Saturday, June 21, 2014

"IL PASTOR FIDO" di CARPIONI -- Villa Caldogno -- the three frescoes: I. THE CORONATION OF THE NYMPH AMARYLLIS, winner of the kissing competition; II. THE PURSUIT OF CORSICA by a satyr, and III. The wounding of Dorinda, mistaken by the shepherd SILVIO for one of his prey.


The scenes of the frescoes are derived from GUARINO GUARINI, "Il Pastor fido".

The frescoes unfold in three compartments on the walls.

Each contains an episode from the poem.

The compartments are embellished along the side edges with refined, colourful floral festoons.

In the corners of the room, as a connective element, are two unusual, extremely lively candelabra.

In the scenes from PASTOR FIDO, a dream-like dimension prevails.

The narration of events is presented in simple compositional schemes, delineating physiognomies of refined beauty enveloped in languid settings.

FIGURES distinguished by their clarity and precision, animated by calm gestures, stand out against the backdrop of a natural world that has been domesticated: an Arcadian landscape, characterized by luminous skies, brightened with clear blue tones.

it is a chromatic choice that seems to be dictated by the painter's desire to harmonise with the late-sixteenth-century frescoes already on site.

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