Friday, June 13, 2014

LOEB IS ALL YOU NEED -- L'Oppiano della Pesca; L'Oppiano della Caccia -- the editio princeps is Italian, VENEZIA 1517.


Oppiano is the name of the authors of two (or three) didactic poems in Greek hexameters, formerly identified, but now generally regarded as two different persons: Oppian of Corycus (or Anazarbus) in Cilicia; and Oppian of Apamea (or Pella) in Syria.
Oppian of Corycus (or Anazarbus) in Cilicia, flourished in the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
According to an anonymous biographer, his father, having incurred the displeasure of Lucius Verus, the colleague of Marcus Aurelius, by neglecting to pay his respects to him when he visited the town, was banished to Malta -- or more precisely an island on the Adriatic with the same Latin name (hence the confusion).
Oppiano, who had accompanied his father into exile, returned after the death of Verus (A.D. 169) and went on a visit to Rome.
Here he presented his poems to Marc'Aurelio, who was so pleased with them that he gave the author a piece of gold for each line, took him into favour and pardoned his father.
Oppian subsequently returned to his native country, but died of the plague shortly afterwards, at the age of thirty.
His contemporaries erected a statue in his honour, with an inscription which is still extant, containing a lament for his premature death and a eulogy of his precocious genius.
His poem on fishing ("Halieutica"), of about 3500 lines, dedicated to Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus, is still extant.

The other Oppiano is Oppiano of Apamea (or Pella) in Syria.
 His extant poem on hunting (Cynegetica) is dedicated to the emperor Caracalla, so that it must have been written after A.D. 211.
It consists of about 2150 lines, and is divided into four books, the last of which seems incomplete.
The author evidently knew The Halieutica, and perhaps intended his poem as a supplement.
--- So "L'OPPIANO DELLA CACCIA" knew of "L'OPPIANO DELLA PESCA", and perhaps called himself "OPPIANO" just to confuse readers. It's NOT your common-or-garden Roman name!
Like his namesake -- "L'Oppiano della pesca", "L'Oppiano della caccia" shows considerable knowledge of his subject and close observation of nature.

But in style and poetical merit he is inferior to "L'Oppiano della pesca".
His versification also is less correct.
The improbability of there having been two poets of the same name, writing on subjects so closely akin and such near contemporaries, may perhaps be explained by assuming that the real name of the author of the Cynegetica was NOT Oppian, but that he has been confused with his predecessor.
Remember that in those days there wasn't anything like OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS!
In any case, it seems clear that the two were not identical.

A third poem on bird-catching (Ixeutika), also formerly attributed to an Oppian, is lost, alas.
A paraphrase in Greek prose by a certain Eutecnius is extant.
The author is probably one Dionysius, who is mentioned by the Suda as the author of a treatise on stones (Lithiaca).


Editio Princeps, with Latin translation by Laurentius Lippius, Aldine edition,Venice, 1517;
Oppiani de Venatione libri IV., Parisiis apud Vascosanum, 1549;

Oppiani Anazerbei de Piscatu Libri V., de Venatione libri IV, Parisiis, 1555, apud Turnebum;
Oppiani Poetae Cilicis de Venatione lib. IV., de Piscatu lib. V., cum interpretatione latina, comment. et indice et opera Conradi Rittershusii, Lugduni Bat., 1597;

Poetae graec. veteres carmina heroici scriptores qui exstant omnes, apposita est e regione latina interpretatio......cura et recensione Iac. Lectii, Aureliae Allobrog., 1606;

Oppiani poetae Cilicis De venatione libri IV et De piscatione libri V. cum paraphrasi graeca librorum de aucupio, graece et latine, curavit Joh. Gottlob Schneider (1776);
F. S. Lehrs (1846);
U. C. Bussemaker (Scholia, 1849);
(Cynegetica) P. Boudreaux (1908).




English Translations:
(Halieutica) Diaper and Jones (1722, Oxford);
A. W. Mair (1928).


French translations:
(Cynegetica) Limes, Paris, 1817;
E. J. Bourquin (1877).


An Italian translation:
1728, Salvini, Florence.


See also[edit]


Portal icon Poetry portal
The Oppian Hill of Rome


Public Domain This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.




Categories: Ancient Greek poets
Late Antique writers
2nd-century poets
3rd-century poets

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