Tuesday, April 15, 2014

SALVATORE MARCHESI -- Giorgio Wood -- Riccardo Wagner, "L'OLANDESE DANNATO" -- Drury Lane, Londra -- 1870 -- Santley


The Athenaeum - Parte 1 - Pagina 808

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1877 - ‎Leggi - ‎Altre edizioni
It is more than thirty-four years since 'Der Fliegende Hollander' was produced in Dresden ; it is seven years since Mr. Wood brought out the Italian adaptation by Marchesi,' L'Olandese Dannato,' at Drury Lane Theatre ; and last season, Mr.
Gazzetta musicale di Milano - Pagina 100

1870 - ‎Leggi
... rivale impresario Giorgio Wood aprirà il Drury Lane, nuovamente decorato e rimodellato pel nuovo uso a cui è destinalo. ... da Marchesi; avremo un'opera romantica di R. VVagntT Dcr Fliegender Ilollander, sotto il titolo L'olandese dannato.
Dwight's Journal of Music: A Paper of Art and Literature

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John Sullivan Dwight - 1869 - ‎Leggi - ‎Altre edizioni
Marchesi, is an accurate and meritorious version of the German text. ... Thus Mr. George Wood has, though lato in the season, redeemed another promise, and again justified the confidence reposed in his ... Tho operas performed during this week (the last of the season) havo been Otello (Monday); L'Olandese Dannato ...

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