin-
gal in Lochlin. Ein Schauspiel in fiinf Auf-
ziigen. Nach Ossian. Dessau, 1782.

A dramatization in prose with several lyric passages
in verse, based on Macpherson's Fingal, Cath-Loda,
and Carric-Thura.

Inamorulla, oder Ossians Gross-

muth. Ein Schauspiel in funf Aufziigen.
Nach Ossian. Dessau, 1783.

A prose drama with occasional lyric passages, based
upon Macpherson's Croma and Oina-Morul.

Reprinted in v. 272 of the Deutsche Scliaubuhne,
Wien, and in v. 46 of the Theatralische Sammltmg,
Wien, 1793.

Waddell, Peter Hately, 1817-1891. On
the authenticity of Ossian. (Gaelic Society
of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness,
1878. 8°. V. 6, pp. 63-87.) NDO

The faith of Ossian. (Celtic maga-
zine. Inverness, 1876. 8°. v. 1, p. 227-230.)


Ossian and the Clyde, Fingal in Ire-
land, Oscar in Iceland; or Ossian historical
and authentic. Glasgow: James Maclehose,
1875. 1 p.l., 360. Ixv(i) p., 1 1., 2 pi. illus. 4°.


Part 1. Ossian and the Clyde. Arran and the

Part 2. Geographical, traditional, and antiquarian.

Part 3. Fingal in Ireland. The Scots in Ireland.

Part 4. Fingal in Scotland. Stirlingshire and land
of the strangers.

Part 5. Critical and statistical: with two romances,
and Oscar in Iceland.


Reviewed in Celtic magasine, v. 1, p. 157-161, In-
verness, 1876.

Ossian, Ariosto, and the Tweed.

(Celtic monthly. Inverness, 1882. 8°. v. 7,
p. 131-134.) *DA

The Ossianic controversy. (Celtic

magazine. Inverness, 1876-77. 8°. v. 1. p.
347-350, 375-378; v. 2, p. 32-34.) * DA

The state of the Ossianic contro-
versy. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1876.
8°. V. 1, p. 35-39, 67-71, 99-105.) * DA

Warner, Ferdinando. 1703-1768. Re-
marks on the history of Fingal, and other
poems of Ossian: translated by Mr. Mac-
pherson. In a letter to the Right Honour-
able the Lord L — . London: Printed for
H. Payne, W. Cropley, and J. Walter, 1762.
32 p. 8°. NCEp.v.38

His thesis is that Ossian's poetry as well as his
heroes are of Irish origin. "I must beg leave to be of
opinion, that the Irish antiquities here recited are
authentic; that all the famous champions, Cuchullin,
Fingal, Ossian, Oscar, &c., were absolutely Irish
heroes; and that it is extremely probable — tho' I
suspend my judgment upon that article — that all
the poems in their original composition, were fables
finely imagined and inimitably executed by an old
Irish Bard." — p. 31-32.

Weigang. Lewis' Monk und Ossian in
ihrem Verhaltnisse zu Lord Byron. Zurich,
1905. 8°.

Weitnauer, Karl. Ossian in der italien-
ischen Litteratur bis etwa 1832, vorwiegend
bei Monti. (Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende
Litteraturgeschichte. Berlin, 1906. 8°.
Neue Folge, Bd. 16, p. 251-322.) NAA

Einleitung. Die litterarischen Zustande Italiens
beim Erscheinen Ossians (1763). Italiener in Eng-
land. Kap. I. Aufnahme des Macpherson'schen Os-
sian in Italien. Cesarotti und seine Uebersetzung. II.
Ossian im Lichte der italienischen Litteratur und
Kritik seit dem Erscheinen von Cesarotti's Ueber-
setzung. III. Ossian's Einfluss auf Monti. Anhang.
I. Die sprachlichen Neubildungen Cesarotti's in seinem
Ossian. 2. Bibliographic der italienischen Ossianlit-
teratur. Benutzte Litteratur.

Jena-Ziegenhain: Thuringer

Verlags-Druckerei, 1905. 3 p.l., 72 p., 1 1.
8°. NCEp.v.

Wilmsen, Friedrich, 1877- . Ossians
Einfluss auf Byrons Jugendgedichte. (Zeit-
schrift fiir vergleichende Litteraturge-
schichte. Berlin, 1904. 8°. Neue Folge,
Bd. 15, p. 119-146.) NAA

1. Einflusse Ossians auf Byron 1803-1806. ii.
Ossian und Byron im Jahre 1807-1808.

Berlin: Verlag von Emil Fel-

ber, 1903. 32 p., 1 1. 8°. NCE p.v. 31


Wilson, John, 1785-1854. Have you read
Ossian? [By John Wilson.] (Blackwood's
Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1839. 8°.
V. 46, p. 693-714.) * DA

Windisch, Ernst Wilhelm Oskar, 1844-
1918. Die altirische Sage und die Ossian-
Frage. (Verhandlungen der dreiunddreis-
sigsten Versammlung Deutscher Philologen
und Schulmanner in Gera. Leipzig, 1879.
8°. p. 15-32.)

L'ancienne legende irlandaise et les

poesies ossianiques. (Revue celtique. Paris,
1881-83. 8°. V. 5, p. 70-93.) NDK

Translation by £mile Ernault of the preceding

Wodrow, John, c. 1735-1788. See under
Macpherson, James. Individual Poems:

Young, Matthew, 1750-1800. Antient
Gaelic poems respecting the race of the
Fians, collected in the Highlands of Scot-
land in the year 1784. (Royal Irish Acad-
emy. Transactions. Dublin, 1787. 4°. v. 1,
part 3, p. 43-119.) * EC

These poems bear a close resemblance to the
versions printed by John Gillies in Perth in 1786.

Neuaufgefundene Gedichte Ossians,

aus dem Englischen, mit erlauternden An-
merkungen und einer Abhandlung iiber die
Werke dieses celtischen Barden. Frankfurt
und Leipzig, 1792. 8°.

Translated by Christoph Heinrich Pfaff.

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